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- Please no inappropriate usernames (remember that there may be youngsters in the room)

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- 3/17/19 UPDATE -- We've updated the permissions for our "Football" and "Commit to the G" recruiting message boards. We aim to be the best free board out there and that has not changed. We do now ask that all of you good people register as a member of our forum in order to see the sugar that is falling from our skies, so to speak.

COVID-19 Check-in



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    christopheruleschristopherules Posts: 14,336 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    April 3rd... my family and I are hunkered down in San Diego, and we are still praying for all of y'all.

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    ghostofuga1ghostofuga1 Posts: 9,049 mod

    Had our first officially reported case in our county as of noon today. Was hoping to get none, but knew that wasn't going to happen. Last census report, we had a little over 11,000 residents. That may include the "part timers" that have second homes here, which there are plenty of.

    All in all, still feel pretty safe going to the grocery store, but still keeping my distance.

    On a side note, the TVA has closed all public boat ramps to the lake. Really didn't think boating or fishing was considered "close" gatherings, but who knows. Maybe to keep the recreational folks away during this "shelter in place" period? Guess the lucky ones have a house on the lake and a dock...and the boat in the water already.....

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    Denmen185Denmen185 Posts: 7,410 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    "Sheer size" was only used in the context that it's spread westward and to the heartland would take longer than in European countries and hence not all areas are likely to peak at the same time. Check out the west coast 4/17 and the heartland 5/1. The spread to the west will be ahead of the heartland based on major airline hubs and lack of natural barriers like the Rockies.

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    Old_lady_dawg_fanOld_lady_dawg_fan Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    People going to vacation homes are a big problem, though I sure see the appeal. Most of these places don't have the hospital resources to handle big outbreaks. Rhode Island cops are pulling over people with New York tags.

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    DvilleDawgDvilleDawg Posts: 2,698 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
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    DvilleDawgDvilleDawg Posts: 2,698 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited April 2020
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    KaseyKasey Posts: 28,899 mod

    Fiance and I are hunkered down here in Pope County, Minnesota. Zero cases here. 7 more days until we fulfill the 14 day quarantine and I can actually contribute to the beer stash by going into a store.

    fun fact: Larry Munson was from Minneapolis, Minnesota

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    DvilleDawgDvilleDawg Posts: 2,698 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Yes we are drag racing fans. We used to go every year when they raced in Commerce.

    That is an awesome way to hold a service without the ability to live stream.

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    BarkingDawgBarkingDawg Posts: 2,569 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    So does being from Minnesota explain Munson’s Virtuoso Accent🎤

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    DvilleDawgDvilleDawg Posts: 2,698 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    My mom and dad were children during the depression and getting them to throw things away was very difficult because it might could be re-purposed into something else and no matter how much money they had their first reaction to buying something was they couldn't afford it. What will be our quirk from going through this pandemic? Other than running out of toilet paper.

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    GradyDawg85GradyDawg85 Posts: 436 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Update from here...dog broke a toe running down a slope after a squirrel; wife pulled a hammy running after dog; I compressed an ulnar nerve due to bad WFH ergonomics so left hand is pretty useless at the moment.

    So no complaints, life is still far better than deserved and we’re praying for all those facing real troubles and those providing tireless support.

    But, watch those ergonomics, people.

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    DvilleDawgDvilleDawg Posts: 2,698 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I've been wondering how everybody was doing with WFH ergonomics. Our HSE department makes a big deal out of ergonomics and it's all out the window now.

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    GrayDawgGrayDawg Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Still going to work like normal as we have been deemed essential to the economic infrastructure. I naturally crave leisure and enjoy family time so there is some jealousy of those who are home with their families during all of this. At the same time, I'm grateful for a stable job that keeps the Bill's paid. We are in uncertain times economically. I send prayers up for any Dawgs who are already dealing with the the pressures of an economic slowdown and the many more it will affect.

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    pgjacksonpgjackson Posts: 17,833 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    We have this issue in Pensacola. Still lots of tourists at their beach rentals.

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    cory430cory430 Posts: 913 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
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    KaseyKasey Posts: 28,899 mod
    edited April 2020

    in case anyone was worried we were going to wind up like Italy...

    Also, updated models. Some good news. My current home state looks to be bearing the brunt of the deaths. Please stay home and wear masks if you must go out. (was about to make a political joke, but was electroshocked before I could type it). STay safe everyone!

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