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I’ll say it



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    Casanova_FlatulenceCasanova_Flatulence Posts: 3,126 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    You've certainly mastered the art of being a smart arse, so at least you've got that going for you. I won't waste my time trying to explain what makes Identity politics so divisive or destructive, because you're clearly more comfortable being in the dark.

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    greygoose01greygoose01 Posts: 3,007 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    It’s pretty sad that we live in this great country and yet some still take so many little things for granted, such as our freedom. Kids can’t even pray or say the pledge of allegiance in school anymore. What the hell is the world coming to!? Respect your elders, respect and salute YOUR flag, respect and salute the military that protects you (sight unseen), and respect THIS GREAT AND FREE COUNTRY YOU LIVE IN. Why try to rewrite history; respect it and learn from it. Some people need to go take a walk in Arlington national cemetery for some real perspective. Take that kneeling $hit elsewhere, unless you’re kneeling to pray for all of those soldiers who gave their lives so we could all be free. Some people just have no clue......

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    dawgnmsdawgnms Posts: 5,181 mod
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    BamaDawgBamaDawg Posts: 2,523 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Kneeling to something, in general, is considered respectful. However, in this case tradition dictates that we stand, head uncovered, with our hand over our heart. Therefore anything else would be considered outside the norm (or in this case disrespectful).

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    Midnite_TrainMidnite_Train Posts: 862 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate


    Its actually just the opposite....Kids are getting ARRESTED for not saying the Pledge...What the hell is the world coming to!?

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    Casanova_FlatulenceCasanova_Flatulence Posts: 3,126 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    That's not even remotely accurate.

    There's an academic definition, where people sharing a particular racial, religious, ethnic, social, or cultural identity form exclusive political alliances, instead of engaging in broad-based party politics. Then there's theory put into practice, where identity is used as a tool to articulate political claims, promote political ideologies, pit one group against another and guide political action with the aim of gaining power and recognition in the context of perceived inequality or injustice. Democrats have used identity politics to divide us into ever smaller groups for decades. The Jussie Smollett incident is a direct manifestation of Identity politics and as I said earlier - toxic.

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    KaseyKasey Posts: 28,897 mod
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    benjaminwgreggbenjaminwgregg Posts: 677 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Kids are allowed to pray in school, and the pledge of allegiance is still standard in public schools though kids aren't forced to say the pledge.

    How are people exercising their freedom of speech taking their freedoms for granted?

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    BankwalkerBankwalker Posts: 5,348 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Not true. People repeating false narratives are part of the problem. That kid was arrested for making threats. The school and police specifically said the kid was not arrested for refusing the pledge. 11 years old and spewing the garbage about the flag being racist. They asked him to step out of the room 20 times before he complied and then continued on after entering the hallway. He must have a bitter parent. Bitter folks raise bitter kids who stay in trouble, but the real problem in their eyes is the system.

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    YaleDawgYaleDawg Posts: 7,112 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    You left out the part about the substitute teacher antagonizing him before that outburst for not saying the pledge. He definitely overreacted and removing him was necessary at that point but his rights were violated first.

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    kelly_bkelly_b Posts: 1,464 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited February 2019

    @FirePlugDawg - Excellent post!

    @Bankwalker - How's it going bud? I hope well.

    According to the Lakeland Ledger (link below), there's no reportage of the kid making threats. but there is a line here where it says he became disruptive. But what does that mean exactly? There was clearly pressure on an 11 year old child to do this because the teacher said, (allegedgly) "Why if it was so bad here he did not go to another place to live?” If that's true - and I believe it is after having lived in Lakeland and understanding its culture - it's highly in appropriate and echoes some Know-Noting Bircher BS. It's why she will no longer be subbing in that school system. Anyway, I don't buy the school's excuse that he wasn't arrested because he refused to stand. The spokesman for the school said that the kids aren't required to stand for the pledge, That statement was made knowing this would result in court in an attempt to cover their behinds. If it weren't for the pressure put on a pre-pubescent boy to get in line, I doubt that the conflict would have even started.

    Who is in charge of the class? The teacher. Who tells the kids to stand? The teacher. If the child didn't want to stand and it was within the school's policy for the students to have the right refuse to do so, then I can imagine that it's at that point the conflict began.

    And children becoming disruptive in school? I've never heard of such behavior! Arrest them all if they dare step out of line. If a student becomes disruptive then suspend that student. Arresting an 11 year old kid because he or she will not fall in line w/ your political agenda is wrong.

    After reading all of these comments about the flag, we should all remember that it's a symbol, and symbols are highly complex and powerful things that mean many different things to many different people. We shouldn't assume that our interpretation of the symbol is the same as everyone else's, and therefore should not assume our reactions to it will be in lockstep conformity with our own, whatever our political opinions may be.

    Freedom of expression - you either accept it or you don't. That's why, even with my political leanings, I support the Klan's right to peacefully assemble, though I find it nauseating, depressing, vile, and blatantly ****. And frankly, not only disrespectful to the flag, but borderline treasonous.

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    BankwalkerBankwalker Posts: 5,348 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @YaleDawg No, I didn't leave out the part about him being asked to stand. Any nitwit can deduce that he was asked to stand by reading anything related to the story. Implied facts I assumed unnecessary for such an intellectually gifted audience.

    @kelly_b I am well. Hope you are the same.

    I can't find the story I read when I posted because so many others have since followed, but here's one that essentially coers it. "According to a statement from the Lakeland Police Department, the boy then “created another disturbance and made threats while he was escorted to the office.” 


    Making threats will get you arrested in most situations, and when a school is involved the police have a pretty strict duty to arrest anyone who makes threats given the last 20 years of school violence.. Would anyone care to disagree with that statement?

    There was nothing to cover their butts over up to that point. This would be a non-story if no disciplinary action had been taken. If some kid goes home and says a teacher corrected him for not standing for the pledge, the news wouldn't give a shinola until the school had taken some sort of official action against the child. As far a removing the child from the classroom, think about the standard that would be set if a child gets to yell at a teacher and remain in the classroom. Not gonna happen. The story here is about the arrest, which wasn't needed as a cover story because up until that point there was nothing to cover up. The school wouldn't have disciplined the kid because neither the principal nor superintendent would want to go on CNN to defend such an obviously unconstitutional event.

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    levanderlevander Posts: 4,481 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    You guys sound like idiots arguing over an incident where it’s pretty clear all we have is one side spinning it their way and the other side spinning it the other way.

    We don’t know what happened in that classroom.

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    kelly_bkelly_b Posts: 1,464 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @Bankwalker - I'm having problems getting to the Post piece. Sorry - that sometimes happens because of new EU Privacy laws. Two quick points: Grady Judd Polk Co. Sheriff/Lkld Police dept have both been embroiled in multiple scandals for years. They often push it (e.g. Judd arrested an outspoken atheist because she signed a paper esquire - he's well known to hate atheists; the LKLD PD had so many problems it led to a sea change an mulitple lawsuits, not only from individuals, but from the state) , so I only ask that we be skeptical about their accounts of the situation. The second thing is, peaceful protest isn't unconstitutional. It's embedded in the first amendment. I might become disruptive if I were told I couldn't exercise my First Amendment rights which are in line with school policy. The language is very clear:

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

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    kelly_bkelly_b Posts: 1,464 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited February 2019

    Actually, we don't sound like idiots. We're basing our posts on the reportage we've seen. Or at least I am. I hope you have a wonderful night.

    EDIT: I'll also add that, despite our political disagreements @Bankwalker - at least our exchanges are civil, without personal attacks, such as, I dunno, calling someone an idiot.

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    YaleDawgYaleDawg Posts: 7,112 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    backpedalin' @Bankwalker at it again. You never mentioned it which is the same thing as leaving it out. The entire perception of the story changes when you know the substitute antagonized him and violated his rights. Any adult would become agitated at that yet you expect a child to act rationally under those circumstances? If he acted as the police say he did then yes he should have been removed from the class but fault also lies with the sub for instigating the event and he definitely shouldn't have been arrested and suspended at most.

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    Midnite_TrainMidnite_Train Posts: 862 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited February 2019

    "garbage about the flag being racist"

    why is that a garbage for an African American 6th grader to believe that? Like another poster mentioned, the flag is nothing more than symbolism; in this case it represents the USA.

    The same USA with an ug-lee, prolonged history of MASSIVE racism against numerous races. I can't blame someone who acknowledges the ug-lee truth.

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    greygoose01greygoose01 Posts: 3,007 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Y’all need to let this topic die in the fiery pit of hell and get back to football for goodness sakes. Too much dissention in the offseason from boredom

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