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Hey folks - as a member of the DawgNation community, please remember to abide by simple rules of civil engagement with other members:

- Please no inappropriate usernames (remember that there may be youngsters in the room)

- Personal attacks on other community members are unacceptable, practice the good manners your mama taught you when engaging with fellow Dawg fans

- Use common sense and respect personal differences in the community: sexual and other inappropriate language or imagery, political rants and belittling the opinions of others will get your posts deleted and result in warnings and/ or banning from the forum

- 3/17/19 UPDATE -- We've updated the permissions for our "Football" and "Commit to the G" recruiting message boards. We aim to be the best free board out there and that has not changed. We do now ask that all of you good people register as a member of our forum in order to see the sugar that is falling from our skies, so to speak.

The Hall Monitors

BamaDawgBamaDawg Posts: 2,523 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
edited December 2020 in General

So I saw that the "Vandy Walkout" thread was closed. Went and read it and I can't understand why. Did someone hurt a mod's feeling?

Its to the point that if something veers just a little of the beaten path, big brother steps in.

Just wonder what @MikeGriffith thinks about it. Did they do this in the 82nd?

I would asked @JeffSentell but we know he has unleashed a monster he can't reel back in.


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    PythonPython Posts: 157 ✭✭✭ Junior

    BTW one more comment about the Thumbs up/down...I don't check that box in either direction....If you give someone thumbs up then your name is fully displayed.....if you give someone thumbs down then your name is hidden.....I think these names should be listed

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    tfk_fanboytfk_fanboy Posts: 2,821 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    it used to be, it was a site change. I don't know if it was from dawgnation or the company that built the site.

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    BamaDawgBamaDawg Posts: 2,523 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    So complain about them closing discussions down and they close that discussion down. Thats sounds about right. I'm sure that is exactly what @JeffSentell invented them for.

    They (@JeffSentell and the mods) are so afraid something will be said that offends someone that they have taken censorship to the Orwellian levels.

    Thats why I love this site, stand back and watch the "historic" day in college football, but you can't talk about it because someone may day something we deem wrong.

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    MuffingodMuffingod Posts: 1,610 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I don’t agree with how everything is done, but it’s a free site with great info. If you don’t like how it’s run then find one you do like, even if it means you have to pay for it as you’ll probably be happier.

    To make 2 posts complaining about the same thing and insulting people by calling them scared to offend is just silly. You’re not going to get the response you want, whether they reply or not.

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    Canedawg2140Canedawg2140 Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
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    brady01brady01 Posts: 1,059 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Yep. Mods are ruining this great forum. If it doesn't fit their logic, they close it. Even though in the forum guidelines it says they will be closely monitored.. I don't see much monitoring happening. That's why i spend most of my time at TD nowadays ..

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    brady01brady01 Posts: 1,059 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    And I agree, the DV, UV, and OTs should be made public again. I get more OTs on random posts than anything. Lol

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    brady01brady01 Posts: 1,059 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    This Is what I think of everytime I see hall monitor. 😂😂😂

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    BamaDawgBamaDawg Posts: 2,523 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Just a few things from my last closed post (Hall Monitors II)....

    @Muffingod where did I say anyone was scared? I never used that word, just made some observations. Also, your idea about going to another site, I appreciate the suggestion. As for the info on this site, I really enjoy it. While I don't post as much as others, I always enjoy everyone else's opinions. Even if I don't agree with them.

    @Kasey. Where did I call you out at? I never mentioned you specifically. Just because I used the term "mods" in the general sense, didnt mean I was specifically thinking of you. You mentioned sending you a message and possibly working things out. Unfortunately we both know that isn't going to happen. While I appreciate what you and the other mods do to keep this site clean from things like vulgarity and BOTS and so forth, I just believe that yall take it to far sometimes and us discussing it privately isn't going to solve that. As for whiney postings l, one man's whiney post is another man's point of view.

    As I have said before (and in this post), I do appreciate a lot of the things that mods do (most are probably behind the scenes), but like anyone with any power, they sometimes take it to far. If me pointing that out is whiney, then I'm your Huckleberry.


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    BamaDawgBamaDawg Posts: 2,523 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate


    • Smart coaches have very few rules, too. Basically a "Be on time" and "Do the right thing" and "Don't do anything to hurt the program" mentality. Those are all encompassing. The abiding rule here is to treat this place like a friend's tailgate. Or the tailgate of someone you visit often and would consider a friend.
    • Would you say something at that tailgate you are about to post here? If not, please think it over. This program does derive from the South. Our mamas raised us better than to go messing up a good Saturday tailgage crowd.
    • NO SPAM
    • Personal attacks, name calling and insults on other community members, players, recruits or their families are unacceptable. ReminderPractice the good manners your mama taught you when engaging with fellow Dawg and even non-Dawg fans
    • Use common sense and respect personal differences in the community: sexual and other inappropriate language or imagery, political rants and belittling the opinions of others will get your posts deleted and result in warnings and/ or banning from the forum
    • This is a board to discuss college sports with a specific focus around UGA, SEC football, major college football and college football recruiting. (GUESS THIS DOESN'T INCLUDE THE VANDY KICKER). We respect and appreciate the civil discourse and intelligent engagement with fans of other schools and their teams. But just be advised that the flag waving above this virtual tailgate says “DawgNation” and the colors and red and black for a reason. 
    • We are not here to discuss hot-button political or social issues. There are plenty of other places for that. Threads that dovetail into these areas will be monitored closely. Some folks can't help themselves in these deeper waters.
    • Quotes from VIP articles from pay sites should be paraphrased and a link to the article must accompany any reference. Anymore than 2 paragraphs may be edited and post will be deleted if a link is not provided. No page snapshots from VIP sections are allowed.
    • No private messages shall be posted in the forums unless both or all parties agree to making the message public. Doing so will result in the post being deleted and/ or banning the poster from the forum. All Private Messages that are offensive should be reported to the Board Moderators.
    • Any post may be edited or deleted if it is deemed to be not within the standards of these guidelines. Moderators will be tasked with sharing via a PM why the thread was altered or deleted. We want to make sure our members get that initial courtesy. Because they deserve it.
    • The moderators of this site are mostly free speech fans, but we can only let things go so far.
    • No trolling and/or "stalking" members will be tolerated. If one seeks to define the boundaries of this policy, the moderators of this forum will be glad to define what those are to you.
    • Only one account will be allowed per Member. Alternative or multiple accounts will be deleted and banned.

    3/17/19 UPDATE -- We've updated the permissions for our "Football" and "Commit to the G" recruiting message boards. We aim to be the best free board out there and that has not changed. We do now ask that all of you good people register as a member of our forum in order to see the sugar that is falling from our skies, so to speak.

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    pocoyopocoyo Posts: 2,573 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Get over it, bro.

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    ziggyholidayziggyholiday Posts: 492 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
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    DvilleDawgDvilleDawg Posts: 2,698 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Dude, you need to give whatever this is a rest.

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    dawgnmsdawgnms Posts: 5,181 mod

    Nothing was altered or deleted everything is still there just not open for discussion.


This discussion has been closed.