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I can totally understand why the USWNT in soccer demands equal pay, they win almost everything



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    BankwalkerBankwalker Posts: 5,348 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited April 2019

    All true statements, but none have a thing to do with entertainment value. Female sports are less enjoyable to watch, so for me they better be attractive or I’m moving down the dial. The WNBA is a perfect example. Substandard performance compared to the men, and almost universally unattractive women. Women’s volleyball is another exception. I’d rather watch the women than the men, for obvious reasons. Call me a pig if you like. I’ll own it.

    And before anyone gets too high on their horse about this - does anyone doubt Tom Cruise’s or John Travolta’s “star power” would be diminished if it were acknowledged that either were gay?

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    TNDawg71TNDawg71 Posts: 2,221 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    The women in the case want an equal pay rate, which includes market factors. It has been ridiculous that they don't.

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    BankwalkerBankwalker Posts: 5,348 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Feel free to “ogle” women without fear of my ever labeling you a pig.

    There’s a reason women wear skirts when they play tennis, and it’s not so they can move more freely.

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    TeddyTeddy Posts: 7,109 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Yeah, I guess that's true equality, but I don't think women would like it that much.

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    LowcountryDawg21LowcountryDawg21 Posts: 3,404 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Serena herself has said she would never want to play professional men in a tournament. The men serve at higher velocities and are quicker. Also, as has been pointed out, they play longer matches.

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    ugaforeverugaforever Posts: 802 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    I'm good with what you are saying, I was just saying......it's a new world and we have to be open to the New World Order. The kids run the joint now. We are just old dragons. They can't hear you and don't care. The way you grew up is over. Get with it, or get left behind. Time suffers no fools

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    Denmen185Denmen185 Posts: 7,407 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Again I am all for equality but object to wanting the same pay while at the same time want to only play each other because the other gender are too good. The USWNT would get destroyed by the men's team if they played. Now, if the attendance, TV fees etc are comparable they would have a case but world-wide men's soccer is 1,000+ times more popular than women's.

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    TNDawg71TNDawg71 Posts: 2,221 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    The real point they are making is they want the same pay rate. The men get a higher percentage of the gate and of item sales. That makes zero sense. US Soccer gets to divide out the money they receive from FIFA as well. US Soccer was not willing to negotiate with the women, even when their contract was up. I can guarantee that the growth of the sport in this country is easily as much a result of the USWNT as the USMNT.

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    Raiderbeater1Raiderbeater1 Posts: 3,820 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Why not? Biological males are now putting on dresses and jumping into women’s sports. Integrating would solve the issue if everyone is in one pot.

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    swilkerson73swilkerson73 Posts: 1,122 ✭✭✭✭ Senior
    edited April 2019

    We live in a free market capitalist society.

    If they can negotiate their way to higher pay, more power to them.

    I've done it many times in my career.

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    JimWallaceJimWallace Posts: 5,758 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    There may be sports where women could compete well against men or even dominate. I can't think of any, but I'm not trying hard.

    Tennis? You've got to be kidding. No woman tennis player has a chance to beat any male professional tennis player. Ace. Ace. Ace. Ace. Game. Set. Match.

    That said, I'd much rather watch women's tennis. The men are so good I can't imagine having ever been able to stay on the court with them even back when I was a good tennis player. I played with pros but I always knew they were taking it easy on me so we could keep the ball in play and enjoy playing.

    There are several women's sports I enjoy. Number one is competitive cheerleading but beach volleyball is close. Those women are truly great athletes.

    Not sure this video is relevant, but maybe it is.

    Go, Dawgs!

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    WCDawgWCDawg Posts: 17,293 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    dawgforever. Your description fit men's tennis during the serve and volley Sampras era, not today's game though. Long rallies with amazing shots are common at the highest level.

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    WCDawgWCDawg Posts: 17,293 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    TNDawg. No doubt women deserve the same proportional share of the pie as men get.

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    WCDawgWCDawg Posts: 17,293 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Denman. I don't think it matters whether a top woman could beat a top man. It's business, the bottom line is how much money is brought in. If women outdrew men and took in more money, they would deserve to be paid more. Just keep it proportional for both sexes. If women bring in 40 million, pay them 40% of that 40 million. Both are made up numbers, just pay everybody the same percentage of what's taken in.

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    TNDawg71TNDawg71 Posts: 2,221 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I will also say, if you watch lower weight classes in Boxing and MMA, then that's similar to watching women's sports. Heck, even things like alternate swim strokes in the Olympics is similar.

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    UgaXforPresidentUgaXforPresident Posts: 275 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I think that most people would agree with the intent of this, but in practice there are issues with overhead costs. Staffing a stadium to support an event is a flat cost. The percentage argument ignores that there are some costs that are not a function of revenue.

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    ugaforeverugaforever Posts: 802 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    Please start a roll call if you watch the USA men's team soccer. Bet the roll call is longer for the Women's team. Yes, Men are better athletes, my whole thing was who would you rather watch? You all just take it to another place. Think hard. Who wears the pants in your family? Who sleeps on the sofa if things don't go her way? Need I say more. Puff out your chest all you want. You know.

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    TeddyTeddy Posts: 7,109 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    And I’d bet your wrong on the roll call. I’d rather watch the men’s team. Maybe those that don’t understand soccer would rather watch the women play.

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    ghostofuga1ghostofuga1 Posts: 9,049 mod

    If you sleep on the sofa....turn in the man card. Reason I bought a king size bed a large pillows. Not a man if you can't stay in the same room....

    With this said, I'll stick to the topic and regardless of gender, pay should be equal across the board...

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    BankwalkerBankwalker Posts: 5,348 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    The nice thing about message boards are the differing opinions where sometimes there isn’t a right or wrong. THIS is not such an example.

    I’ll take your bet. TV ratings for US soccer were down drastically for both men and women in 2018 - 47% for men and 20% for women. Yet, even with a much bigger drop, the men’s team still averaged @130,000 more TV viewers per game than the women.

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