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Colin Kapernick has become face of Nike’s new ad campaign



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    pgjacksonpgjackson Posts: 17,906 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @BigDawgEatin said:

    @PerroGrande said:
    Big Dawg, sad that your “protests” are worth more to you than the millions of lives that have been given for that flag and anthem. Also sad that you don’t understand why that might be offensive to most Americans. Nobody is endorsing racism. There is an appropriate way to address that—kneeling during the National Anthem is one of the worst possible ways I can think of to address that problem.

    So how should black people protest, in order to make white people feel comfortable. Because if you feel comfortable you won’t give a Sh*t. So tell black people what’s a convenient protest. I remember in the sixties black people sat at counters and marched in the street. Yet white men put dogs on black people ,spit on them, busted them in the head with rocks and bottles, sprayed them with fire hoses. What was wrong with that protest ? Some of the offenders are still alive today and some are probably posting in opposition to Nike and akao right now.

    What is with your “white people” thing? You are the person who seems to like to call out entire races of people. Every time this topic comes up you start your “white people” stuff.

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    jay_kubzzjay_kubzz Posts: 658 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Just saying standing or sitting for the flag doesn’t have anything to do with cops, it has everything to do with showing respect for the AMERICAN men and women who fight for our country so that we have the freedom to have **** debates like these.

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    BigDawgEatinBigDawgEatin Posts: 1,684 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @pgjackson said:

    @BigDawgEatin said:

    @PerroGrande said:
    Big Dawg, sad that your “protests” are worth more to you than the millions of lives that have been given for that flag and anthem. Also sad that you don’t understand why that might be offensive to most Americans. Nobody is endorsing racism. There is an appropriate way to address that—kneeling during the National Anthem is one of the worst possible ways I can think of to address that problem.

    So how should black people protest, in order to make white people feel comfortable. Because if you feel comfortable you won’t give a Sh*t. So tell black people what’s a convenient protest. I remember in the sixties black people sat at counters and marched in the street. Yet white men put dogs on black people ,spit on them, busted them in the head with rocks and bottles, sprayed them with fire hoses. What was wrong with that protest ? Some of the offenders are still alive today and some are probably posting in opposition to Nike and akao right now.

    What is with your “white people” thing? You are the person who seems to like to call out entire races of people. Every time this topic comes up you start your “white people” stuff.

    I’ve never seen black people beat black people for fighting for social injustice or civil rights.

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    pgjacksonpgjackson Posts: 17,906 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @BigDawgEatin said:

    @Kasey said:
    Bc I agree that Kap is a poor choice for hero. But I still like their shoes the most.

    With the phrase they used, Pat Tillman would’ve been a far superior choice

    Yet Trump is middle and white americas hero, the person who actually rachetted this rhetoric to a grotesque level .

    What does Trump have to do with this? Obama was Pres when Kap started this. And again with your “white” stuff. What did Obama do to try to address the issue?

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    PlayHurtPlayHurt Posts: 999 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Nike, ESPN, etc, need to stay out of politics & focus on sporting apparel & sports. If I want to know about politics, I’ll turn it over to FOX.

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    pgjacksonpgjackson Posts: 17,906 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @BigDawgEatin said:

    @pgjackson said:

    @BigDawgEatin said:

    @PerroGrande said:
    Big Dawg, sad that your “protests” are worth more to you than the millions of lives that have been given for that flag and anthem. Also sad that you don’t understand why that might be offensive to most Americans. Nobody is endorsing racism. There is an appropriate way to address that—kneeling during the National Anthem is one of the worst possible ways I can think of to address that problem.

    So how should black people protest, in order to make white people feel comfortable. Because if you feel comfortable you won’t give a Sh*t. So tell black people what’s a convenient protest. I remember in the sixties black people sat at counters and marched in the street. Yet white men put dogs on black people ,spit on them, busted them in the head with rocks and bottles, sprayed them with fire hoses. What was wrong with that protest ? Some of the offenders are still alive today and some are probably posting in opposition to Nike and akao right now.

    What is with your “white people” thing? You are the person who seems to like to call out entire races of people. Every time this topic comes up you start your “white people” stuff.

    I’ve never seen black people beat black people for fighting for social injustice or civil rights.

    When did that happen? What does it have to do with Kap?

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    BigDawgEatinBigDawgEatin Posts: 1,684 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited September 2018

    @greshamdisco said:

    @BigDawgEatin said:

    Now that is true. I only buy Nikes if they are on sale or at an outlet. I own more Pumas than anything.

    So buy Nike if you want to. I choose not to now. Stop calling people you don’t know racists. That’s ridiculous and an old act. And stop down voting everyone who you disagree with on political issues. You have to face it that most of us respect the flag, and think CK is a publicity hound who has long-ago made a point. That doesn’t make us racists. Now, can, for the love of God, we talk about the Dawgs?

    Stop calling people a-patriotic that you don’t know. You might not be racist, but I know that a racist person would not disagree with all the anti Nike and Kaepernick rhetoric.

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    pgjacksonpgjackson Posts: 17,906 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @Kasey said:

    @pgjackson said:

    @BigDawgEatin said:

    @Kasey said:
    Bc I agree that Kap is a poor choice for hero. But I still like their shoes the most.

    With the phrase they used, Pat Tillman would’ve been a far superior choice

    Yet Trump is middle and white americas hero, the person who actually rachetted this rhetoric to a grotesque level .

    What does Trump have to do with this? Obama was Pres when Kap started this. And again with your “white” stuff. What did Obama do to try to address the issue?

    Well all this would've gone away more than likely if Trump would just shut up about it. Instead he keeps bringing it up bc he knows it plays well with his supporters

    You mean patriotic Americans of all races and colors who love our country, flag and anthem? It was already tearing the country apart before Trump became president. He simply stated what is proper. He never once made it a racial thing.

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    jay_kubzzjay_kubzz Posts: 658 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Just some quick stats
    Cop shootings in 2017:
    457 whites were killed by cops vs 223 blacks being killed by cops.

    211 whites killed vs 102 blacks.

    Another stat, not all shootings by cops are by white cops.

    Another shooting stat, in the past 365 days there have been 411 black on black homicides in CHICAGO alone, just one city. Think about that, ONE CITY. More blacks have killed blacks in one US city in the past year vs country wide cops have in a year and a half.

    It’s a tragedy for both sides, but don’t for a second be fooled by how bias and manipulative mainstream media are. They’re pushing a certain agenda and fail strongly to bring all the stats into light.

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    charlottedawg85charlottedawg85 Posts: 13 ✭ Freshman


    Absolutely wrong. I think you’d see vets telling him to stand his ass up and respect the flag. Find a way to protest differently. NEVER disrespect the flag or anthem.

    If I remember correctly he met with a vet that was playing in the nfl after he originally sat for the national anthem. They talked it out and he explained his position and they cane to an agreement that he would kneel rather than sit. I could be misremembering though, who knows?

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    BigDawgEatinBigDawgEatin Posts: 1,684 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    A picture of confliction. I love the Dawgs. But hate Nike and social justice for black people.

    Racist are a dying breed. The few that pop up in future generation will quickly be sent back under the rocks from which they crawled from.

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    KaseyKasey Posts: 28,979 mod

    @pgjackson said:

    @Kasey said:

    @pgjackson said:

    @BigDawgEatin said:

    @Kasey said:
    Bc I agree that Kap is a poor choice for hero. But I still like their shoes the most.

    With the phrase they used, Pat Tillman would’ve been a far superior choice

    Yet Trump is middle and white americas hero, the person who actually rachetted this rhetoric to a grotesque level .

    What does Trump have to do with this? Obama was Pres when Kap started this. And again with your “white” stuff. What did Obama do to try to address the issue?

    Well all this would've gone away more than likely if Trump would just shut up about it. Instead he keeps bringing it up bc he knows it plays well with his supporters

    You mean patriotic Americans of all races and colors who love our country, flag and anthem? It was already tearing the country apart before Trump became president. He simply stated what is proper. He never once made it a racial thing.

    Sure, but that's not what the protest was about. It was about police brutality. I will agree with you that Kap is not the best conduit of this protest bc he's terribly hypocritical and I think all this hullaballoo is more about $$ than any real change. Having said that, Trump bringing it up AGAIN last fall as players were already starting to tail off doing it appeared racially motivated.

    If a president who never fought in a war, begged his way out of it and bragged about it called me an SOB when I'm sacrificing my body for entertainment, I'd probably take a knee just to agitate him too.

    I think you and I are closer on this issue than you think. But I also believe Trump instigated a revival of this just to goose his approval rating when he could've just ignored it and it would've gone away

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    CharlestowneDawgCharlestowneDawg Posts: 211 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    @PlayHurt said:
    Nike, ESPN, etc, need to stay out of politics & focus on sporting apparel & sports. If I want to know about politics, I’ll turn it over to FOX.

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    DawgBonesDawgBones Posts: 2,223 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
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    PlayHurtPlayHurt Posts: 999 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @CharlestowneDawg said:

    @PlayHurt said:
    Nike, ESPN, etc, need to stay out of politics & focus on sporting apparel & sports. If I want to know about politics, I’ll turn it over to FOX.

    You couldn’t be more wrong.

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    BigDawgEatinBigDawgEatin Posts: 1,684 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @jay_kubzz said:
    Just some quick stats
    Cop shootings in 2017:
    457 whites were killed by cops vs 223 blacks being killed by cops.

    211 whites killed vs 102 blacks.

    Another stat, not all shootings by cops are by white cops.

    Another shooting stat, in the past 365 days there have been 411 black on black homicides in CHICAGO alone, just one city. Think about that, ONE CITY. More blacks have killed blacks in one US city in the past year vs country wide cops have in a year and a half.

    It’s a tragedy for both sides, but don’t for a second be fooled by how bias and manipulative mainstream media are. They’re pushing a certain agenda and fail strongly to bring all the stats into light.

    So are there more black people or white people in this country? Give me percentages. Another Play from the Trump playbook....bring up Chicago in order to deflect. I can’t be killed by someone on the south side of Chicago,why, because I live in Georgia. But I can be killed or beaten in a routine stop by a cop in any state. Chicago is a poor and ineffective talking point. Chicago is local , police brutality is nationwide.

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    PerroGrandePerroGrande Posts: 6,150 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @BigDawgEatin said:

    A picture of confliction. I love the Dawgs. But hate Nike and social justice for black people.

    No, the picture of “confliction” is thinking protesting a symbol of freedom—the National Anthem—in any way contributes to social justice. It doesn’t. All it does is disrespect freedom, justice, and everything good about America.

    Racist are a dying breed.

    No, they are not. There are many racists still alive and well in our country: black and white.

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