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National Anthem etiquette....



  • pgjacksonpgjackson Posts: 18,238 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
  • pgjacksonpgjackson Posts: 18,238 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate


    One time I was in uniform with a group of Marines when I was stationed in Athens. We were downtown for some ceremony....don't remember what, but I was the XO and in charge of the group so everyone was following my lead. The announcer said "please rise for the National Anthem". I called everyone to attention and waited for the music to begin. It was live music and they started playing some weird intro that I did not recognize. I waited for the NA to begin...and waited....and waited. About half way through the song I realized it WAS the NA...some messed up, funky interpretation. I decided to hold everyone at attention and not salute. Thought that made more sense than saluting at the very end. Not sure it was the right call, but I fully expected people to come up to me after and ask why we didn't salute. Nobody did, but it still bothers me.

  • dragonslayerdragonslayer Posts: 707 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Are you saying assault is a legitimate response to peaceful expression of dissent?

  • PolynikesPolynikes Posts: 3,514 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I have a belief that ceremonial commands are only valid to active duty, active reserves, or inactive reserves, and once you've completed all that you just go to right hand on the heart, but at no time do you talk or move...and you do not sing.

  • SavageSavage Posts: 1,306 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Never said that, maybe you should read again. Convo split to nfl players kneeling, I don't judge kids. Nor do I believe everyone has to conform, that is the true definition of freedom. It was about showing respect when and where respect is due. Certainly anybody has the right to burn an American flag on the streets, but they also have the right to get the crap kicked out of them. Sorry I'm not sorry

  • SavageSavage Posts: 1,306 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
  • pgjacksonpgjackson Posts: 18,238 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Don't be ridiculous. Nobody said anything like that. But I have the right to protest your decision, boycott whatever business you might be in, call you out in public, terminate your employment if you happen to work for me or call for your termination if you don't....consequences. I don't have to support your expression of dissent.

  • Stingray2112Stingray2112 Posts: 133 ✭✭✭ Junior
    edited January 2020

    No, people don't have the right to "get the crap kicked out of them." I think you'll find that assaulting someone is a violation of people's rights.

    As for what you said, I quote "Too many people have died protecting our rights.....I'm from the love it or leave it school of thought." I took that to mean either love the country of leave it. Did you mean something else?

  • SavageSavage Posts: 1,306 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Is this really bothering you that much?

    Pretty straight forward statement that I happen to believe. Yeah, why stay somewhere you hate? Go try another county if it's so horrible here & see how that goes.

  • JoeClarkJoeClark Posts: 445 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    But... many communities are living in it. Still suffering the paradigm that so blatantly revealed itself in the past. only now, it’s covert. Baked into policies and procedures.

    there’s no “past” for marginalized communities. Those communities are still dealing with the impacts of having less opportunities and equal rights.

  • SavageSavage Posts: 1,306 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Probably is time to shut this puppy down. This has gone off the rails. Back to sports @Kasey

  • pgjacksonpgjackson Posts: 18,238 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Guys, this is getting off track a bit. the intent was not to discuss should you or shouldn't you. It was simply to educate. There is a protocol. I see people all the time trying to respect the process, but don't seem to know the details. If you are trying to do it correctly, my first post explains how to do it.

    Hand on heart, even if you are holding a hat (your hat does not go over your heart). Military folks not in uniform have the option to stand at attention or salute.

    Face the flag. If no flag is present, then face the direction of the music.

    Remain as still as possible. No dancing, swaying, looking around.

    Oh...and remain in position till the song is completely over. Sometime people start whistling and clapping at the beginning of the last verse.

    Sing, don't sing....that is up to you.

    If you are going to do it, do it correctly.

  • Stingray2112Stingray2112 Posts: 133 ✭✭✭ Junior
    edited January 2020

    Yeah, this sort of thing does bother me. The difference between you and me though is that I believe you have the right to think the way you do without the threat of violence or harassment. (I'm referencing your "kick the crap" comment.)

    We don't have to agree but we need to fully respect each other's right to disagree and live together peacefully.

    That's the last I'll post about this.

  • Huntindawg81Huntindawg81 Posts: 1,021 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    You older Marines sound like straight Garrison guys. Different generation i guess. I sing it every time and will continue to do so, makes my heart skip a beat. My wife sang it at the PBR in Raleigh, instant tears. Was i wrong for recording her? You guys are too uptight about "etiquette". Not everyone was in the military and taught bearing or proper form for anything. Yall really have to quit being so nit picky and realize civilians are different than guys who spent years in 100% uniformity. One thing that gets under my skin about the veteran community, "thank me for my service you disgusting civilian".

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