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Braves Ongoing Season Comments Thread..



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    TeddyTeddy Posts: 7,109 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Wasted a great start by Dallas... As of late it seems when the pitching is on the bats go quiet, and vice versa.

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    MuffingodMuffingod Posts: 1,610 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I agree with this and it’s frustrating, imagine what it’d look like when both were going at the same time!

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    swilkerson73swilkerson73 Posts: 1,122 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    Run differential is usually a good indicator of where a team will finish.

    Bill James, a great American, figured this out long ago. Guy was at his night shift job as a security guard at a pork and beans factory. True story.

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    swilkerson73swilkerson73 Posts: 1,122 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    Bill James was a really smart guy who knew that people were playing baseball wrong. They weren't doing it in a way that maximized their chances of winning. He was laughed at and mocked. His ideas dismissed. After all he never played the game right? What the heck does he know about Baseball

    But in the end he wound up being absolutely correct.

    No one ignores him or Baseball analytics anymore. If they do they are hopelessly behind.

    If you cant tell the guy is kind of a hero to me.

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    WCDawgWCDawg Posts: 17,293 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Swarzak had an off night, he looked either sick or tired to me. I won't worry about him just yet. If we sign a good closer and move Jackson to a 7th and 8th inning role we should be fine in relief. We really need either 2 starters on roster to pick it up or 1 starter on roster to step up and a really good acquisition in the next week.

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    swilkerson73swilkerson73 Posts: 1,122 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    I worry about Swarzak. He was never as good as he showed when first coming to the ATL.

    I just think he is regressing to the mean a bit.

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    donmdonm Posts: 10,241 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Swarz was effective before he came over. I see this as just a blip. No one ever has an era of 0.0

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    WCDawgWCDawg Posts: 17,293 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    After tonight's loss we're 6-6 since the All Star break and 2-6 over our last 8 games. Over that 8 game stretch we've been outscored 47 to 27 and Washington has cut our division lead to 4.5. We rode some good fortune in winning most of the close games, if our luck/clutch play doesn't go our way Washington has a very good chance of overtaking us unless we improve our starting rotation and maybe land a real closer.

    As I posted before we have the lowest plus minus runs scored to runs allowed of all the contending teams in MLB, it's a fragile formula.

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    donmdonm Posts: 10,241 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Our hitting is a bit in the doldrums. Hope it picks up soon.

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    dbrown7494dbrown7494 Posts: 1,372 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    We just ran into a buzz saw the last two nights. The Royals are for whatever reason a very hot baseballs team. They have won 9 out of last 12. The unfortunate timing. Another part of the season we win both game so easily.

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    WCDawgWCDawg Posts: 17,293 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I give Bill James credit for looking at actual results as opposed to launch angle, exit velocity, bat speed, etc. Not that I'm opposed to measuring those things, as long as they aren't confused with actual production.

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    UGA4LifeUGA4Life Posts: 930 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    My biggest fear is that come August 1st, AA will have done nothing to solidify the back end of the pen, and we will not have added a viable starter. I just can’t see us contending for anything other than MAYBE the division with the pitching staff we currently have.

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    WCDawgWCDawg Posts: 17,293 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    UGA4Life. To have a viable chance against The Dodgers I agree we'll need to add pitching. Sign a closer and we'll add depth for the 6th,7th and 8th innings by moving Jackson to a set up role. We'll have aggressive competition for any really good starter who comes available. We'll have to give up a player to 2 who we value, but who can say when We'll have this opportunity again. KC was supposed to have been built to contend for many years but after winning The World Series they regressed. That is often the case. Seize the day while we're close.

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    UGA4LifeUGA4Life Posts: 930 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I agree. Who knows how many, if any, of the highly thought of prospects will actually make it in the bigs. I’m not saying totally deplete the farm system, but if there is someone you want to go get, that can help win a championship THIS year, price be damned.

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    Bsampson0317Bsampson0317 Posts: 133 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Trade Inder first

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    dbrown7494dbrown7494 Posts: 1,372 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Trades won’t happen till the 30 and 31st due to rules. A lot of teams are waiting on the first shoe to drop on the market

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    WCDawgWCDawg Posts: 17,293 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Hopeful this coming Tuesday and Wednesday will bring exciting news.

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    KirbstomperKirbstomper Posts: 1,102 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    It’s obvious what our weak spots are, starting pitching bullpen and corner outfield. Riley has been dreadful after his insurgent start, and markakis has been awful against left handers this year. I’m thinking it’s a good time to call up our old friend from last years deadline, Adam Duvall. He’d be a good short end of the platoon for nick/ender (good against lhp whereas they aren’t) and could give you another corner outfield presence as well. I doubt any of us would be super enthusiastic about his addition, but i think he would fit well into that role should they let Riley work it out in AAA.

    While I think it would be beneficial for Riley’s development to stay up and work it out up here (he has historically struggled to start in new levels and has always made the adjustments) I don’t think we are in a position to roll out a below replacement level guy.

    Pitching wise, we have clear openings and really need to find some good arms. It is definitely turning out to be a sellers market, one of the side effects of the second wild card spot is lots of teams are in it and lots need pitching. Any trades for quality starters are almost certainly going to end up having to be overpays. Would be shocked to see AA move the guys necessary to get Thor, and he isn’t even a surefire ace. Stroman would help, but would be more like the move to get gausman last year than it would be to get a top end guy. He is probably a 2/3 without much upside. Bumgardner is probably not going to be moved. Boyd in Detroit would be a super risky acquisition, as he has only been good recently, has lots of years of control, and we would probably have to pay Detroit as if he is a number 2 starter. I doubt anybody is truly sold that he is, hence the risk.

    Bullpen usually is easier to get some guys. Don’t think we will get a “closer” guy, but we could probably grab both a lefty and a righty who are upgrades. Don’t have any names of the top of my head. I also think we would convert gausman or folty to a role there if they can’t figure it out as starters.

    long post. But in short, I think we call up Duvall to platoon for Ender or markakis, trade for 1-3 relief arms, and probably don’t get the starter we need due to the demand being very high for the few guys available. Would love to be surprised on this because we desperately need one more strong option. AA may be hoping gausman or folty get it together, but if not they’d still be intriguing bullpen options a la Newk this year.

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    KirbstomperKirbstomper Posts: 1,102 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Also should note to @Bsampson0317 I don’t think we would move ender. His value is in the toilet right now. He has always been better in the second half of seasons, and if he turns it around to even his last years second half performance he is good enough to plug in vs right handers. His good CF Defense gives lots of value.

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