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Georgia receiver Marcus Rosemy-Jacksaint arrested on reckless driving and speeding charges



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    1SICemDAWGS11SICemDAWGS1 Posts: 1,829 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    As they should be arrested..Driving is a privilege NOT a right, you screw up, you pay the price, as you should..Plain and Simple. It's called accountability for your actions instead of laying the blame elsewhere. If you're going to be s-t-u-p-i-d, you best be tough..

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    1SICemDAWGS11SICemDAWGS1 Posts: 1,829 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I took my driving test in my mom's Pinto Station wagon many moons ago lol

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    BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,510 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    That's good stuff there. I can relate as I had a 10 year old Monza that looked like a red cockroach. When you got up to 50mph the car started to shake. To hit 60 you had to floor it on a downhill and the whole thing was rattling around like the Challenger about to explode.

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    OK as I have done many, many times on here I completely confess that I did more than my fair share of Stoopid crap in my younger years. So I don’t want to be a hypocrite about it.

    But ironically me and the missus almost got in a wreck by some Total and Complete IDIOT passing us on a blind spot with Double Yellow lines on a narrow mountain road !!

    And the Idiot was trying to compete with the Blue Angels for speed and maneuvers only in a SUV !! Then after all that effort ( and almost killing us ) he got caught up behind a tractor trailer truck at a red light !! So all that speed and maneuvers were Wasted !!

    Honestly I don’t know what it’s gonna take to get players at UGA to knock off the Stoopid stuff. I mean two people dying, and others with mental health issues for life ain’t enough ?? I feel bad for Kirby, I honestly don’t know the answers. All I could think to do would be make them run gassers After normal practice until they think their gonna die !!

    BUT the regulations on football prohibit such extremes these days. When I went through Boot Camp they had at the very least a temporary cure for Stoopid. And that was to PT you till you Wanted to die !! So you might make other mistakes, but you sure as crap wouldn’t make the one that got you that PT again !!

    I don’t know, I don’t have the answers, but it’s as Selfish as you can get when you put Other people’s lives at risk. YOU have a death wish, then do your Stoopid crap on a lonely road late at night when there’s absolutely zero other people on the road. Take your own self out, but let other people Live !! End of rant !! Thanks I feel better now Lol !! 😀

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    JimmyBobJimmyBob Posts: 197 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Simple. Suspend them from playing, accelerating the number of the more tickets they get. Talking to them is doing nothing!

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    JimmyBobJimmyBob Posts: 197 ✭✭✭ Junior

    2 deaths didn’t do it, and Jalen Carter losing 10’s of millions from a major drop in the draft didn’t do it, so what “successful strategy” do you suggest?

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I took my drivers license test in a 67 Chevy pickup, 6 cylinder engine, with 3 on the tree ( 3 speed on the column for you younger folks). I was so nervous I caught a wheel in Daddy’s truck. The State Trooper just smiled and said Calm down son. He knew I was nervous Lol !!

    But that was my only error, I got the rest all right and got my learners license at 15 yrs. old. Then a year later my regular license. But I’d been driving that same truck since I was 12 !!

    Some times on the open public road in the line of duty farming. But I was Ultra careful. It was kinda rare to have to go on the public highway but I did when helping Daddy farm necessitated it. Gotta do what you gotta do back then to make a living.

    But I bet I was driving much more carefully than people much older than me !! And Daddy would only let me do that when there were no other options available. Drove an 8N Ford tractor at 7 years old. In the field and on the road, which helped prepare me to drive the pickup truck later. Those were hard but Good ole days. Some of the best of my life.

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    bigfatdawgbigfatdawg Posts: 1 ✭ Freshman

    We as alumni, season ticket holders, and fans need to stop blaming the police. I don't know what more the coaching staff and/or the university administration can do, but like others have said.....ENOUGH!! National titles are GREAT! I was a student during the 1980 season and a season ticket holder since the 1982 season. I waited with the rest of Dawg fans for the team to regain it's national standing. If it takes suspensions or worse, I can take a drop in standing to try to put an end to this stuff!!!! So, we lose a few MORE players to the ridiculous transfer portal.....DO SOMETHING!!!!

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Oh and this might well have been changed, but if you are running at or above 30mph Above the posted speed limit you can be charged for reckless driving. For example 85 in a 55 zone. Or 90 in a 60 zone. Or 100 in a 70 zone etc. etc.

    Like I say that’s the way it was in the past, I’m not sure if it’s still that way. Not all the time but most of the time most law enforcement will concede 5mph to you, though if they so desire they Can enforce even that. But if your running 60 in a 55 zone, most of the time, most law enforcement will give you that.

    They might flash their lights at you briefly from the side of the road if the weather is rough or the traffic is congested. The Truth is that law enforcement are Fair much, much more than unfair. Yeah there’s some that can be azzes but Most if you treat them with respect, they will treat You with respect.

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    1SICemDAWGS11SICemDAWGS1 Posts: 1,829 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited May 2023

    You can also consider yourself very lucky if they give you 1 mph in a flashing school zone, as it should be. Yet I've seen buses in the process of loading, school obviously hasn't ended, but some maniac will zip through at 50mph, seen it happen numerous times. I was born in Athens, and lived 21 years of my life there. Unless I have a Doctors appointment, or an emergency, I avoid Athens at all cost now, traffic is getting brutal, especially between 4-6pm daily. And I've seen many of those, weaving in and out of traffic (especially on the loop 10 around Athens), passing 10 cars at 85mph only to cut back in the right lane at the last moment, take the next exit, and almost have to jam the brakes to the floor to stop. When they have to pay to start replacing brakes, suspension parts, and tires every year from driving that way, it'll slow em down lol

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,442 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited May 2023

    I wouldn't blame the front line Police Officers, for anything. If anyone is to blame, it's the hierarchy, to include the Sheriff, Police Chief, GSP, City and County polititians. They're the people that allocate tax dollars and define priorities...and determine which laws they'll enforce or disregard.

    If they make this racing and reckless driving a priority..."What would be different?". ANS: Probably more arrests like this one.

    UNLESS: It's already been prioritized, which is why we're seeing an uptick in arrests for that activity. Maybe the end of this trend, is on the horizon. Word is out...and, usually, that's all it takes.

    But, dang...all that was true...BEFORE...Jack-Saint was arrested. ,At this point, my question to Him, would be...."What's your major malfunction, numbnuts? Have you been living under a rock?" (credit... Full Metal Jacket). Lol

    If the State makes it a priority and provides the resources with an effective strategy...you'll see more "Speed Racers" arrested and fewer deaths.

    For all I know...that may already be happening. If that is the case, my question to them, would be..."Where is the Messaging?". Why did we find out there was a problem, only AFTER 2 deaths and several arrests?

    There should be, at a minimum, billboards warning other drivers of the existence of this danger with random road blocks and license checks, to slow it down.

    Install CCTV and Post an empty, junk "painted patrol car with dark tinted windows", on problem highways, to slow down speeders. An old Camden County I-95 trick...that works. Lol

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Amen !! I hear you, some of these Goofs act like the public highway is their Personal race track !! Like I say I’ve pulled some Stoopid Idiotic stunts in my life to.

    But some of these folks go way Beyond Stoopid, they have No regard what so ever at all for the lives of other people on the road. At least I did my Stoopid stuff on back roads that had Very little traffic at Any time less alone real late at night. That doesn’t excuse MY Stoopid behavior back then. But I Did have at least some concern for other people.

    Today’s Idiots do these things right in the thick of very heavy traffic. And/or with the weather being bad as well. Almost like their tempting Death !!

    Yeah we drag raced back in my day to, and it was Wrong !! But we did at least Try to put an element of safety in by using little used back roads, late at night, and spotters posted to keep an eye out for both law enforcement Or some innocent person coming down the road. The spotter would flash their lights to let you know to delay the race until the coast was clear.

    That was Still Stoopid on our parts, and Wrong, but we at least had enough gumption to Care about other folks that might be on the road. And we were making 1/4 mile drag runs, not miles and miles like a NASCAR run !!

    I just Hope and more importantly Pray some innocent folks don’t get killed over these Idiots being Stoopid and very Selfish !!

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Well the Good News is that all one need do is look at the comments here to see people are fed up with this reckless behavior. I think the comments section here on this article gives a pretty decent polling of how Dawgs fans and just people at large feel.

    So I’ve got a feeling the pressure is gonna really get turned up for Kirby and the powers at UGA to take prompt and Severe action on these issues. Might be very painful in the future for those who insist on violating laws and rules, but in the end it’s for Theirs and Everyone’s good !!

    Better a painful punishment than to get killed or cause the deaths of innocent others !! Some people will only respond to severe and painful action, sad it has to be that way, but it is what it is. Something Has to be done and the sooner the better. Oh and if the Truth is known I doubt very seriously that UGA is the only major school that has now or had in the past have to deal with these type issues.

    It’s just reached a point where it’s like ole Barney Fife said, it’s time to nip it in the bud !! Nip it !! Nip it !! Nip it !! From Barney of the Andy Griffith Show

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    Bill71Bill71 Posts: 26 ✭✭ Sophomore

    Seems like the players have no regard for what’s right or wrong! In my teens I might have drag raced once or twice down Shorter Ave, but I was smart enough to not have a wreck, like several players have done. Coach needs to get in some faces and find out if they want to play ball, or if they just want to play in the street! Grow up a little! You don’t have to be an idiot all the time!

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    1SICemDAWGS11SICemDAWGS1 Posts: 1,829 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Believe me, I've done my share of crazy things also in my younger days. I'm not condoning my actions at all, but there was ALOT less traffic on the roads back in the late 70's, unlike today. But not once did I ever endanger anybody else's life with my actions the way some do now when they get in a vehicle.

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    1SICemDAWGS11SICemDAWGS1 Posts: 1,829 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited May 2023

    Enjoyed that comment, very nice! Some don't realize, Clarke county has 5 law enforcement agencies within its boundaries. Athens Clarke County Police, ACC Sheriff, UGA Police, GBI office, and a State Patrol post. So, if you break the law in Athens, there's a good chance a cop will see you lol

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    KudzuKudzu Posts: 358 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    A while ago I argued that De’Nylon Morrissette should be kicked off the team because it was a "compound" infraction (speeding and drugs) that I'm not aware the Dawgs have seen under Kirby. I still feel that way, and feel Kirby let that one go too long, especially without commenting at all. Would we have seen Rosemy learn from that, and therefore this does not happen...? No clue. But I DO know something different needs to happen before another tragedy occurs. In my book, drugs+speed should have been a trigger for something FINALLY to have been done.

    Praying we don't have any more incidents like this (or, God forbid, worse) for a long, long time...

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    HemingweyHemingwey Posts: 3,898 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Entitlement much? 😉

    Just so you know… this is a free-to-use site. The board moderators are volunteers who work for free. They aren’t sitting online checking every comment as it gets posted. These unpaid moderators do an excellent job for the most part, and this instance is no exception.

    Instead of complaining that it took a few hours for the moderators to see and take down an offensive comment, you should express gratitude for their responsiveness and their willingness to perform a free service for this small online community.

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    ABQdawgABQdawg Posts: 4 ✭ Freshman

    If he is guilty, cut the guy loose from the program.

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