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Kirk Herbstreit: ‘Bama, LSU just a little bit ahead of Georgia’



  • Gibroni88Gibroni88 Posts: 440 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    Clickbait pre-summer NONSENSE.

    this article is littered with it.

    The Georgia Bulldawgs are number 1, hands down. They will be attempting a three-peat land I am excited to see how this team develops and what they will bring to the table this upcoming season.

    Herbstreit can stick it up his social Justice tears of sadness Fanny!

    Is that what this site has turned into? Repeating and commenting on ESPN blowhard articles making up 85% of its content?

    goodness. SMH.

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,484 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited June 2023

    “As we sit here right now …. Bama, LSU (are) just a little bit ahead of Georgia"____Kirk "Wrong"Streit

    Lol....in what way Kirk? Saban just replaced his coaching staff and lost all of the players "Wrongstreit" and the others placed such high regard in last year.. in fact...I distinctly remember "Wrongstreit" and ESPN saying that 2022 was Nick Saban's "Best Team Ever" with 2 Heisman Trophy Candidates on both sides of the ball.

    Throw in the fact, that Saban doesn't have a QB, yet...and, UGA has 3 that could start in Tuscaloosa, tomorrow. I don't know what the hell Wrongstreit is looking at, but, it's not the first time he came up with some controversial, sideways prediction. You'd think he gets paid by the asininity of his remarks. The more far fetched...the better.

    I get it Kirk....Other than "Coaching Staff continuity", the more experienced and talented QB Room, 8 returning "Starters on defense" and a Mickey Mouse schedule...what does UGA have that LSU and Bama don't? Lmao

    2022 Herbstreit....."Nick Saban has the Best Quarterback...Best Defender...and, Best Running Back in 2022....they should win it all"...hmmm, what happened, there Kirk? It's almost as bad as your 2020 prediction, that Spencer Rattler would win the Heisman. Lol....thought we forgot all your other "can't miss predictions".

    Herbstreit is "Gas Lighting" and he's not the only one. Lol...better for Kirby...bring it on, ESPN. The Dawgs WILL make you beg forgiveness on bended knee...after their 3-peat...if not...we'll see ya after the 4-peat...but, we may not be as willing to forgive.

    This highlights one of the biggest ESPN deficiencies...We need more SEC guys working at ESPN. OSU and the BIG10 are "old news"...and, I barely remember who is/was in the PAC12. Lol

    I don't much care, what Kirk "Wrongstreit" has to say...the opinion I respect comes in the form of a "Matt Stinchcolm" or "Roman Harper" or "Jim Donnan". They know SEC Football...which IS College Football. IMO

  • FalconUGAFanFalconUGAFan Posts: 147 ✭✭✭ Junior

    I think he is right. In fact, our Dawgs will be lucky if they go 7-5!

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,625 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    So an interesting take. Let's play along. Georgia has had multiple arrests, 2 deaths and lost their best DL to the transfer portal along with their best wr. On top of that we lost a very underrated qb and a genius at OC. We have consistency questions at rb who seem all to be injury prone and lost Washington at TE who truly was a difference maker. Not to belabor it but we lost our defense's team leader in Nolan and our best player in Jalen Carter. Plus a clutch secondary guy.

    So we have lost a lot and the future is unknown. Alabama on the other hand has 9 5 star players including a running back whose dad was Mr. Hobnail Boot. All reports are that he is looking like the next Heisman rb for Alabama. It sure would have been nice to have him...

    Alabama is on fire this year and has pulled out all the stops to stop us dead in our tracks and somehow Texas and LSU fans they are going to beat Bama this year in Bryant-Denny.

    So Herbstreit has an interesting point. Maybe our schedule will be too soft to win at Neyland and the SECCG could be the 2nd loss and final nail in the coffin of our 3-peat.

    This is what makes the season so great is that every game matters. Enjoy it, because it goes away next year. Yes the games count but not as much.

    With all that said I know what I saw and this team is ready to give it their best. I don't see anyone stopping us this year. I just don't.

  • 1SICemDAWGS11SICemDAWGS1 Posts: 1,930 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited June 2023

    A typical comment from the osu clown.. He can't get over the fact the DAWGS beat his precious buckeyes 🙄 suprised he doesn't have osu ahead of UGA also. Yet, he's considered an "expert".. Too bad it's only in his small mind.

  • 1SICemDAWGS11SICemDAWGS1 Posts: 1,930 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    7 victories for UGA will still be more games than the falcons will win this year, enjoy being the cellar dweller..AGAIN 🤣😂🤣

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,484 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    "Smart also shared how, earlier this spring, he had to call two of his best defensive players into a meeting because he didn’t feel they were bringing the same intensity and hunger as they were the year before at that time."____MG

    Lol...wonder how many times, Kirby has done that very same thing with other players...and, DIDN'T share it with the press or the fans.

    He probably does it EVERY year. It's part of "The process". Didn't he say he had a similar talk with some of the 2021 defenders...and a couple of the offensive guys, Bennett included?

    To tell the media, he "had to call two of his best defensive players into a meeting"...says nothing. He's gas lighting the defense. He probably called every one of the projected "starters" into his office to have "the talk". But, by saying it was "two of his best defenders", every one of the guys he talked to, assumes he was aiming those comments directly at "them". Because generally...what's "said and done" in the Coach's office...stays in the coach's office..

    Also, other than Dumas-Johnson...who was the other "Team Leader" involved in a "postseason traffic incident"? I don't remember a second...but, there HAVE been a few. Lol

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,484 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited June 2023

    "He’ll have to see it to believe it."___MG & KH

    In 2021 & 2022...UGA had 2 of the most dominant teams, I've ever seen...and, that includes all of Nick Saban's teams, with exception of one (2011)...maybe two (2020/COVID). 2023, '24 & '25 promise more of the same.

    While Sabans "Red Water Foundation" has shown signs of severe cracking and erosion. He's at least 2 years away from dominance...IF...he's headed in the right direction with his new Coordinator hires.

    What MORE do you need to see? The trajectory for the Smart and Kelly Programs are trending upward...the Saban Program is trending downward, in a classic "bear market" fashion.

    Why are they hanging on so hard, to Nick Saban and Alabama? What's in it for them? I've always questioned the overt bias by the Sports Reporting industry...but now, their "Slip is showing". Lol

    Also...I think this is the last year, we'll have this conversation. It'll be obvious to everyone, in January 2024...and, the narrative will forever be changed. Great to be a Dawg Fan. Lol

  • FalconUGAFanFalconUGAFan Posts: 147 ✭✭✭ Junior

    You really don't get the joke, do you? Allow me to help. Nolan Smith told his team mates that the media was picking them to go 7-5 and they used it to motivate themselves to a Natty. I was trying to do the same this year.

    And yea the Falcons ****. Pretty common knowledge.

  • DawggieDawggie Posts: 82 ✭✭✭ Junior
    edited June 2023

    Every time I feel good about this team, another “Captain” gets dumb…

  • 1SICemDAWGS11SICemDAWGS1 Posts: 1,930 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    My apologies for the misunderstanding. I was trying to think what 5 teams on UGA's schedule were going to beat them lol 2 losses maybe, with UT being a possibility, and a possible slip up against someone like kentucky or auburn. I hope I'm wrong and they run the table again, we'll just have to wait and see..GoDAWGS!

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,484 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited June 2023

    FYI...The Falcons will win 11 or 12 games this year and Ridder will come into his own. That's my prediction.

    IMO..."Defense" is their biggest question mark. With some of the off-season moves they made...the defense could either, be "great"...or at least, better than last year, which isn't sayin' much......or they could be same-ol'-Falcon "bend-n'-break" defense. Lol

    Offense should be a strength.

    And, BTW...I got the gist of your joke. Lol

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,484 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Dumas-Johnson....and, who?

    Carter? Stopped being a UGA Bulldog and became an NFL Player in-waiting...after the '22 CFPCG...BEFORE..."The accident". So, he don't count, in my book. Is there another one?

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,484 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I don't get why everybody is "all-in" on Tennessee, this year. Personally, I believe South Carolina (S.C.) is going to be the second best team in the East...and, "The Team to Watch"...IMO. I just hope UGA doesn't overlook em.

    S.C., unlike TENN has a returning QB that broke out and built confidence, last year. I get they lost some pieces...but, TENN lost some too....including a Heisman Candidate QB. Rattler has emerged as a leader that the team seems to rally around and respond to. The only thing, that could derail their '23 prospects, is injury.

    My money's on Carolina. I like what I'm seeing.

  • CClayC88CClayC88 Posts: 135 ✭✭✭ Junior


    Ever heard of the SEC Network? Just happens to be owned by ESPN.

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