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COVID-19 Check-in



  • BumBum Posts: 2,525 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Luckily, when paper goes through a special printer it turns into money! Free money for everyone! YAY!

  • texdawgtexdawg Posts: 11,581 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Good points. I just don't agree.

    I have no problem with your stats or the articles that you and @YaleDawg are posting. I quite frankly believe they are probably accurate.....or at least for the most part.

    I understand there will be casualties from opening everything up.

    I also realize that you and your wife will probably not travel and probably shouldn't travel. And your demographic is who actually has real money in in this country. My parents are 73 and love to travel. They are still choosing to travel where they can, play golf and enjoy restaurants. They don't want to spend what time they may have locked up. Different strokes for different folks.

    But the death rate for this disease is ridiculously low. But as long as the media keeps reporting it the way that they do.... many people will still live in fear.

    College football player tests positive.. big deal. High school football player tests positive.....big deal.

    But like I said earlier......media won't keep reporting misleading and fearful information for much longer... many will be out of a job.

    The country simply can't survive any longer without everything opened up.

    Those people that actually create jobs and run businesses know this. Researchers, academia, professors live in a fantasy world.

    But one thing I've definitely learned from today......no one on this forum will change their mind......and we'll soon realize the consequences.

  • texdawgtexdawg Posts: 11,581 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    By the way......if its open.....enough people will buy. Take a look at Home Depot, Lowes and Walmart numbers over the past 4 months.

  • texdawgtexdawg Posts: 11,581 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Feel for those families that are probably going to lose everything. Too bad officials don't deem their income essential.

  • PerroGrandePerroGrande Posts: 6,185 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    You campaigning for Trump? He has been donating all of his pay since day one as president. Anybody else? 😂😂😂

  • Denmen185Denmen185 Posts: 7,453 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    There is no vaccine in Europe but they took they pain by closing (truly closing) everything for 2-3 months.

    They now are at low enough cases to trace and isolate and are carefully reopening.

    New Zealand has even done a better job.


  • Denmen185Denmen185 Posts: 7,453 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    And he refuses campaign contributions from big business and the rich plus gives free golf and lodging at his hotels worldwide. A model philanthropist. Hasn't cost the taxpayers a dime. 🤣🤣

  • PerroGrandePerroGrande Posts: 6,185 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Well, at least he is one reptile who has donated his pay to the public good. A little over a million is at least something. I'm with Kasey. I think every one of them should give all of their pay back to the taxpayers.

  • KaseyKasey Posts: 29,246 mod

    Yea and he took it all back with these extra golf trips the taxpayers foot the bill for but that’s how he does things I guess

  • GeorgiaGirlGeorgiaGirl Posts: 1,854 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I'll also add Target. The last time I went in one it was absolutely packed, and I believe it was before Georgia movement had fully caved (because there have been people studying that and saying that several chose to keep staying in while we were initially opening out of hesitancy although I will say our household didn't), but I also am in a major metro area (just not Atlanta).

    But I will say movement around still feels a tiny bit mixed to me. I went to a local state park that I'd consider to be fairly popular normally in late May and although it was a weekday, they didn't have to close and there weren't too many people around. A local deli that's been packed before not too long ago had a fair bit of service, but it was nowhere near what I've seen it be before (and it didn't seem like they were getting much takeout/delivery either on the day I was there). Yet the small town I traveled to for Memorial Day had about as full of a hotel I've ever seen, if you didn't see several people wearing masks (it was likely 50/50 though), the mall looked just about normal with traffic inside, and road traffic on some of the busiest roads in the area has been just as heavy as it is normally.

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