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Best Films of the Past 20 Years



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    BankwalkerBankwalker Posts: 5,348 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Noel Devine had the best film I’ve ever seen.

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    AnotherDawgAnotherDawg Posts: 6,761 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
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    KnoxDawg865KnoxDawg865 Posts: 19 ✭✭ Sophomore

    Obviously none of you have seen The Human Centipede.

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    AnotherDawgAnotherDawg Posts: 6,761 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited February 2020
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    MinnesotaDawgMinnesotaDawg Posts: 552 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Really like your favorites for 2010-14 @AnotherDawg. A few others that I'd add on to the lists for those years:

    Margin Call (2011). Compelling, tense, tight story. Terrific acting.

    Before Midnight (2013). I'm a big Linklater fan and really enjoyed this series. Each of these movies and the main characters (and their faults) seem really authentic to me.

    Grand Budapest Hotel (2014). Seems you're either a fan of Wes Anderson or you're not. I am. Thought this one was great. Fantastically designed, charming, moving, and, of course, highly amusing.

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    NOVADAWGNOVADAWG Posts: 921 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
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    TurkDawgTurkDawg Posts: 1,606 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Agree 100% on Casablanca. I only recently realized this film was released while the war was still raging across Europe. Can't imagine the scene inside theaters when La Marseillaise scene was played.

    I got to visit the city of Casablanca last year and had dinner at the tribute Rick's Café. If interested, you can read my impressions of it here - https://railstales.com/2019/03/10/as-time-goes-by-in-casablanca/

    "Round up the usual suspects!"

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    razorachillesrazorachilles Posts: 1,273 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Reading the films on the list from the last 5 years was borderline depressing! Lol

    Feels like there have been some incredible individual performances - Phoenix absolutely crushed his performance in Joker even though the movie itself was just OK - but not a ton of compelling films. Loved Once Upon A Time in Hollywood and really thought it might have been the classic Oscar career-achievement makeup call the academy voters often like to select (ie - for Tarantino, even a screenwriting Oscar if not director); but was glad to see PItt get the best supporting nod.

    Really didn’t understand the fascination with Parasite...1917 wasn’t perfect but felt it was more Best Picture material than Parasite

    Then again - history is filled of great pictures and performances NOT winning. Pacino was excellent in Glengarry Glen Ross in 1992, but you honestly could have nominated and/or awarded the best supporting actor to Jack Lemmon, Ed Harris or Alec Baldwin (and I’m leaving off Kevin Spacey, Alan Arkin & Jonathan Pryce from that film, too).

    Gene Hackman (winner, in Unforgiven) and Nicholson (Few Good Men) were nominees in that category too and deservedly so...but really speaks to the depth of quality performances/films we enjoyed regularly not that long ago.

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    PTDawgPTDawg Posts: 2,169 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    So many great lines in that movie.

    "What is he like?" "Like any other man, only more so."

    "I came here for the waters." "There's no water. We're in the desert." "Oh, I was misinformed."

    "Here's looking at you, kid."

    "I'm shocked! Shocked to find out there is gambling going on in here." "Here are your winnings, sir." "Oh, thank you very much."

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    TurkDawgTurkDawg Posts: 1,606 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    “What’s your nationality?” I’m a drunk ard.

    Plus, the famous line most everyone quotes is never actually said! (Play it again Sam).

    Which is similar to a Munson misquote I’ve heard many time “Run Lindsay Run!” - Munson didn’t say this either during the 93 yard catch and run to beat Florida!!!

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    EastAtlDawgEastAtlDawg Posts: 2,943 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Wolf of Wall Street..

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    USADawgUSADawg Posts: 374 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    2004 - Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy

    Lots of Ferrell movies that I don’t like, but I will never not turn the channel to this one, much to my wife’s dismay. I laugh hard every time I see it.

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    RandomFanRandomFan Posts: 536 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
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    DamnYankeeDawgDamnYankeeDawg Posts: 1,139 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Agree. A few of my favorites not mentioned.

    "Where were you last night?" "That's so long ago, I don't remember." "Will I see you tonight?" " I never make plans that far ahead."

    "How extravagant you are, throwing away women like that." "Some day, they may be scarce."

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    HuckleberryHuckleberry Posts: 463 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Guardians of the Galaxy 1 and 2.

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    HipdawgHipdawg Posts: 88 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Oh snap, No Country for Old Men was the most intense movie in a long, long time. It made me feel sick , I guess because how realistic the subject matter was portrayed and how creepy the vilian was. Every scene was great except for the ending .

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    Steve_ZissouSteve_Zissou Posts: 307 ✭✭✭ Junior

    “The Master” is probably my favorite of the last 10

    “All the real Girls” is probably my favorite of the last 20

    ”Lebowski” favorite of the last 25. I’ve probably seen it 89 times

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    AnotherDawgAnotherDawg Posts: 6,761 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited March 2020

    OK, here's Part III of IV: Best Pictures, Blockbusters, Favorites, and Notable Films, 2005-2009.

    First, a couple of corrections from my last post. I mistakenly mentioned Jonah Hill as Jonah Goldberg, which I'm quite certain he wouldn't be happy about. Also, I included Whiplash in both the 2014 & 2015 lists. If you catch any errors below, large or small, feel free to point them out.


    Best Picture: The Hurt Locker

    Top grossing film: Avatar

    My favorite: Inglourious Basterds

    Honorable mention: Crazy Heart, Duplicity, An Education, The Hangover, Up in the Air, Up

    Comments: A good year for film. If you're a fan of small movies, An Education is beautiful and heart breaking, with great lead performances from Carey Mulligan and Peter Sarsgaard.



    Best Picture: Slumdog Millionaire

    Top grossing film: The Dark Knight

    My favorite: In Bruges

    Honorable mention: Iron Man, Kung Fu Panda

    Comments: If there are still any W00dy Allen fans out there, Vicky Cristina Barcelona is pretty good. Not a classic, but worth watching. Then again, anything with Penélope Cruz and Scarlett Johansson is worth watching.



    Best Picture: No Country for Old Men

    Top grossing film: Spider Man 3

    My favorite: Michael Clayton

    Honorable mention: Before the Devil Knows You're Dead, The Bourne Ultimatum, Gone Baby Gone, There Will Be Blood

    Comments: Michael Clayton features George Clooney in arguably his best role, plus memorable performances from Tom Wilkinson, Tilda Swinton and Sydney Pollack. Written and directed by the brilliant Tony Gilroy.



    Best Picture: The Departed

    Top grossing film: Pirates of the Caribbean- Dead Man's Chest

    My favorite: United 93

    Honorable mention: Apocalypto, Borat, Pan's Labyrinth, The Prestige, The Queen, Talladega Nights

    Comments: Also released in 2006, The Lives of Others, about the last days of East Germany under the Stasi, is the best foreign language film I've ever seen. Cannot recommend it highly enough.



    Best Picture: Crash

    Top grossing film: Star Wars Ep. III- Revenge of the Sith

    My favorite: Wedding Crashers

    Honorable mention: Batman Begins, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Walk the Line

    Comments: Given the alternatives, this seemed like a good year to recognize a comedy, and Wedding Crashers is certainly worthy. Great performances across the board: Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn in the lead roles, Rachel McAdams and Isla Fisher as their love interests, plus a supporting cast that included Bradley Cooper, Jane "Kitty Kat" Seymour, Will Ferrell, and the great Christopher Walken.

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    KaseyKasey Posts: 28,951 mod

    I saw Wedding Crashers four times the week it came out. One of my best friends was getting married the same week which probably led to some of it. My only complaint is in the latter half the movie gets a little lazy when the gay brother and Vince Vaughn have their scene. Everything after is a little too forced.

    Still fantastic though and still makes me laugh

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