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Why Herschel Walker towers above others on Georgia football Mount Rushmore, campus statue overdue



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    1SICemDAWGS11SICemDAWGS1 Posts: 1,828 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited February 2023

    My guess would be because the article has nothing to do with politics..only football accomplishments. Harsh words from someone who drags politics and the past up in a football forum, not suprising. I guess you've lived a perfect life huh? 🙄🙄🙄

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    jdatl3jdatl3 Posts: 411 ✭✭✭✭ Senior
    edited February 2023

    Sorry Navy dawg, you did want to shut down discourse and freedom of speech. You also brought up the scriptures and abortion. Do you want to defend abortion as well? Is it a little indiscretion years ago that doesn't amount to much. Sorry, they are pulling down statues of confederate officers - not because they weren't the best officers, because their deeds were horrible. I wish this was a political issue, but it's not. The allegations against my favorite running back are quite serious. Many witnesses. Two women saying he requested abortions, one he pressed her to do it even though she didn't want to. His son agreed. A gun to his wife's head. I see you have no problem sweeping this under the rug, but it's a lot more serious than political theater. Women everywhere don't want to see this behavior immortalized with a statue. I don't know you, or if you were in the navy or anything else, but I don't agree with your point of view.

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    Run_Lindsey_RunRun_Lindsey_Run Posts: 46 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Herschel Walker did more to tarnish his reputation and legacy than any cluster of comments on this site could ever hope to do. Great football player no doubt. The balance of his character is very dubious at best.

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited February 2023

    1) YOU and another poster brought up Herschel’s political and personal past on a post about his Football achievements. 2) Yes I tried to defend him and I don’t apologize for it. 3) I didn’t Demand to shut down the post I respectfully Requested it be shut down so that people like You from the anonymity of your computer or smartphone couldn’t take Cheap and Malicious shots at Herschel and then label it “discourse”. 4) Herschel has already Explained, Apologized, and Tried to make amendments for the past with his EX wife many, many years ago. That’s not some sort of “New” revelation. 5) Two Women CLAIM, I could Claim to be a Billionaire and that wouldn’t make me one. Why did they take all these years to Make their claims and only show up when he decided to run for office ?? I’ll help you, Plenty of Dem $$ probably from George Soros. Just because they CLAIM something doesn’t mean it’s true. Just like you Attempting to challenge my time in the Navy based on “ You don’t know me” So do you Know these two women ?? 6) Same thing for “ All The Witnesses “ you cite. Fact based Witnesses or Operatives Working for the Dem Party to render a blow to Herschel’s then political candidacy. I’m pretty sure it’s the later. 7) Have YOU ever been involved in a nasty divorce where your Ex-Spouse is seeking to render you harm in Many ways ?? I have. And Herschel’s EX has much By Her Own Admission animosity against Herschel. 8) Have YOU ever suffered with mental health issues ? I have and Still do and I’m not ashamed as the PTSD I have comes from my military service that you Imply I’m lying about. 9) On the issue of abortion you speak as if ALL women are So Called Pro Choice ( the Baby in the **** sure doesn’t have much choice) and your Extremely wrong, as there are countless women that are Pro-Life. 10) Lastly YOU and a another poster or two were the ones that made the conscious Decision and Choice to take a Football article and turn it into a Political and Personal attack on Herschel Walker. Not me. I Did try to defend him and Won’t even think about apologizing for that. As far as my service in the Navy I could care less whether you believe me or not, I Know what I done, and sure don’t have to validate myself to somebody like YOU. You just go ahead and believe every single word that every single main stream media outlet Feeds you, if you want to Stay dumb downed it’s not my concern. Maybe someday you’ll be able to diffientirate between a Sports article and a editorial on political opinion. But in your case that day might be a long time coming.🙄 Oh and lastly it’s sad you won’t even consider believing “ Your favorite running back” but will Easily believe two women who rather conveniently materialized out of seemingly no where Oh just about the time Herschel began his campaign began. Funny how that happens. But to YOU Herschel’s just Gotta be lying or withholding Truth, because after all Main Stream Media said so. And all the so called witnesses !! And his Ex Wife that is so bitter against Herschel a raw green persimmon would taste sweet by comparison. You were very quick to throw the You Dont Know Me and Don’t know if I’m what I claim bit at me. But your so Incredibly naive you Do believe all the news media that have been Caught numerous times with an Anti-Conservative agenda. In Fact some of them have been found Guilty in law suits for their Obvious bias and mischaracterizations and out and out slander in some cases. So if You were ever a friend to Herschel with friends like You, who needs an enemy ? I’m so glad my friends have more faith and trust in me, than to just readily believe any and all Garbage a media outlet would say. And Herschel has Plenty of Friends and Family that Believe in him. If your not one of them I doubt it’s a huge loss, most of us don’t mind losing a Fickle friend.

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    reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,661 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I guess we should rename all the MLK streets and Boulevards, schools, etc and take down his statues. He was by many accounts quite a horn dog.

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    And to those here who Decided to attack Herschel based on his politics and his personal life. Stepping well over what the article was actually about, which was his FOOTBALL Achievements. Not a single word in the article about his politics and personal life. If Y’all are so zealous about what you think of Herschel, why don’t Y’all look the man up, get in his face, and Tell him what you think of him ?? Oh it doesn’t take much courage to launch a full scale assault of a person’s character from behind your computer or smart phone does it ? The assault he’s getting here by Some ( thankfully a minority) is the same type he got from the liberal, socialist, Dem supporting, Main Stream Media. Two women who “Claim”. Dem Operatives called “Witnesses” who “Claim”. Yeah right.

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I Do very much apologize to All Those who clicked on this article to read about Herschel and his Football achievements, As I also did initially, for my posting comments in Herschel’s defense. NOT for attempting to defend Herschel from the malicious, toxic, based on hear say from very biased media, comments on Herschel’s politics and personal life. But for perpetuating the back and forth on those issues which had Nothing at all to do with the article here. In other words I participated in something very negative Regardless of my intent, that robbed you of coming to a Sports site to enjoy and Get Away from those political and divisive things and for That I Do apologize to those of you who came here for the Football content. I’m sorry. My sincere apologies.

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    HemingweyHemingwey Posts: 3,898 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Closing this thread would serve those who came here to cancel Herschel Walker (with false information, I add). I understand the thought process that led you to suggest closing the thread, but we can’t allow hateful political rhetoric from an ignorant few to prevent celebration of one of the greatest football players of all time (and all around decent person by my personal experience).

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    HemingweyHemingwey Posts: 3,898 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Not including Stetson (hands down the most accomplished college QB to EVER play at Georgia) seems silly. Heck, Kirby Smart, who is not one to throw around compliments, said of Bennett: “He’s the greatest dawg of all time, in my opinion.”  (I disagree with Kirby only slightly—Herschel is number one.)

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    dazzledawgdazzledawg Posts: 203 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Terry Hogue, Rodney Hampton, Jake Scott, Bill Stanfill I can think of more

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited March 2023

    Thank You I deeply appreciate your comments. I do feel bad for the Dawgs fans that came here to read about Herschel and Football, for the part I had. I just ran very hot when I saw those comments. They were totally uncalled for. No I don’t know Herschel on a personal basis. But I have Very close family that do and they’ve told me many times he’s a wonderful person and very devout to his Christian faith. I Know these family members wouldn’t lie to me. Also he’s Extremely well thought of in the area of Ga. I was raised up in. My county I’m originally from is a neighboring county to his Johnson County. Lastly these people that bashed on him made a Deliberate and Conscious decision to depart from what the article was about and go to all the malicious and Very mean spirited comments about his politics and personal life. So I was reacting to their comments. There was No Call what so ever for them to cross that bridge. None. But they let their personal animosity for Herschel loose and on full display. So Yes it greatly angered me and I went on a tangent on Herschel’s defense. But then I Requested not demanded that the comments be closed. At that point one of the posters started attacking Me on a personal basis, by lying and claiming I was trying to infringe on their free speech !! Labeling his ( their) rabid comments as merely discourse. He ( they) wanted to be able to continue to take cheap shots at Herschel. But I wasn’t going to just kick back and be silent, and I knew in my heart there were other Dawgs fans that felt the same. Anyway I’m gonna try to put it behind me. It IS unfair to those who come here to read about Sports Only. And I’m sorry that I had a part in ruining their relaxation time to get away from all the political stuff. Herschel has paid his dues for his mistakes in life. He lost the election. He’s not a threat to these folks. So there’s no need or call for all their hate filled disparaging comments. But like I told them they certainly enjoy the anonymity of their computer or smart phone. Some how I don’t see them having the guts to walk up and Tell the man to His Face !! 😀

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    Bdw3184Bdw3184 Posts: 12,727 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    My repost from the DawgNation Community/forum site:

    My four “UGA Mt. Rushmore” members would have to include Herschel Walker, Frank Sinkwich and Charley Trippi……Two Heisman trophy winners and the greatest all-around athlete ever seen at UGA!

    After that……could be any one of a lot of players or coaches:

    Coach Dooley - NC winner and all-time winningest coach at UGA with a 201-77-10 record 

    Coach Smart - two NCs and counting!

    David Greene - 2002 SEC winner (first in 21 years), All time winningest QB at UGA (former National leader in wins) with 42 wins

    Aaron Murray - All time UGA and SEC career passing leader with 13,166 yards

    Champ Bailey - UGA’s best two-way player (IMO), College and Professional football HOF member

    Nick Chubb - Second place career rushing leader at UGA (and, IMO, best heart) with 4,769 yards

    Fran Tarkenton - 1959 SEC winning QB, College and Professional football HOF member

    Stetson Bennett- Two-time NC winning QB, 2022 SEC winner, UGA single season passing yardage leader (4,127 yards), four-time CFP MVP and one-time SEC MVP, 29-1 record as a starter

    Honorable Mention (in no particular order):

    Larry Munson, Lewis Grizzard, Coaches Wally Butts (3rd NC coach), Harry Mehre, Mark Richt and Erk Russell, Hines Ward, Eric Zeier, Matt Stafford, Jake Scott, Bill Stanfill, Jordan Davis, David Pollack, Theron Sapp (#40 - “the drought-breaker”), Terry Hoage, Kevin Butler, Scott Woerner, Buck Belue, Todd Gurley, A J Greene, Brock Bowers , Richard Appleby, Garrison Hearst, Vernon “Catfish” Smith (scored all 15 points in UGA’s first home win in Sanford Stadium v. Yale) ……

    and I am sure I have left off somebody’s favorite …..

    As someone said, “There really is no wrong answer” 🏆💯😎🤣!!!

    I believe my fourth would be Coach Dooley!

    Go Dawgs!

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    HemingweyHemingwey Posts: 3,898 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I will just point out that the information used by the Warnock campaign against Herschel concerning holding a gun to Cindy’s (his ex-wife) head came from a documentary Herschel made concerning dealing with mental illness to encourage others to seek appropriate help (long before he ran for office). Cindy was my next door neighbor in the dorm while we were at Georgia. What she and Herschel did in that documentary was courageous on both parts, and sought to make the world a better place.

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    BeachwagonBeachwagon Posts: 155 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Herschel Walker is the greatest running back in the history of football, and the best player that every work a Georgia Bulldog uniform. It is a disgrace that the university has not done anything to honor his life and achievements. I thought it was ludicrous that Athens and Clark County were won by Warlock in the latest Senate contest. Very sad what has happened to Georgia politics. Build a statue of Herschel at Sanford Stadium. Now.

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