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Georgia teammates come to defense of Jalen Carter after Todd McShay report



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    CandlerParkCandlerPark Posts: 690 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Actually, McShay doesn't cite any source -- anonymous or on the record. Everything he says during the whole bit is in the passive voice (e.g. "there are some character issues" rather than "scouts are worried about character issues"). Sourcing is one of the first things readers or viewers should look for when evaluating the credibility of a story.

    Making an explosive claim that could seriously damage this young man's livelihood without any attribution is truly irresponsible. It's one thing for a former player or coach who's now an ESPN pundit to mouth off his opinion; it's quite another for one of their supposed journalists to do that.

    Other than the dustup with Mizzou, I don't recall anything controversial or reflecting poorly on Carter's "character." You'd think there would be more than one incident if, as McShay implies, NFL scouts are concerned about him.

    It's still possible that McShay's simply reporting what scouts and others are telling him. it's difficult to say that Carter doesn't have a character issue just because it's always difficult to prove a negative.

    But it's also possible that McShay heard this rumor from one guy who has some sort of axe to grind, or that he just remembered the Mizzou incident and figured that gave him license for a hot take that would get a lot of attention.

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    StiffneckStiffneck Posts: 82 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Another so-called ESPN expert generating click bait.

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    TrippTripp Posts: 514 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    Like I tell them in The business world, tell me who said it or it has no validity to me. ESPN needs to do better speculating on a young man in negative base on an Anonymous source. Very poor journalism and very lazy of Mcshay. Not sure of the facts on the motive but McShay or his anonymous source definitely has one.

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    David1David1 Posts: 736 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    KBP, I’d be more concerned if Kirby did address it than if he didn’t. If someone asks him about it, he might give an answer, but I doubt he’s wasting his time on something so trivial. Do you have reason to believe this story is more important than the whole team getting ready for the peach bowl? Go Dawgs!!

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    VetdawgVetdawg Posts: 761 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Agreed…. Go dawgs.

    A mature individual keeps himself out of those situations to start with.

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    thadecthadec Posts: 611 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    @Vetdawg and @khummel

    You two are right: a mature individual keeps himself out of those situations. Jalen Carter is 20. Are we going to delude ourselves concerning the percentage of 20 year olds that are mature? Before you respond, please consider the car insurance rates for that demographic.

    SB IV - the leader of this team - is 25. That's a good thing. But the rest of the UGA players? I just don't get the idea where we hold college athletes to higher standards than we expect of the general population, or even to higher standards that other college students have to meet. Cruise around the UGA campus any given Saturday night and tell me what percentage of the UGA undergrads could adhere to the maze of NCAA regulations. What percentage of them could meet Kirby Smart's disciplinary standards. What percentage of them would hold up under the constant media (news and social) scrutiny. Or the invasive background investigations that are part of the NFL predraft process.

    I just don't get the idea that we should hold guys in their teens and very early 20s to the same maturity standards as we do 40 year olds with a wife, 3 kids, job, mortage and 8 years of military service just because they are college athletes. Look, we know the coaches who just let their athletes run around and do whatever they want. We also know that this doesn't describe Kirby Smart, nor did it describe Mark Richt. So if Jalen Carter had actual maturity or character issues worthy of note, Kirby Smart would have given Carter a "my way or the highway" thing ages ago. And keep in mind: I am actually someone who isn't exactly a Kirby Smart fan or one who agrees with Smart's decisions. Quite the contrary, I criticize Smart on here all the time. So I am not a homer who views the world through UGA-colored glasses. But we have ample evidence from Smart's track record that if there was a problem with Carter, Smart would have taken actions to address it ages ago.

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    KBPKBP Posts: 381 ✭✭✭✭ Senior


    I don't see McShay's comment as trivial. It's an unfounded assault on Carter's character on a National platform. How is that not close to being slander along the lines of what Doug Gottlieb said about Freddie Freeman's agent? Coach Smart should be able to defend his players AND prepare for a game that is 16 days away. What if this was said about Jordan Davis, Nakobe Dean or Brock Bowers leading up to the Orange Bowl last year? I wonder if it would have been trivial then, guys who there never was any question raised about their character. It's trivial if I or someone else not in the business of NFL draft reporting says it. It's not trivial coming from McShay.

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    DJG76DJG76 Posts: 212 ✭✭✭ Junior
    edited December 2022

    I learned everything I will ever need to know about Jalen's character when he restrained himself from biting Jaden's head off when he picked him up! Now concerning Todd McShay.....If ever they did meet, I'm sure Jalen would walk away rather than take the time to even flush that ****.

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,430 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Carter should go ahead and "Lawyer-Up". Lol. If they track his fiduciary value from the time ESPN/McShay spewed their garbage...and they can prove his stock is devalued as a result of the words they used....

    He can SUE their collective asses for damages. Somebody needs to teach em a lesson in humility...and, "fair & accurate" reporting. Lol. At the very least, he could force McShay to reveal his source...if he has one.

    Nowadays, reporters just go on Google or Twitter and report what they see and hear without regard to truth and accuracy. They leave it up to those entities to vet the stories for them. We're seeing how that's been working out, now that Musk pulled back the Wizard's curtain.

    The media does basically the same thing any of the rest of us can do, without them. There is no such thing as an "Investigative reporter", anymore. Until people demand higher standards from their News Media...what you see, is what you get. Take it with a grain of salt.

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    JAMossman93JAMossman93 Posts: 6 ✭ Freshman

    I think that someone who would spread an unfounded narrative from "anonymous sources" is the one with character issues. If you have a reliable source, say who it is. If you have to keep them anonymous, then don't report it. If I was Carter I would file a defamation suit and own Mcshay.

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    rxmasterrxmaster Posts: 124 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Sorry, but it has to be said, these are among the most ridiculous takes ever recorded on this site.

    He was simply doing exactly what Kirby told him to do in that situation, or don't you remember?

    "when they start talking, just laugh....don't say ****, because we are disciplined"

    So because Mizzou wants to start a fight, a fight he was not aware they wanted to start until he happened to walk by not engaging them, Carter is not allowed to make a lap around the stadium? Disciplined individuals don't escalate, and he didn't. Stop with the "a smile could be interpreted.." garbage. Simply not responding could be interpreted differently too. Instigators are going to do what they do...instigate. They wanted a fight, and Carter didn't give it to them. He simply stood his ground against a bunch of wannabe bullies because in Kirby's own words, he is disciplined.

    And to incline that a potentially career ending chop block into the side of his knee is somehow a "lesson" because he smiled back at some trash talk? Just wow....the level of stupidity in some of these statements is why I worry for this country. There is no equivalence in those acts.

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    Alexander_the_LateAlexander_the_Late Posts: 42 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Todd's possibly basing his suspicions on Jalen's behavior on the field prior to the Missouri game. Admittedly, that was bad and **** behavior that fired up the Missouri players 10x more than any bulletin board material could. And, considering that Jalen was injured and unable to participate much or effectively, it made no sense. However, that doesn't point to Jalen being any problem in the locker room. McShay isn't generally an idiot, so perhaps he dis get some info from someone with access to the locker room who doesn't care for Jalen's particular energy. I don't know. We don't know. But, it's very doubtful that Jalen is toxic in the locker room given that his coach is Kirby Smart, and just like Homie the Clown, Kirby don't play that.

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    RS289RS289 Posts: 18 ✭ Freshman
    edited December 2022

    Why is the media so bias against the Dawgs. ESPN, Todd Blackledge they use every chance they get to knock Ga.

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