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Georgia receiver Marcus Rosemy-Jacksaint arrested on reckless driving and speeding charges



  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,483 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    "I 'earned' a reckless driving at about his age,,, it couldn't have been a speeding charge 'cause all I could afford was a Pinto."____Chief

    🤣🤣🤣...now, that's funny...I don't car who you are. "The Pinto"...Lol...man, if you had to drive a Pinto back then, I bet it was hard to find "a Date". I'm sorry for you Brother. There was another car with similar disrepute...and, I can't remember what it was, to save my life.

    FYI...I drove a Mustang II, 4 cylinder, 4-speed...sporty, but slow. My Dad wouldn't trust me with anything bigger than 4-cylinders. I stripped the nylon gears one night, practicing the double-clutch. Lol...I had some splainin' to do after my Dad talked to the mechanic.

  • 1SICemDAWGS11SICemDAWGS1 Posts: 1,925 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,483 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Lmao...both, now that I think about it. But, I gotta say...the "Volkswagen Beetle" was King. Now, it's a collector's item.

  • Billy2131Billy2131 Posts: 169 ✭✭✭ Junior

    One player and one UGA employee have already been killed this year doing the Charger speeding raceway thing. Still these idiots keep thinking father Grime Reaper wont show up again and they will be stone cold on a slab at the morgue or innocent victim(s) won't be left dead in some rubble of plastic or metal out on Loop 10 or anywhere else in Athens.

    Enough is enough with the out of control Dodger racing lifestyle... Kirby, about time to make someone accountable that is living not dead . 2-4 game suspension I say and tacking playing time away will hurt these players big time for stats for the NFL draft stock.

    No words but enough is enough

  • HemingweyHemingwey Posts: 4,027 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    “Enough is enough with the out of control Dodger racing lifestyle... Kirby, about time to make someone accountable that is living not dead . 2-4 game suspension I say and tacking playing time away will hurt these players big time for stats for the NFL draft stock.”

    I get your point. However, the goal is (or ought to be), driving home the message without hurting the team’s chances of winning during the season. A successful strategy would actually improve the football program and the Dawgs’ performance on the field, as well as in life outside of football.

  • 1SICemDAWGS11SICemDAWGS1 Posts: 1,925 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    He was Arrested for Reckless driving..at 90 mph it's almost a guarantee he was weaving in and out of traffic..therefore the proper reckless driving charge was issued..the same as it is for everyone. He'll be lucky if his license isn't suspended, and has to attend defensive driving classes, and pay a fee to get his driving privileges back.

  • 1SICemDAWGS11SICemDAWGS1 Posts: 1,925 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    As they should be arrested..Driving is a privilege NOT a right, you screw up, you pay the price, as you should..Plain and Simple. It's called accountability for your actions instead of laying the blame elsewhere. If you're going to be s-t-u-p-i-d, you best be tough..

  • 1SICemDAWGS11SICemDAWGS1 Posts: 1,925 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I took my driving test in my mom's Pinto Station wagon many moons ago lol

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,625 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    That's good stuff there. I can relate as I had a 10 year old Monza that looked like a red cockroach. When you got up to 50mph the car started to shake. To hit 60 you had to floor it on a downhill and the whole thing was rattling around like the Challenger about to explode.

  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,120 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    OK as I have done many, many times on here I completely confess that I did more than my fair share of Stoopid crap in my younger years. So I don’t want to be a hypocrite about it.

    But ironically me and the missus almost got in a wreck by some Total and Complete IDIOT passing us on a blind spot with Double Yellow lines on a narrow mountain road !!

    And the Idiot was trying to compete with the Blue Angels for speed and maneuvers only in a SUV !! Then after all that effort ( and almost killing us ) he got caught up behind a tractor trailer truck at a red light !! So all that speed and maneuvers were Wasted !!

    Honestly I don’t know what it’s gonna take to get players at UGA to knock off the Stoopid stuff. I mean two people dying, and others with mental health issues for life ain’t enough ?? I feel bad for Kirby, I honestly don’t know the answers. All I could think to do would be make them run gassers After normal practice until they think their gonna die !!

    BUT the regulations on football prohibit such extremes these days. When I went through Boot Camp they had at the very least a temporary cure for Stoopid. And that was to PT you till you Wanted to die !! So you might make other mistakes, but you sure as crap wouldn’t make the one that got you that PT again !!

    I don’t know, I don’t have the answers, but it’s as Selfish as you can get when you put Other people’s lives at risk. YOU have a death wish, then do your Stoopid crap on a lonely road late at night when there’s absolutely zero other people on the road. Take your own self out, but let other people Live !! End of rant !! Thanks I feel better now Lol !! 😀

  • JimmyBobJimmyBob Posts: 197 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Simple. Suspend them from playing, accelerating the number of the more tickets they get. Talking to them is doing nothing!

  • JimmyBobJimmyBob Posts: 197 ✭✭✭ Junior

    2 deaths didn’t do it, and Jalen Carter losing 10’s of millions from a major drop in the draft didn’t do it, so what “successful strategy” do you suggest?

  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,120 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I took my drivers license test in a 67 Chevy pickup, 6 cylinder engine, with 3 on the tree ( 3 speed on the column for you younger folks). I was so nervous I caught a wheel in Daddy’s truck. The State Trooper just smiled and said Calm down son. He knew I was nervous Lol !!

    But that was my only error, I got the rest all right and got my learners license at 15 yrs. old. Then a year later my regular license. But I’d been driving that same truck since I was 12 !!

    Some times on the open public road in the line of duty farming. But I was Ultra careful. It was kinda rare to have to go on the public highway but I did when helping Daddy farm necessitated it. Gotta do what you gotta do back then to make a living.

    But I bet I was driving much more carefully than people much older than me !! And Daddy would only let me do that when there were no other options available. Drove an 8N Ford tractor at 7 years old. In the field and on the road, which helped prepare me to drive the pickup truck later. Those were hard but Good ole days. Some of the best of my life.

  • bigfatdawgbigfatdawg Posts: 1 ✭ Freshman

    We as alumni, season ticket holders, and fans need to stop blaming the police. I don't know what more the coaching staff and/or the university administration can do, but like others have said.....ENOUGH!! National titles are GREAT! I was a student during the 1980 season and a season ticket holder since the 1982 season. I waited with the rest of Dawg fans for the team to regain it's national standing. If it takes suspensions or worse, I can take a drop in standing to try to put an end to this stuff!!!! So, we lose a few MORE players to the ridiculous transfer portal.....DO SOMETHING!!!!

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