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Georgia cornerback arrested on charges involving weapon, reckless conduct



  • DallasDawgDallasDawg Posts: 1,296 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I'll say up front that I don't know Nyland Green or anything about him. All I know is what I've read and what I see of glimpses of him on TV after the game. But on two of those glimpses I saw of him, by the stuff he was doing after the game, I honestly thought to myself, "this is a kid who is really self-centered.." I can't give you a solid reason for that thought, but it's what went through my head. The charges don't sound like the worst thing ever, then again, why do ANYTHING that might even remotely bring you into contact with law enforcement? Thank God, he's not a frontline-player. Honestly, even though we're thin at the position, he's still not really a help. As thin as we are in the secondary, he's till managed to play in only 3 games -- all blowouts -- so hopefully this won't hurt the team. Go Dawgs!

  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,114 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I just Now got that it was a BB gun !! I thought ( Wrongly on my part) that some of the comments were references to the guys who got in trouble before over using BB guns. This makes it all the more absurd on the part of law enforcement At Least at This point in time based on the information available. Back in my time in HS plenty of guys had Rifles and Shotguns in racks in their pickup trucks. Very clearly visible. IF there was a rule against them the school sure didn’t enforce it !! And I Know for a fact that was the same way at several other schools and not just in our county. I’ll be as honest as I know to be on this. All through my years in HS I don’t recall hearing or reading in the newspaper or seeing on local TV of one single shooting at Any HS in Georgia !! Yet all those firearms readily available. In fact I don’t recall anything like that in the entire southeastern part of the country !! NOT saying none happened but if they did I don’t recall them. The only school related shooting that my mind can pull up was the TA&M bell tower shooting which was Terrible !! It’s not and never will be an excuse, No !! But it turned out that guy had very deep mental health issues that no one picked up on or weren’t properly addressed. With all the Real shootings with Very dangerous firearms you’d think a BB gun would be at the bottom of law enforcement’s list. HOWEVER just as in My mind I’m giving this young man the benefit of doubt until ALL the details come out and clarification is established, law enforcement deserves the same consideration. We’ll get the full and clear story soon enough and Then we will all be better informed of Who was in the Right or Wrong on this situation, and to what extent.

  • JudgeDog31JudgeDog31 Posts: 30 ✭✭ Sophomore

    Not great, but not career ending. At all. 1-2 games suspension. And probation.

  • David1David1 Posts: 804 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Are you kidding me? Idiot.

  • JimWallaceJimWallace Posts: 5,845 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Could we charge the cops and the lawmakers with stüpidity?

    A BB gun felony?

  • UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,872 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited November 2021

    Remember a couple of years ago when 2 Bama players were caught in a car with pot and a stolen (real) gun? All charges dismissed. Judge didn't want to disrupt an otherwise potentially bright future. Hopefully this young man learned a valuable lesson and will be back properly educated next year. His disciplinary action will be dictated by the UGA code of conduct infraction guidelines.

  • sthop456sthop456 Posts: 75 ✭✭✭ Junior
    edited November 2021

    Must be a slow day for the Athens popo having to go after dangerous BB gun bandits. I see over-charges reduced and a waste-of-time diversion program given out for this dumb-but-not-dangerous mistake. BTW, I knew someone who got arrested by the Athens PD for 'making terroristic threats' for throwing a snowball (Snowjam '82). charges eventually dropped by the judge.

  • EricDawgs1EricDawgs1 Posts: 602 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    To all you folks saying cut him and bs like he's a bad kid ****

  • SpdawgSpdawg Posts: 362 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    This time of year, all I can hear in my head is someone saying in a mocking voice, “you’ll shoot your eye out, you’ll shoot your eye out”. Fine the kid for the window, suspend him for a game and move on. If this was Nelly Green from the vet school, the student wouldn’t even have been charged.

  • UGA66UGA66 Posts: 4,205 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    This guy is still a teenager, I believe. The good of the team has not yet registered with him. I hope he gets a good scare and grows up. However, a felony for a BB gun is a bit much...though one kid in our HS's eye was put out from a BB gun shot. Hopefully, this will all work out.

  • MobileDawgMobileDawg Posts: 324 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    What would Saban do? Sounds like Barney Fife to me. Just Wow....

  • SmartsTheManSmartsTheMan Posts: 1,528 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    A felony for having a BB gun? Someone will say, it's the law. It's still ridiculous!

    Keep illegal guns off college campuses. Absolutely! Laws that treat a BB gun, like it's a real gun are asinine!

  • DawgmanDawgman Posts: 1 ✭ Freshman
    edited November 2021

    This is a bunch of horse hockey.......

    A BB gun is not a firearm.

    As someone said below, Barney freaking Fife must have been working last night.

  • dogs_n_bravesdogs_n_braves Posts: 121 ✭✭✭ Junior

    For the love of all that is holy . . . a bb gun? Felony charges for a f'n bb gun? What has happened to the state of Georgia that a young man can't goof around with his friends and some bb guns? We used the "1 pump rule" and shot each other on purpose with bb guns when I was a kid in Georgia.

    Utter insanity. And, for all of you lily-livered sh*ts saying this kid is toxic and reckless and whatever else, you might want to think about switching to cheering for some other team in some other sport. Perhaps, curling is more your speed. Or, knitting. No, not knitting. My grandmothers used to laugh when we came home with welts from bb gun shots . . . and they were excellent knitters.

  • WCHWCH Posts: 489 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    This sounds like the campus poh-leese came to the rescue when some sensitive student reported a dry fire bb gun event. Who reported it? Were the 2 just playing around? Firearms are legal on all Georgia campuses. But, a question comes to mind ... when has a BB gun in Georgia ever been classified as a "firearm"? Would that be never? Hey boys, get yourselves a very good lawyer and make this go away.

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