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Report: Stetson Bennett turns down opportunity to compete at Senior Bowl



  • PopeyethesailorPopeyethesailor Posts: 443 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    SB4 does not have the arm strength of others playing. He is quick, but not as elusive as others. He is not as tall as other qb's. The one thing that SB4 does better than ANYONE is WIN. He is a better WINNER of games than any other player in NCAA football. But that skill is not evaluated at the senior bowl. There is nothing riding on who wins that game. No championship. No pressure. Win, lose no difference. Just go out and show your physical talents, of which, SB4 has few. Smart move. He can't show his winning talent in a game where the winner does not matter.

  • UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,879 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Young and Stroud aren't going because they will be Top 10 picks. SBIV is forecasted to a 5th rd or later pick by everybody but 1 guy. There is a lot that he could do to help himself. There is a lot of money to be made by moving up in the draft.

    This is a 25 year old guy who has not come off well in interviews. This is an opportunity to change those perceptions by demonstrating leadership and showing off his "measurables".

    Not a good look for the NFL teams. Certainly not representative of the guy UGA fans have come to expect to not back down in any fight.

  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,138 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited January 2023

    @thadec Well I guess you told Dawgs fans a thing or two !! Gosh they forgot that their All wrong and your Always right. I mean your fingers are probably very tired from searching the Internet for all the history and stats. Now back to what the article was Really about. That Stetson Bennett appears to be turning down an opportunity to participate in the Sr. Bowl. Not all those other QBs you cited, Just Stetson. He’s what the article is about. Now I can assume and speculate with the best of Em. And as I understand it, Stetson does have an agent representing him. So could it be his agent Advised him against participating in the Sr. Bowl ? Or is Stetson just ignorant like it seems You are trying to imply ? If he’s ignorant I sure wish some of that would rub off on me as he made over a million $$ last year in NIL and will probably make more. So I tend to think he’s following the advice of his agent. Why ? I have no clue. I’m not a professional sports agent who also many times make Big $$ by guiding these athletes. But @thadec maybe you should pass all your history and stats on to Stetson’s agent for use. Who knows maybe he’ll pay you $1.25 for your efforts. Go Dawgs !! Go Stetson !! P.S. About your rant about Dawgs fans, at least we can Read. You know like at the top of this site where it says DawgNation for now it says Dawgs National Champions. Maybe they should put a 4x behind that !!

  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,138 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I don’t watch the NFL and could care less about them. But I did watch out of pure boredom about 70% of the 49ers vs. Cowboys game. I was channel surfing and happened on that and thought what the heck I’ll watch some of it. In my humble opinion watching Purdy operate for the 49ers, I Honestly believe that with NFL practices, some NFL snaps in real games where they hold a big lead as I understand that Purdy has had. I think Stetson could do Just As Good, actually imho Better than Purdy. Of Course the team that takes Stetson would need to have a system that’s favorable to his talents, I mean in all positions that’s what NFL agents are looking for right ? Players that will fit Their systems. I think the Coachability thing is media taking a minor issue and blowing it out of proportion for increased readership. As back when I Did watch the NFL it’s not uncommon At All for QBs and other players at the NFL level to get into arguments with coaches and vice versa. BUT for both they tend to resolve those quickly and get on with the business at hand. So the big hype about Stetson’s coachability is mainly just that, Negative Hype for clicks. And a good portion of that is close to home shall I say ? So just like he has all along I hope Stetson will once again make them eat that skinny and bony crow with no butter, salt & pepper to improve the taste !! And people wonder why he gets snarky with the media sometimes. 🙄 P.S. I wonder if those same people could take the same level of criticism they so generously love to ladle out ?

  • 1SICemDAWGS11SICemDAWGS1 Posts: 1,930 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited January 2023

    And neither Watson, or Lawrence won 2 National titles, and neither won the MVP award for 4 CFP games. I've seen you post NUMEROUS times that Bennett WILL NOT be drafted by a NFL team, and now you say he gets drafted 🙄 what a glaring contradiction from some of your other comments about Bennett. And by the way..this article has NOTHING to do with either of those clemson QB's. Sad when Google is your best friend.. Stats don't win games, only on paper do they give you an edge over your opponent. I've watched hundreds upon hundreds of NCAA games in my life. And never have printed stats won agame..NEVER.

  • reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,756 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I honestly don't know what SB would stand to gain from going. Prove he's a nice guy? What does that mean? Is Burrow a nice guy or a does he think his stuff don't stink? Ever seen his uhm suit he wears to the playoff games? LOL! I think it was he that started the whole cigar celebration after the NC. Guy is an egotistiacal son of a gun, but all he does is win.

    SB will still go to the Pro-days and the combine and have to make throws and be grilled mentally also. To go play in a game that means absolutley nothing, you're not going to be that sharp, you'll have zero adrenaline after all the adrenaline rushes of the SECC and the Playoffs. Like bringing in you closer in the 9th inning when you have a 10 run lead. And there's no adrenaline and the guy gets killed. He must not be any good. LOL!

  • 1946Dawgshappened1946Dawgshappened Posts: 66 ✭✭✭ Junior

    So in summary, Griffith has yet another article bashing Stetson. It's just what he does.

  • UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,879 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    "I don't know what Stetson would stand to gain". Really? Read navydawg above.

    Okay, SBIV is as good or better than Brock Purdy. Ya think Brock Purdy would've liked to have had another chance to prove how good he was before the last NFL draft? And maybe, I don't know, impress someone enough to move up? SBIV IS just as big as predicted #1 pick BYoung. With arguably the same arm strength.

    So now Brock Purdy is a starting NFL QB in the NFC CG .....with a 7th rd contract. For 3 more years.

    "I don't know what Stetson would stand to gain". It is a bad look (as a future NFL QB) to look like you don't have the confidence to go for what you have to gain vs shying away for fear of what you have to lose.

    What SBIV always had going for him was heart. Now there will be another question in NFL GM's minds.

  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,138 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Just my humble opinion, but that cockiness that Stetson has and shows is a very large part of what makes him, him. It’s his internal driving force that helps him to win. I mean Even Kirby Smart and Coach Monken have admitted they didn’t want Stetson at first !! But they Also said he kept Showing them over and over why they Should give him an opportunity. His lack of the prototypical ideal QB attributes have been thrown in his face over and over again. By Allot of people but especially the media talking heads sports “ experts”. So in my humble opinion, in a different way, over time, Stetson developed this internal persona like Herschel Walker the Will to Win. In Stetson’s case being cocky is an integral part of that internal persona. In his heart I don’t think the guy is Really arrogant. I think he just has this Well I’ll Show You persona that he uses to offset those physical attributes he lacks. He Does have pretty good wheels. He’s shifty in his mobility. I think his arm strength is Better than many give him credit for though not as strong as some other QBs in his same time. His accuracy though sometimes off and on is very good when it’s on. His accuracy Did seem to get better in his last year as well as his arm strength. He had one or two bad games INT wise during his last regular season, but Far from being an INT machine. Over all he Did improve significantly in his last year, so To Me that squelches the Coachability hype. Much of the media seem to try to paint him being 25 yrs. old as a negative. No it’s not. He has more on field experience. He by and large keeps his composure on field. He’s not been involved to my knowledge in an off field. “ Incidents”. Now the much of the media doesn’t like him because he calls them out on their Overly Critical hype. But just like They accuse him of, if you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen. In summary in the right NFL system, with NFL practices, getting in NFL games when his team has the score up him serving as a backup QB initially, Yes in time I think he’d do quite well. How far could he go ? I have no clue. But with the provisions I outlined I think he would be successful. That Will To Win simply cannot be measured in stats, and really even comparisons to other QBs. Stetson is Stetson. And I for one am pulling for him to be as successful as he can possibly be !!

  • 1946Dawgshappened1946Dawgshappened Posts: 66 ✭✭✭ Junior

     "It is a bad look (as a future NFL QB) to look like you don't have the confidence to go for what you have to gain vs shying away for fear of what you have to lose"

    What NFL team do you scout for again? Since you seem to be such an expert.

  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,138 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @UGADad20 I see what your saying. It’s OK for me and you and other fans to speculate and opine on Why he declined the offer to play at the Sr. Bowl. We will have microscopic to no impact on NFL decisions. But media Can and many times I’m pretty confident Does affect NFL decisions at least to some degree. So if they paint in very negative terms that he shied away it certainly won’t Help him any. I don’t think You were trying to paint it as a negative, I think you were just trying to illustrate the Perception. And in life many times perception can over rule reality. Like I said in my post I don’t know Why his agent would advise him not to participate but that’s who I’m assigning much of the decision to. I find it hard to believe that Stetson would just arbitrarily reject going. And if that’s the case one would think his agent would have said NO !! You Need to go. So for whatever reasons that I really don’t understand his agent must be the one that said Don’t go ?? But unfortunately for Stetson your right about the perception issue. And as Stetson has been ( many times rightfully so, though it’s a No Win fight vs media) snarky several times with media they will be like sharks in the water. Media has gotten more and more and more sensationalism driven rather than factual driven. They Like to create as much hype as they possibly can, and it’s very simple as to Why. Many times factual can be Boring. But the My Sister Married a Teenage Martian is much more entertaining !! I don’t have a sister, but I’d rather her date a Martian than a Bama fan !! 😀

  • reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,756 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Look none of us know why SB turned down the offer, unless he has come out and said so. If he did, I didn't see it, and if he did just disregard the following. Was it a late offer? like after he won the NC again? I honestly don't know. Maybe he already made some plans, like to take his family on a trip or something, just surmising. But the question remains what does he have to prove that he hasn't already proved or that can't be seen from watching tape?

    He's not going to grow another inch or two. HIs arms not going to get stronger. It's not like he's some obscure player who needs to get in front of some GM's so they can get a good look at him instead of wading through endless hours of video (not going to do it)trying to find where a guy made a tackle against a NFL type opponent. Boring. They hire guys to do that.

    IMHO at this point it's like asking the guy to just do one more trick for us. We're still not sure, but hey, you may convince us otherwise. Whether you hate him or love him to death or can take him or leave him, he's handled everything thats been thrown his way. At some point he just may be thinking, if I haven't convinced you by now, I'm just not going to.

  • UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,879 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Right. Because it worked so well for Jamie Newman who thought he would be a #1 pick and then sat out ......and wasn't drafted at all.

    You don't think "it is a bad look (for any athlete) to look like you don't have the confidence to go for what you have to gain"? As a competitor in a professional sport, you couldn't have a worse look.

    Apparently you don't follow the NFL draft. There are countless stories of GM's challenging and questioning guys for why they did or didn't do something. The questions about Dez Bryant's mother by Miami GM Jeff Ireland are just 1 example.

    QB is the face of the franchise and a leadership position. You can bet SBIV will be asked about the why during his combine interviews. Probably not even so much for his answer but just to see how he responds.

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,484 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited January 2023

    Lol...that guy is all over the place, with his advice and analysis. Always has been.

    Fact is...no QB ever increased his value by playing in a game designed for the other positions to showcase their talent. In the Senior Bowl...the QB is a necessary installment that distributes the ball and provides a target for blitzing defenders.

    The rules regulating offensive and defensive schemes, prevent a QB with Bennett's skillset from showcasing those skills. Bennett would not profit one iota, from a Senior Bowl performance. The scouts have seen all they need to see from him, on the football field. Now, it's about intangibles.

    Defensive linemen and LB's are not allowed to stunt. No designed blitzes allowed. There are no designed QB runs and even if there were, the QB would be running behind an offensive line that just learned the playbook and have been working together for all of 1 week.

    Nope...I think the scouts have what they need from the QB position, at this point in draft analysis. Especially from Bennett, as he led the Dawgs for 2 years, losing only once. Unlike most of the other draftable QBs, he played in 15 games this year...not 12 or 13 or 14. So, he's wayyy ahead of the game, in that regard.

    Personally, I wouldn't want to play for a team, that waited until an insignificant game, such as the Senior Bowl, to make up their mind on whether or not I could play at the next level. Especially, if I had Bennett's resume'.

    If you do a little "risk vs reward" analysis...there's no way Bennett playing in the Senior Bowl makes any sense. I would recommend he does exactly what he's doing. Skip the Bowl...get ready for the pre-draft examinations.

    Even a slight injury could derail his participation in the far more important, NFL sponsored examinations. Bottom line is...he can only hurt his draft prospects in the Senior Bowl. QBs split the load, similar to Spring Games, so he would only participate in 2-4 series.

    Even the Pro-Bowl eliminated tackling. They're playing flag football this year with some skills competitions thrown in for fans.

    Senior Bowl...Pro Bowl...same, same. It's not football...it's a show for the fans, using fan-favorites. Not a job interview or qualification test, as some on here seem to think. Lol

    Yeah, I know that NFL Scouts and Coaches will attend....but, it's not "to scout the QB position". They may interview some of the QBs and watch em throw some, in practice sessions...which they will soon get to observe at pro-days and the Combine, anyway.

  • DawgOnDawgOn Posts: 266 ✭✭✭ Junior

    A bad move in my opinion. Appearing unwilling to show how well he would fare against future NFL players isn't a good look. However, I wish him well, of course.

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