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COVID-19 Check-in 2.0



  • SupraSupra Posts: 109 ✭✭✭ Junior

    This fascination w/ HCQ is easily the strangest part of the whole pandemic. If it works, it works. If it doesn't, it doesn't.

    Do we really think there's a pharma conspiracy to keep HCQ from being discovered as a cheap treatment, while dexamethasone and other extremely cheap steroids are used all the time?

  • BankwalkerBankwalker Posts: 5,348 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    You linked the study and asked opinions a few days back.. It was probably more than 100. Definitely only had 16 positives.

  • YaleDawgYaleDawg Posts: 7,163 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Yes, it is perplexing. There was some evidence that warranted further investigation at the beginning. Once more rigorous data came out that showed it didn't work in multiple settings, we should have moved on like we do with almost every drug that fails phase 3 trials. However, a fanatical following has prevented us from doing so. It is incredibly frustrating.

  • YaleDawgYaleDawg Posts: 7,163 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @Bankwalker I know I cited the large RCTs mentioned here showing that HCQ doesn't work. I think you are talking about the small observational studies you and others are posting.

  • texdawgtexdawg Posts: 11,581 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Wonder if there are any stats showing which regions of the country have prescribed HCQ the most or the least?

    One region of the country has had a significantly higher death rate than other regions......significantly higher.....

    There are still a number of doctors down here in the uneducated south that still believe in HCQ and claim to be having success with it. I have a number of physician buddies that still believe in it.

    But they are probably at a disadvantage because their waiting room TVs are usually tuned to Fox, OANN or the cartoon network.

    Maybe they should turn it to CNN or MSNBC. Stations that have been against HCQ since the beginning.....

    Maybe ignorance is bliss.

    If I ever get really sick from Covid..... I hope my doctor has the intelligence and courage to try anything that they believe will work.....even if Chris Cuomo swears against it.

  • BankwalkerBankwalker Posts: 5,348 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2020

    Haha! Do you even read the stuff you link,@YaleDawg ? As you can see, in the below comment by YOU from July 23, to which I have linked, you clearly state,”I'm more interested in what you think of the RCT that contradicts Dr. Risch.”

    (Quote) He wasn't just referring to you. I'm more interested in what you think of the RCT that contradicts Dr. Risch. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2016638

    in  COVID-19 Check-in 2.0 Comment by YaleDawg July 23

    Now before you read the study which you linked PROVING DR RISCH IS A CHARLATAN, please recall I said it had 100 people and only 16 positives by test.

    You just said “I doubt it.” (See above)

    Clearly you didn’t read the study that you claimed contradicts Dr Risch. So here, allow me to quote it for you.

    “Of 113 persons in whom symptomatic illness developed, 16 had PCR-confirmed disease, 74 had illness that was compatible with probable Covid-19 per the U.S. case definition, 13 had possible Covid-19 with compatible symptoms and epidemiologic linkage...”

    The study actually looked at 821 people, and treated 414 with HCQ, of which only 49 developed symptoms, and only 11 of those who received HCQ actually tested positive.

    How many millions of people have tested for Covid 19 because they “exhibited symptoms?” Well this study had 49 of those who actually developed symptomatic illness on the HCQ side, and only ELEVEN actually tested positive by PCR exam. The rest were presumptively positive. That’s just over 20%, which is a positive rate similar to Florida, according to @Denmen185’s numbers.

    Who is the fraud? Your study, the one YOU said proves Dr Risch is wrong on HCQ, only treated 11 prople who had tested positive with HCQ. That’s a helluva sample size. Gold standard in medicine, right?

    @PerroGrande @texdawg @Casanova_Flatulence @RxDawg @JoelSidneyKelly @flemingislanddawg @Bum @BoroDawg @pgjackson

  • YaleDawgYaleDawg Posts: 7,163 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    How many large trials are needed to show it doesn't work? No one is saying the South is uneducated.

  • YaleDawgYaleDawg Posts: 7,163 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2020

    We enrolled 821 asymptomatic participants. Overall, 87.6% of the participants (719 of 821) reported a high-risk exposure to a confirmed Covid-19 contact. The incidence of new illness compatible with Covid-19 did not differ significantly between participants receiving hydroxychloroquine (49 of 414 [11.8%]) and those receiving placebo (58 of 407 [14.3%]); the absolute difference was −2.4 percentage points (95% confidence interval, −7.0 to 2.2; P=0.35). Side effects were more common with hydroxychloroquine than with placebo (40.1% vs. 16.8%), but no serious adverse reactions were reported.

    These are the results. It is sad that you have to resort to lying and distorting data just to try and win an argument. Not all of them were tested because they were at high risk of exposure because they lived with people who had already tested positive. If you live with someone who tested positive and develop COVID-19 symptoms, you probably have covid.

    Edit: this is also one of many RCTs that show HCQ is not an effective treatment for COVID-19. I understand your political views are influencing how you look at things but this is just sad. It's time to move on and stop believing in a grand global conspiracy.

  • pocoyopocoyo Posts: 2,600 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Did you seriously just imply that Texas is part of the south? You've been there long enough to know that Texas is not "part" of anything. It's TEXAS. 😬

  • Tdub0199Tdub0199 Posts: 1,977 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Just wondering what you guys/gals think about this video, there's gotta be an reason Facebook and Youtube keep deleting it....

  • texdawgtexdawg Posts: 11,581 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    My mother in law's doctor definitely believes in HCQ

    And my buddies that are physicians seem to believe in it. They must not have access to your large trials and are just going off their real world experiences.

    A "certain" part of the population has been against HCQ since the start of this virus. Way before any of these large trials could take place.

    I'm no scientist....heck.....I'm really not very smart. But I do know scientists can run trials to try and discover a truth......or try to prove a "truth". I learned that from my 10th grade science teacher.

    And.....I understand the importance of having lab scientists.....I really do. But in a situation like this......with a virus like this......I tend to want to rely on those doctors that have the stresses of trying to keep their patients alive....over those that lock up the lab at 5pm.

    And I mean no disrespect to those talented and very vitale research doctors.

  • texdawgtexdawg Posts: 11,581 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
  • Raiderbeater1Raiderbeater1 Posts: 3,820 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    It’s used as a partisan attack tool. If you can discredit or vilify one thing you can then make statements like “has been wrong before” and continue with being sanctimonious towards others that you consider a political enemy. “Resist by any means necessary.....”.

  • BankwalkerBankwalker Posts: 5,348 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2020

    The real problem with the Risch article is that he cited studies utilizing little to no control groups, and involved regular doctors who weren’t affiliated with a large tax payer funded grant upon which these academic types rely to earn a living.

    The difference is a regular doctor, such a Dr Zelenko, has an ethical creed to follow. They aren’t going to create a “control group“ among patients because the control is really just a group of people they give a placebo. Experimental Medicine hangs the control group out to fend for themselves and likely die. An experimental treatment is then deemed a success if significantly fewer people die than the poor people who drew the control group card.

    Think about that for a minute! That’s the HIGH ETHICAL GOLD STANDARD of the RCT so touted by academics - they just let people die in the name of medicine.

    So because Dr Zelenko attempted to save the lives of all of his patients (and did), he is now considered a fraud by the academic community.

    That’s really messed up. It might be a justifiable necessity, but still messed up Especially for this situation where the virus is likely to die off on its own or weaken to the point of no longer being the same threat to life.

    In the history of medicine, I wonder how many millions of people have been killed as a result of simply being unfortunate enough to draw “control group?”

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