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‘This is cut-throat,” Georgia player podcast sounds off on NIL, portal and recruiting



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    dazzledawgdazzledawg Posts: 197 ✭✭✭ Junior

    So, are the players issued a 1099 or W-2 for compensation received?

    I find it hard to believe the IRS would let NIL exist without wanting their cut every April 15th.

    Who’s paying state and federal taxes on this money?

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    osmosiphobeosmosiphobe Posts: 383 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    Yeah, man. HAHA! I'm all for the sentiment. Glad you got what I was really getting at.

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,430 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Aren't players [student-athletes] exempt as "full time students"? Or, the parents can claim his earnings and pay the taxes using "their" exemptions...under the same "full time student" exemption. If I'm not mistaken.

    I'm not sure if the magnitude of the income matters.

    See what I'm saying? Lawyers...particularly "contract" and "tax" Attorneys...are making a dang killin' on this thing.

    Everybody...EVERYBODY...needs a lawyer. And, it can't be the same one. Lol

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    UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,770 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    You do realize that Puglisi went to a HS with 400 total students right? The competition in CT in the private school class isn't exactly GHSA 7A. To expect Puglisi (or Stockton) to jump into SEC competition in less than 2 yrs is delusional.

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    UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,770 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited December 2023

    That is true of what college sports used to be. Should be. Now the stakes ($$$) are higher. Capitalism is the predominant religion and "I'm gonna get mine" is the the prevailing attitude in the US. Too late to put the worms back in the can.

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,430 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited December 2023

    Personally, I don't think it matters what size school he played in at the HS level. Or, the competition level. Doesn't matter...either, he can "play football" or he can't. Either he's an athlete, or he isn't. That's not determined by the size of school he plays for.

    Lol...Benedictine only had about 400-600 students...if that...when I was a kid. And, they've been churning out some of the best talent, this State's produced for decades.

    Herschel Walker played at one of the smallest High Schools in UGA...and, became one of Vince Dooley's 1st Freshman "starters".

    But....yeah you're right in one respect. A Freshman QB cannot start in the SEC without taking some lumps and going through some growing pains. If a Freshman takes off in his 1st year...it's usually because of the players around him. His supporting cast, if you will.

    Frankly...I believe Bama had a Leadership problem earlier in the year...not a QB problem. Milroe was always gonna be "the guy"...but, he didn't have complete buy-in from the rest of the team. Team Support for the QB's was split among Milroe and the others.

    To fix the problem...Saban "sat him" in the UCF game and played the other 2 QB's exclusively, so that he could destroy them in front of the team, while doing film review. The Team would see that Milroe was the best option...and everybody would get behind him. I've seen that before, on a team I played on. It worked for us...and, it worked for Saban.

    I've always said a QB's success, is a team product. There are no real "Saviors". That's a myth....a pot of gold at the end of the Natty Rainbow. There are no shortcuts to maturity, confidence and experience. That's a QB's biggest limiting factor...IMO.

    It starts with confidence...and I haven't met many 18 yr old kids, that could handle the momentum swings and stay confident and efficient in the face of an SEC Defense. There's just no way to teach, even a savant, all of the intricacies of UGA's offense, in less than a year.

    If you simplified the offense to about 10 plays [with variations in formation, routes and ball delivery]...and practiced till every player on the offense, could execute those plays [with variations] in their sleep....then, a disciplined team, might be able to get through an undefeated SEC Season with a Freshman QB and Efficient Defense/Special Teams.

    IMO...it's more of a mental challenge, than physical. I like Puglisi. But, I like Stockton, more. He's ready. If Beck comes back....the Dawgs will be in "Great Shape". If Beck leaves and Stockton comes back, with Raiola and/or Puglisi coming in...the Dawgs will be in "Good Shape".

    For what it's worth...I don't think Beck is leaving. Like Bennett...this is His year. The 1st year he will be undisputed Leader of the Offense. He can really do some special things next year, if he comes back...and he and his Dad know it. I don't know how high money sits on that family's decision tree.

    Which is more valuable, to the Beck Family...[money] or [immortality, money and fame]. One more year...and, he has a shot at having it all. I don't think I could pass that up. But, "different strokes", as they say.

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,430 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited December 2023

    Lol...it started with "The Me Generation" of the '60's-'70's...and ended with "The Me Too Generation" of the 2000's.

    Final Product?.... "The All About Me Society". Where's the Love? Lol

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    reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,647 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I went back and watched some more HS highlights of Raioloa and Puglisi as well as GS. Puglisi does have a cannon and he can run perhaps some better than CB. But GS was the best runner in HS of the other three. But just say Pulisi and Raiola, no question about it. All can throw the ball down the field 65 plus yards and thats mostly what you get on these HS highlights of QB's. But IMO that doesn't tell you as much as the 25 yard seed over the middle in tight coverage, At UGA a QB only gets 1 or 2 of the deep passes per game so what is most important is can they make the tight window, pressure in your face, type throws?

    No one we currently have or may have moving forward makes those throws better than CB. Being 6'4" with a quick release certainly helps.

    GS IMO at least in his HS film, either doesn't like the pocket or maybe had to move out of the pocket due to his O-Line situation, I wouldn't consider him a pocket passer, unless he's gotten more comfortable the past year. HIs height is a drawback for pocket passing. But he is dangerous with the ball in his hands and he throws a great deep ball with seemingly great precision. But again, that won't be your bread and butter in college.

    Both GS and Puglisi have fairly long arrm actions when compared to DR. DR has the most effortless release that I have seen in any QB, in college or coming out of HS. It is beautiful to watch the effortless release of his passes. I think the guy is special, if he gets his mind right. Sad to lose him.

    When watching Puglisi you can tell the competition around him was weak, sort of like with BVG and GS.

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    UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,770 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited December 2023


    Ya know, for an old timer I woulda thought that you woulda learned something by now.

    HS competition level "doesn't matter"? Aren't you the same guy that said Arch Manning played against such a low level of competition that he might never be up to speed for the SEC? There are incremental steps in competition from HS JV to the NFL. Going from VERY low level HS competition to productive SEC QUARTERBACK is a HUGE leap. The mental part of mastering a pro style O like UGA's alone is a 2 year process. Minimum.

    So now you are comparing Puglisi to Herschel Walker??? You are the same guy that said Marcus Washington (remember him?) could enroll early and compete because (and I quote, LOL) " he COULD BE LaBron James or Kobe Bryant". Because "we don't know". Yes we pretty much know. The odds are miniscule and infinitesimal that guys step in and play championship caliber CFB at QB the 1st year. Walker was a once in a generation RUNNING BACK. NOT a QB. RB's can contribute immediately. QB's cannot.

    Football, back in your day, and even 40 years ago in HWalker's day is totally different than football now. More and better athletes, better coaching and development, better training and nutrition, more intricate and sophisticated defenses, I could go on.

    The point is that QB is the hardest position to play. You can throw any QB out there. But we saw how much preparation CBeck received to be able to come out and play at a high level this year. And he still folded up under pressure in the SECCG.

    A good, experienced QB, at the college level, can influence success more than a good team can compete for championships w/poor QB play. YOU said that '23 UGA playing UGA's 24 schedule "could lose 2-3 games". W/o an experienced, productive QB (CBeck) '24 UGA can lose 5 games. The team is losing a lot of talent. They are adding FRESHMAN talent. Freshman talent does not win the SEC. There better be some (6-7 starters?) big time talent coming into the program from the TP or UGA is set back to '16 program expectations. ESPECIALLY w/o a CBeck level player at QB.

    My research of the 60's shows that the kids of the 60's were not "me first". They were idealists unified against the "establishment" for the perceived greater good. 500,000 attended a rock festival with no water, food or facilities, for 4 days, w/nary a fistfight. Those same idealistic "me first" baby boomers are now trying to save the world out of Uncle Sam's pocket (yours and my tax dollars). Unfortunately to the extreme detriment and neglect of our own country. You should know better than anyone, idealism isn't reality. Hardly "me first" but certainly not a discussion for this forum.

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    reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,647 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I didn't see CB fold up during the SECC game. Was he tested moreso against BAMA's defense than any other all year? HEck yes! THe miscue between him and Bell wasn't due to pressure he was under, he kept leading UGA back in the 2nd half. DId he have a Heisman moment? Hardly! But did he fold? Maybe you didn't mean it to sound so harsh.

    21-29 for 243 against BAMA is folding? He played within Bobo's system, which was to try to keep ruuning the ball even when it wasn't working. Only Eleven pass attempts in the 1st half, half of those were on the first drive for 7 points. 18 pass attempts in the 2nd half and we score 17 oints. 34 yards rushing on 11 tries in the 2nd half. It dang sure wasn't the rushing attack that garnered the points.

    ANd yet still, aside from the no call incomplete pass and the missed FG, that was hurt by the Illegal Procedure, and the fumble, looks like we win.

    I will stick by what I;ve said all along, we were never going to beat BAMA running it. Not that I'm against throwing in some runs. But I believe we ran it virtually the same amount as the throws. Our best shot was throwing it around to multiple receivers and running to surprise not to establish anything.

    Some might say,we're never going to win if CB has to throw it 48 times. THat's not what I'm saying at all. Somewhere between 29 times and 48 times would be the happy medium. THeres a difference between passing to win and passing because you're forced to because you're getting killed.

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    UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,770 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited December 2023

    Was "folding up" a little "harsh"? Maybe. In poker there is no shame in folding. Did CBeck rise up and win the game? No. Did he acquit himself well considering he had 4 yrs of skull and practice sessions and a full year of SEC starting experience? No. He still looked a little like a deer in the headlights. Which was the point I was trying to make to another who thinks GStockton or Puglisi (or Raiola) stroll in and start in '24. They could but it would be a disaster.

    Not sure you can lay the loss all on Bobo. Maybe you didn't mean it to sound so harsh? UGA was outcoached across the board. In every phase. You can bet CKS had a big hand in the O game plan. What did CKS THINK was gonna happen when UGA called a dive play on 3rd and 2 into the teeth of the AL D and Trezman Marshall? Marshall has probably seen that play run from that formation 5000 times in practice while at UGA. Willing to bet Marshall was moving to the hole before the ball was snapped.

    " aside from the no call incomplete pass and the missed FG, that was hurt by the Illegal Procedure, and the fumble, looks like we win." That is a lot of "IF's". With all those things it felt like the game was never in doubt and the final score closer than the actual game was.

    UGA's O has been vanilla all year. We kept waiting for more that never came. Vs AL UGA didn't move the pocket, didn't try any/enough long passes, and ran too many predictable running plays. Calling an end around at your own 11 AND not pounding into Beck/Bell's head that #1 you HAVE TO make the handoff is a fold play. UGA folded in practice not having that play ready for the SECCG. And Beck AND Bell folded not ensuring that exchange is made.

    AU rushed for 244 yards vs AL in the '23 Iron Bowl 1 week earlier. UGA's O, led by CBeck, folded vs AL. Is that better? Truthfully, the season ended when the HC/OC decided to over use #19 in games that he wasn't needed in to win (Vandy) resulting in his injury. The resulting injury led to substandard play in the biggest game of the year.

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    reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,647 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I've listened to a few podcast/interviews of pundits and former UGA players who though they think Bobo is an awesome OC, didn't think he called a particularly great game or had a good game plan for the SECC game.. THough, as you might imagine most don't wish to burn up there welcome mat at UGA and that was about as deep as they got into it.

    I saw one Podcaster with a UGA bent that said BAMA was worried about UGA (per Nick Saban) running against them and that they went to some type special run defense because of their fear UGA would run it down their throats but after the 1st series, they abandoned it and went back to their regular defense. They knew their front 4 could handle our O-line. "Thats how fast Saban makes adjustments." He showed it on film, the adjustments.

    It was admitted by Aaron Murray that our receivers couldn't get separation from thier DB's.

    No run game to speak of and no separation, or very little generally by receivers and a good pass rush by Bama, I still think CB played respectable for his trial by fire.

    I think if we stop Milroe and we get the ball back with 2 minutes in the game, we pull it out. But of course that's speculation and hindsight now.

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,430 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate


    A. You're right about Bama, in one respect.... Their defense is one of the "perennially" best in the Nation. They practice everyday, against one of the biggest and best o-lines, in the Country.

    And, Bama's lack of receivers, over the last 2 years, has them relying much more heavily on "the running game", to win....which means they get more practice at stopping the "running". Makes sense.

    Ya gotta throw something at em, they aren't used to seeing...at the postseason level. Well-coached, is all I can say...Just like UGA. Saban is onto Kirby...and, Kirby is onto Saban. Lol...which is why their games are always melodramatic, physical and pivotal. You know?...a game that can be stolen with a few skewed Calls/No-Calls, from the officials.

    B. IMO...a QB with a strong accurate arm, will never need to throw it over 60 yds.. The strong arm/quick release would allow him to fit passes into extremely tight windows. Which, to me, is much more valuable.

    Bottom line...

    Accuracy of Ball placement + Velocity to target = Complete passes

    [Velocity to Target]...That's the most important aspect of the pass, to me. I don't have a good feel, for which QB has the strongest arm. I haven't seen a lot of film on any of em, to be honest.

    I think Beck...like Bennett...was a baseball pitcher in youth ball, and HS. Accuracy...and Velocity.

    A good indication of "velocity"...would be how far can he throw it...if he was asked to throw as far as he can? And, like the Pass/Punt/Kick Contest...how far off target centerline, when the ball hits grass. That's just "arm strength & accuracy", though.

    I think...we all know, there's so much more to playing QB, than "arm talent".

    Like I said...I haven't seen any of em...other than Beck and a little bit of GS.

    What do you think of the recruits' "arm strength & accuracy"?

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,430 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited December 2023

    Here's what they aren't saying, though... cause, then they'd have to explain themselves. And, most of em can't. They're just plagiarizing someone else opinion. Lol

    They aren't saying...that UGA was injured and compromised along the LOS, from 1 WR to the other.

    That dictates your "play-calling"...and, "gameplan". He did what Bama allowed them to do, with what he had to work with. Mims going down, during UGA's 2nd possession had as big an impact as the reduced health of the WR Room.

    That was your "Saban Defensive Adjustment", right there. Losing Mims, that early in the gane...had the biggest impact on offensive ptlroduction...across the board, IMO.

    Similar to what happened in the '21 Natty...when Jones replaced Salyer at LT, and Salyer moved to RG. That 1 move...made all the difference in the game. That's why Elite teams value linemen. The "win" begins and ends, in the trenches.

    IMO...You can't judge Bobo on "that" game. He probably did a lot better than Monkin would've...as, they didn't lose by [17 points]². Lol

    Same with Beck...You can't put that "fumble", at the Bama 11, solely on his shoulders. There's a lot of blame to go all-around, on that particular play. Play design and play call in that situation are highly questionable. That might be the one "ding" I have on Bobo, in the SECCG.

    Why, PITCH/PASS the ball? At that range...why not just hand it off?. Did Bell take too shallow of a route [was he closer than they practiced]? Did he get there, too late/early [timing with a Freshman]?

    I've watched that play, over and over, frame by frame...and, I'm still not sure if Beck or Bell were at fault...cause, I don't know what it was "supposed to look like". Lol

    I do know this...if it was supposed to be a pitch or pass...either...Beck got there, too late and too deep...OR...Bell got there too late and too shallow. IF...it was "supposed" to be a pitch/pass.

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    reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,647 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Aaron Murray put the blame squarely on CB. I don't know, I'm kinda like you, it just didn't look right. But if you watch it closely you will see CB looks away from Bell as he is delivering the ball. He didn't watch it into Bell's possession. I don't even think he saw the fumble right away, as he made no move to go get the ball.

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    reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,647 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate


    As far as arm strength, both look equal to CB, if not better. Accuracy looks good by both but you know they only show the completions and not the misses in their highlights. CB has a qucik release and seems to process things pretty well. CAnt give an opinion on GS or RP. GS is just a tough nut kid. Saw his film in a playoff with a tough Thomas Central (I believe) and they kept sacking him and he just got right back up and kept going. Looked like Rocky Balboa. He wouldn't tap out. Lot of respect.

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    dawgfromduluthdawgfromduluth Posts: 364 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Beck did pretty well his first year as an SEC starter. Hershel went to a small school in a small conference. He did pretty well when he got a chance to start.

    Everything you say is really offensive to every SEC player who has not started a game in the SEC. A great man said that you learn to play (football) by playing.

    Frankly, I'm more concerned with who's calling the plays from the booth.

    You have a Merry Christmas.

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,430 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    He didn't see it and it took Bell an eternity to react. Lol

    It was a play that required perfect timing & execution. Beck looking away, was part of the play's misdirection. He was supposed to look away as part of the play fake. That, I'm sure of.

    I just don't get the pitch..particularly in that area of the field...with rookie RB.

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    reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,647 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    One thing I know is true, the players know who thebest players are on the team. I recall what the players have said about others on the scout team, as in SB who emulated Baker Mayfield. He was shredding our number 1 defense back when it was becoming elite. I like listening to podcast where the current UGA players comment on their teamates who are up and coming. Same thing with Brock Bowers when he enrolled early. Players were saying, who is this guy?

    A reference was made by Zion Logue on a podcast recently about how CJ Allen and I believe the Wlson kid when they came into the playoff practices last year, how fired up they were and attacking everyone and Logue said, some of the established players were going, "who are those guys?!"

    The players know. THey will give you all the BS if asked directly about "we believe in all our QB's, all are great and Yada, Yada, next man up, but they know!

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