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Otis Reese statement.



  • RxDawgRxDawg Posts: 2,922 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    The cost to UGA is negligible. I mean, they lose a player on the team that they groomed and trained and were counting on. But other than that, no not much.

    The bigger question is what does Reese lose by leaving UGA? And that answer is complex and deep.

    I think it's bad to teach these young men it's ok to break your obligations. I think it's bad to send the message to run when things get tough. I think it's bad to let other's down when they were counting on you.

    Then there is the question of the health of the sport. They keep trampling on the idea of team, loyalty, and unity and I can promise you they will all lose support. Those fancy dorms, training grounds, dinning areas, tutors that walk them through every single class.... yeh, all that stuff can disappear quickly. I guess it's just how I am, but I've always tried to look at the big picture. What will this do far down the road. I don't think this kind of behavior and attitude will better things for anyone. And I'm just speaking on the transfer and football part. That's not even addressing the accusations Reese is wielding.

  • ThelordjohnsonThelordjohnson Posts: 4,077 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Nice Dave Chapelle joke.

    But tickets are verified and fellow witness and Dawg Kearis back him... Frat party happened... Justin Fields situation happened. Only thing that cant be proven is the interaction with Kirby but seeing how Kirby has allowed all transfers without a fight (maybe experience from the Smith situation) probably means its truthful.

  • RxDawgRxDawg Posts: 2,922 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited September 2020

    Legal jargon 🙄

    They create excessive syllable words to make things sound complicated and better than they are. Medicine is extremely guilty of this as well. They're so bad, they'll come back and give things a new name once it becomes to familiar. I've always thought it was some subconscious ego s.troke myself.

    .... s.troke is censored 🤦‍♂️

  • RxDawgRxDawg Posts: 2,922 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Fair enough @pgjackson . And you're correct. That's kind of a different argument though of the 1 year scholy vs the 4 year scholy. I've never much liked the idea of the 1 year scholy myself.

  • pgjacksonpgjackson Posts: 18,310 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Does UGA give 4-year scholarships? I remember Richt keeping a couple of guys on scholarship even though they weren't even playing any more...but I'm not sure Smart would do that.

  • RxDawgRxDawg Posts: 2,922 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I honestly don't know. I remember a few years ago or so Auburn started championing 4 year scholys as an enticement in recruiting. I didn't even know it was a thing until that happened.

    But still, I think if a kid is going to commit to a school the school should commit to the kid in return. Even if it's just symbolic.

  • Canedawg2140Canedawg2140 Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    All scholarships are one year deals. I know recently they were working on legislation in the NCAA to allow a change, but I have been too removed for too long to verify or speak more I to that.

    With CMR, I think you are referring to guys who were medically disqualified. They can keep their scholly, but not count against the 85. That way the team is not put in a bad position when you do what's right for the kid.

  • RxDawgRxDawg Posts: 2,922 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I assume it's much easier to not renew a scholarship than it is to break a 4 year agreement. That is if the student athlete in question isn't living up to their end of the deal.

  • MaxMax Posts: 131 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Agree, Athens & UGA police seem to have a Napoleanic complex. I've been harassed by them as an adult, arrested as a UGA Freshman (illegally as once I got a lawyer, never heard from them again). So, it's not just African Americans that get BS treatment by police in Athens. It does seem that, since I graduated in 85, the Athens/UGA police do seem to target our football players for really silly stuff.

    As far as some random person using a racial slur, welcome to the real world. UGA has roughly 30,000 students. A FEW of those probably are ignorant and say things like that. And you'd be hard pressed to sample 30,000 people anywhere and not find a few that would say racist things.

    Otis is in for a tough ride in the real world, if he expects everyone to be "nice" to him.

    Oh, and I'm white. So apparently police don't just target black people.

  • JesupdawgJesupdawg Posts: 1,466 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    My son is white, just turned 18 and had been stopped by white and black cops a total of 11 times, some reasons were legit, some were ****, I’m not saying Otis has or hasn’t experienced racism.... but from my experience where I work at, the race card seems to be pulled a lot when things don’t go a persons way they want it to.

  • CondorFactsCondorFacts Posts: 162 ✭✭✭ Junior

    11 times and he's 18?! The only time I see Wayne County Sheriffs move fast is when they are racing each other to Hog-N-Bones for lunch.

  • pgjacksonpgjackson Posts: 18,310 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited September 2020

    I remember back in the CRM years that he was very loyal to his players, almost to a fault and detriment to the team. If you had a scholarship with CMR, it generally meant you had it as long as you were at UGA. Meanwhile, Saban has been famously ruthless with his players over the years. He has no problem cutting kids to make room for better players. I think it's a good lesson to learn...if you want to be part of an elite level organization, prepare for heads to roll. The competition is ruthless at the top. The best 85 will get scholarships, regardless of seniority.

  • Casanova_FlatulenceCasanova_Flatulence Posts: 3,126 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Oi vay... let's try this again.

    The original idea... good, bad or indifferent, is as follows. Their are associated investment costs to recruiting (gas, food, hotels, airplane travel, marketing - see graphic design team etc. etc.) football players. We spent $3+M last year in recruiting. In addition there are scholarship costs, including books & tuition, tutors, housing, food, medical, travel and monthly stipend. I'm sure there are other expenses as well.

    The idea is this... if the football player wants to transfer from school X to school Y - Y should pay the original investment costs to obtain and teach that student athlete. For our example, we'll say Georgia actively recruited Otis Reese for 2 years. The itemized recruiting costs would be added and then combined with the value of the scholarship used. Let's say Reese was an active student taking classes for 1.5 years. The total scholarship cost of those 1.5 years would be combined with the 2 year recruiting cost. School Y would reimburse school X for that combined amount. School Y gets what is perceived as a valuable player and school X gets compensated for the total investment in that student athlete.

    This will never happen, so it's all moot.

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