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TCU scouting report from Michigan vantage point: A warning for the Georgia football team



  • thadecthadec Posts: 611 ✭✭✭✭ Senior


    You know what? I just did a bit of digging around, and it looks like no one in the Big 10 runs the 3-3-5 but Ohio State, and they just put it in for the 2022 season using personnel recruited and coached up in their previous 4-2-5 scheme (which is quite popular in the Big 12, but so is the 3-4 and you have at least a couple teams that still run the 4-3).

    Another thing ... you are right and I was wrong here. In the SEC West, only Mississippi State runs the 3-3-5. Everyone else runs the 3-4 or the 4-2-5. In the SEC East a totally different story ... Kentucky and UGA run the 3-4 (plus Kentucky has run the 4-3 in the recent past) but everyone else runs the 3-3-5. But it is a completely different 3-3-5 than TCU runs.

    TCU's 3-3-5 is ... strange. Looks like they have 3-4 DL personnel (that includes former UGA player Tymon Mitchell as their backup NT). But they have 4-3 LB personnel and ... a permanent nickel corner back in the secondary (where with most 3-3-5 teams the extra DB is a FS or rover). So ... the 3-4 DL and 4-3 LB combo totally explains why Michigan couldn't run the football ... Michigan uses 2 TEs and no FB. The "permanent nickel defense" in the secondary also explains the picks.

    Fortunately UGA is actually taking TCU seriously. By all accounts - including from their starting QB mere hours before the game - Michigan wasn't as they spent all break looking ahead to the title game with UGA.

  • Bdw3184Bdw3184 Posts: 13,175 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Didn't both of those games end in a tOSU loss!?

    Shouldn't the bigger question be : How did TCUs defense handle Michigan's Joe Moore award winning O-line and its offense?

    I have full confidence that Coach Kirby and his staff are doing what is necessary to prepare us for the NC game.

    Go Dawgs!

  • MikeGriffithMikeGriffith Posts: 3,691 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @Bdw3184 Well, we saw Harbaugh take the ball out of his run game's hands on that first drive at the 2---- one of the worst calls I've ever seen.

    And, UM scored 45, not exactly like TCU stopped them!

  • MikeGriffithMikeGriffith Posts: 3,691 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @thadec Kirby's mindset and that edge is why I think UGA will roll, These Dawgs are ornery after that last game!

  • MikeGriffithMikeGriffith Posts: 3,691 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited January 2023


    Stet said he played 30 minutes of bad football.


    Because Georgia had 6 drives from the second quarter through the third quarter that generated only two field goals.

    Also, here's what the pass game generated on the stat line entering the fourth quarter:

    13-22, 208, 1 TD, 1 Int, 2 sacks, , seven carries, -18 yards, 2-of-8 on third-down conversions

    The revisionist history takes away from what the team accomplished overcoming the slower start, and how the defense held Ohio State to 3 points in the fourth quarter, and how well Stetson played in the fourth quarter. -- 10-12 for 190 yards and 2 TDs!

    This game was not a breeze where UGA and its offense just came out there and played great -- it didn't -- it struggled at times, made critical mistakes -- and it had to adjust in-game and pull together in the fourth quarter for that fantastic finish.

    Similar to last year's CFP in that way, first three quarters were .... ugh ... fourth quarter turned it on with two TDs.

    The real, raw story of Georgia football is much better than any fairytale or convenient narrative.

  • HemingweyHemingwey Posts: 4,032 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited January 2023

    The first three quarters were not ‘ugh’. The defensive failure in the closing minutes of the second quarter was ugh. The offensive output in the 3rd quarter was ugh.

    Bennett led two come backs in the game—the first in the second quarter.

    Here is the box score for reference:

    Pretty clear that both the Defense and the Offense stood up big time in the 4th quarter.

    Perhaps do an article breaking down the incredible final offensive drive? Or the three Georgia drives before the half? 🤣

  • UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,879 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited January 2023

    SBIV short armed the pass to KMcIntosh (and the lateral to LMcC) on the INT. SBIV DEFINITELY should have handed the ball to KMcIntosh on the 1st series! It was the 1st series. Time to test the OL vs DL. Would've been a long gainer maybe a TD. Instead UGA punts. (because of SBIV execution or gunslinging?)

    In all the close UGA games, does it occur to anyone, that 4thQ heroics by SBIV wouldn't be necessary IF SBIV just executed better in the first 3 Q's? The guy has started 35 CFB games.

  • UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,879 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited January 2023

    I have been impressed with TCU watching the TCU/MI game. Very physical OL and DL. Very good QB, WR's, RB's. Speed on the back 7 (8?) of the D.

    Inside info from TCU 2nd team DL Tymon Mitchell. TMitchell didn't start for UGA and doesn't start for TCU.

    But reading the narrative that TCU stopped MI's O? MI was stopped on downs inside the 5 on a really dumb play call. Fumbled/lost possession at the 1 and had 2 pick 6's (2 more empty possessions) and STILL SCORED 45 POINTS!

    Game will not be easy but is there to be won IF CKS and SBIV are as good as everyone thinks.

  • DallasDawgDallasDawg Posts: 1,299 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I'm with you, @MikeGriffith. folks on here accusing you of bias against Stetson Bennett are -- like most people -- overlooking their own, which includes their biases against you. Stetson Bennett did not play well for a significant part of the game. He admitted it. His coach admitted it. And while some fans will SAY it, they will then immediately jump to his defense, and when one of his bad plays is pointed out, they immediately claim someone, or something else was at fault. Like on that lateral, it wasn't so much that it was a lateral, it was that he just flat out short-armed the ball, forcing McConkey to lose his balance as he reached back for it. Bennett wasn't under pressure. He just missed it. I'm not trying to bash Bennett, I like him. But no one on that team is above being critiqued (which, I might note, is different from being CRITICIZED). Bennett had a tough game Saturday. He wasn't the only Dawg to do so, and I'm including coaches in here, too. Here's hoping they will all do better come Monday night and your prediction of the Dawgs winning big comes to fruition. Go Dawgs!

  • HemingweyHemingwey Posts: 4,032 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Stay in the shallow end, buddy. He did not short arm the pass to KMac. Further, the read option where he didn’t hand the ball to KMac was the correct read because OSU crashed the end. In retrospect, I wish he had handed the ball off, but it was the correct read at the time. OSU had great scheme on that play, pulled the linebacker late to stop the keeper—and there was a missed block on the perimeter.

  • HemingweyHemingwey Posts: 4,032 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Apparently, the play was to the TE (who was covered) or throw it away. Bennett improvised and screwed it up. Bennett isn’t perfect. He really botched that one—it happens. However, Mike saying Bennett (alone) cost Georgia 14 points is nonsense. I love Mike’s coverage overall, but he has an issue with Bennett—wanted JT as the starter, and can’t let it go.

  • DallasDawgDallasDawg Posts: 1,299 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @Hemingwey I can go with you there -- I don't think anyone can definitively say Bennett cost the team 14 points. There's just no way to know what is going to happen on a subsequent play, even after a turnover where the team ultimately scores. We call it "points off turnovers," but there's always the chance the defense could stop them before the score. I do not know Mike Griffith personally, but as a former longtime reporter and editor, I HIGHLY DOUBT he cares one way or the other who UGA starts at QB, or any other position. He may BELIEVE in his heart that JT Daniels was the better quarterback, but I don't think he's out to get Bennett to prove that point. I know many Dawg fans won't believe that, and that's OK. But I'm telling you, as someone who did the job for 40-plus years, your mind just doesn't work like that. Just like Ohio State fans are CONVINCED the fix was on for UGA because of the two overturned calls, especially the hit on Harrison. They'll never be persuaded otherwise. In their minds, those referees (or some unknown College Football entity) wanted UGA to win at all costs and so all the calls went against them. And, of course, we UGA fans see it totally differently. It's the nature of fandom and I'm sure Mike G. understands that. Go Dawgs!

  • rxmasterrxmaster Posts: 124 ✭✭✭ Junior

    It's an option route and the receiver is generally always considered wrong if they wind up on the wrong page with the QB, but in fairness, his read was better than Bennett's as he would have walked to a TD if Bennett had thrown the route he ran.

  • HemingweyHemingwey Posts: 4,032 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Yeah… wish Bennett had not been under pressure… a second more and he can see KMac jump to the outside… then its likely a TD!

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