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Alabama safety Caleb Downs plans to enter transfer portal



  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,153 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited January 17

    DeBoer already had a Huge mountain to scale trying to fill Saban’s shoes. And that was if every thing had stayed in place far as coaches and players. But with what’s looking now like a Mass Exodus, Whew he’s Really got his hands full !!

    Be nice to see Bama become the dumpster fire of the West. As Dawgs fan(s) for Far to long we had to hear the incessant boasting and bashing coming from TuskerLoser. Will be nice to have the upper hand for Oh say about the next 25 to infinity years would be just fine !! Go Dawgs !!

    P.S. I know I probably sound pretty brutal to some of Y’all. But I made the (S t u p I d on my part) mistake of going and taking a peek at Their boards right after the SECCG.

    It’s a wonder I didn’t have a heart attack. In Their eyes not a single problem in officiating. And they “Knew” they were gonna beat us. And the last one that hurt the most Laughing and making jokes about knocking us out of a 3Peat !! So To Me their right up there with the Mud Lizards on the Detest Meter. The ole lizards have been pretty quite for some time now as they Know they don’t have anything to toot their horn about And the future not looking good for them at all.

    Saban, Spurrier, Meyer I detest all three of them. The Only sorrow I have was we didn’t beat Saban but once in the KS era Before he retired. Just keep in mind though he Still has an office there and Even the Bama fans are saying he will Still have a heavy hand in the program. So Yeah I hope we devastate them every time we play them !!

  • BubbaBillBubbaBill Posts: 1,209 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate


    I agree my friend……it’s fun to watch those jerks squirm for a change. BTW, Saban may have had a better record against Kirby, but I like to remind Bama fans that our Dawgs have finished ahead of their beloved Tide in EVERY (end of season) poll for the past 3 years. Go Dawgs and Roll Tide out the door!!!

  • DallasDawgDallasDawg Posts: 1,299 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I'm going to join Kirby and take the high road. No need, or time, to bash Alabama or Nick Saban. I don't hate the Tide. I just LOVE the Dawgs! I hope we pick up Downs because he's an EXCELLENT player and he could help us right away. But I'm not going to count on him unless and until he signs. Whoever mentioned the new Auburn DC being a threat to signing him I think does bear watching. Auburn has NIL money to burn. And whether we sign Downs or not, we will almost definitely lose at least one other DB, probably two, after Spring practice. It's a numbers game as much as anything else. Kirby will have those discussions internally with players who are not likely to see the field next year and we'll see them transfer and then folks will speculate about the reasons why. But it's just about meeting that 85 scholarship limit. So it's on now. I think the rash of transfers we're seeing now at Alabama means those kids don't have much faith in the new coaching staff, especially on defense. Oh boy, the next few weeks are going to be very interesting. Go Dawgs!

  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,153 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited January 17

    Yep !! Agree !! When I use the word “detest” I’m using that in lieu of the word hate. I don’t “hate” anyone. And I certainly dont wish illness, injury, or death on anyone. Really not even financial hardships etc.

    But To Me Saban was a detested rival. And So is Bama. Kirby was Friends with Saban because they worked together for quite awhile and not just at Bama. From a coaching standpoint I understand Kirby having a certain amount of respect and admiration for Saban.

    But I’m a fan. I don’t like those three coaches I mentioned, though I don’t wish them any ill will in their retirement years. I think I have as much sportsmanship as the next fan. But Bama is a hot rival of our Dawgs. And (I’ve) We have heard their fanbase incessant boasting and mocking for years and years.

    So No I’m not gonna say Oh I hope DeBoer has great success at Bama !! Because essentially that’s like saying I hope DeBoer will beat our Dawgs while he’s at Bama. I hope DeBoer will beat our Dawgs out at recruiting a top player. I hope DeBoer will continue the great legacy of Nick Saban. NO !!! I’m ALL Dawgs fan !! Why would I as a Dawgs fan want to Hope DeBoer has great success at Bama ??!!??

    And people ought to go see what the Vast Majority of Bama fans think of Kirby !! They Despise him !!! Some are still fond of him from his time there, but Most NO !! Kirby is the rival. And their right, he is !!

    No what I want to see is our Dawgs beat the brake shoes off Em and regularly. Get some payback for a change. Like even from the Mark Richt days when they mocked us about the Black Out game in Athens. If I was sitting right beside Bama fans at their stadium or ours, I’d absolutely be civil to them.I’m not gonna start a fight with them. And I’ll try to be polite.

    But I’m not gonna pretend their not rivals. I want our Dawgs to beat them on the field, in coaching, and in recruiting. I want All of our sports programs to beat them. Just how I feel about it. In summary I want our Dawgs to be the new King of the SEC !! Go Dawgs !!

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,486 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    "No what I want to see is our Dawgs beat the brake shoes off Em and regularly. Get some payback for a change."______@navydawg

    Lololol....you tell em, Navy! They get ZERO PITY. None.

    Deboer is just a setup guy for their next coach, IMO. Lanning or possibly Kiffin....if they can heal old wounds, real or imagined. Deboer is not "the guy". He was just "the best available guy". Now, he's going to wipe the slate clean. Out with Saban....in with Deboer.

    There is no existing continuity in Tuscaloosa....which, frankly surprises me more than when UGA fired Vince Dooley or CMR.

    I thought the whole point of Saban's "Program"...was to provide that continuity and ensure the "Program" was bigger and stronger than any one man, because, it was "player-led from within"....or, "the players are connected".

    Guess Kirby actually improved on the so-called "Saban Blueprint". Maybe Kirby Smart was the leader of that "whole thing" afterall. Notice, they didn't start deteriorating, till "AFTER" Kirby and Lane left "the program".

    Saban knew defensive schematics....Kirby knew people [players]. Kirby learned the schematics. That's the easy part. Knowing the kids, like he does...is "a gift" IMO. I'm not sure you can learn what he knows instinctively.

    When all is said and done....Kirby Smart will be recognized as "The GOAT". It will be undeniable....even by ESPN. Lol

  • CHDawg54CHDawg54 Posts: 415 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    Vince Dooley wasn't fired; he retired as head coach at the conclusion of the 1988 season and became the athletic director.

  • CHDawg54CHDawg54 Posts: 415 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    Kirby is very high on this kid. I certainly hope we can get him to transfer to UGA.

  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,153 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Yep. You are spot on my Brother. I think the vast difference is Saban only cares about Saban. Where as Kirby cares about the players and their families. You probably read this to, but quite a few years back some disgruntled Bama players Plural did an expose on Saban.

    At that time it was written off by most media as just these players feeling snubbed. But I’ve often wondered about the validity of it. In one part of several **** things about Saban. They talked about how a player had passed out from heat exhaustion, said Saban stepped over the player’s body and never even looked down, less alone asked him how he was doing.

    NO I can’t prove that as being valid. But as Arrogant as he is I can see it. I have a mental image of it in my mind. Now Kirby pushes His players and his coaches and himself HARD !! But I just can’t visualize Kirby Smart stepping over a fallen player and moreover not even ask how he’s feeling.

    You can get a little whiff of the Real Saban in how he treats the media. Back several, several years ago, a little female reporter was trying to interview him and he treated her so Rude I thought she was gonna cry. Some will say Well if she’s gonna be in the business she needs to have a tougher skin. While there’s some truth to that, it can Also be said that as a Professional HC of a major football program he doesn’t have to act like a complete azz when being interviewed either !!

    No not ALL Bama fans are arrogant and obnoxious, but they Certainly have more than their fair share. So bad that on another Dawgs site I used to visit, Bama FANS would come on there and try to Teach the game of football Lol !! As if being a Fan of a winning program made Them experts of the game by proxy Lol !!

    After Saban came to Bama and starting having Allot of success, Bama fans became actually More intolerable than UF fans when Spurrier was there !! Sure when our Dawgs are doing well, Yeah I chest thump, I do my share of boasting, BUT I have internal limits set on that.

    Just like Life football runs in cycles, you can be high on the mountain today and down in the valley the next. So I try not to just go completely overboard when our Dawgs are winning with the bragging and chest thumping.

    I Also admire and respect a team that plays us clean ( No help from the Refs) and doesn’t play cheap shot dirty football. Like a dirty hit on one of our best players to try to take him out of the game for example. I’m a Dawgs Only fan. But an example of a team I admire is Mizzou.

    They gave our Dawgs all they wanted and then some for two years in a row. I can’t remember if their on our 2024 schedule or not have to go back and see. But regardless I’m thinking they’ll be a tough team in the SEC again this year.

    I don’t have anything Personal against DeBoer but I hope he and Bama are an utter Fail. As that can only serve to help our Dawgs. I’ll say this in closing, the folks back in WA are sure angry and disappointed with him !! Not so much Because he left, but the Way he left. They feel he sold them down the river. In Their shoes I can’t say as I blame them !!

  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,153 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited January 17

    Yep. Agree. And it would be mutually beneficial, for him and UGA. I don’t know of any school where he’ll get Better coaching and preparation for the NFL. If he just stops a moment and looks at all the players that have gone to the NFL, that should tell him the whole story.

    And DeBoer and WA were known for their O not their D. Maybe Kirby can reel him in. I’ve got a feeling in my very ample gut that he will be coming to UGA. We’ll see !! Go Dawgs !!

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,486 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited January 17

    I was talking about, his being fired as AD....not, HC. He held the positions of HC and AD simultaneously, till he turned it over to Goff in '88. Goff was His hire....as was Mark Richt. He recognized Richt's leadership ability and respected his offensive mind.

    But, yeah....it kinda shocked me when they fired Dooley. Sometime, after the Richt hire and subsequent SECC.

    They replaced him with a guy, that had CMR doing his job for him...vice focusing on Championships. Damon "something"...or, "something" Damon. Lol...anyway....he was fired for an alcohol-related incident and scandal. THAT...did not surprise me.

    Incidentally....it was after Damon was replaced....and the new AD, took over a lot of the duties CMR was handling....UGA took off on a tear, being a hair's breath away from a Natty in 2012.

  • ftworthdawgftworthdawg Posts: 802 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    question - How could Downs transfer to us, so late in the semester?

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,625 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited January 18

    That's a great question but from my experience with college athletes they will find a way. Special tutors, make up sessions whatever. When a guy as talented as Caleb is available the administration jumps through hoops for them.

    Just for comparisons sake please note that the administration does this for 'genius' level students who have to attend or go overseas whatever. This is done regularly for 'special' cases so not just athletes.

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,486 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    If your HC departs....you're given 30 days [I think], to decide whether or not you want to stay. When Saban left...that opened the door for all Bama Players.

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,625 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I guess I answered the wrong question. My brain was thinking about drop add classes at UGA. I think it is possible to drop adds after this weekend but then it becomes a very difficult case by case basis. You answered the original question about the portal but beyond that they still have to enroll in classes to play Spring Ball. I believe the portal opens up after spring and their is no requirement to be in classes before summer workouts. Not sure on the rules about who can work out with the team but I think you have to be a student who is enrolled in some minimum number of classes/credits.

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