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COVID-19 Check-in



  • Canedawg2140Canedawg2140 Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Respectfully, that is not what I asked everyone...

    I refuse to rehash what did and did not work over the past months. That is water under the bridge. We are not going to go back to that scenario, and it was never gonna work here anyway.

    I am asking - on June 2nd - when is enough enough? At what point do we move on? Are some of you suggesting another 3-4 month lockdown? The half-a$$ approach is not gonna work...

  • KaseyKasey Posts: 29,246 mod
    edited July 2020


    edit: and just for the record, all politicians have their own interests in mind. Even the one in that big White House

  • texdawgtexdawg Posts: 11,581 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @Denmen185 , @YaleDawg and others I have disagreed with...... I hope I didn't come across as condescending.

    I'm extremely conservative and always have been. I respect your point of view but I simply don't agree with it. I also believe in science and have nothing against the information you have been posting. I'm confident you are both very intelligent and know what you are talking about. But the death rate simply doesn't justify everything that has been done to harm the economy .

    I sincerely hope you have a wonderful 4th of July. And stay safe. Because sometime soon we'll be able to talk Bulldog football. Something we all love and can agree on.

  • Denmen185Denmen185 Posts: 7,453 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    The real question is do you want the light switch to continue being like when I use the Clorox wipe to disinfect it (on-off-on-off....) or do you want to turn the light off for 4 weeks to really put this thing behind us? I would rather lose 4 weeks of my life than go through this for 2+ years.

  • BankwalkerBankwalker Posts: 5,348 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2020

    Well that has been my big gripe all along. If they were going to close one thing, then they should have closed everythingClose it all or close nothing.

    You can see where the partial closure got us. We haven’t opened back up too soon. We only slowed things down. This thing was coming back no matter what with the way this was only partially closed. We were never going to get to zero spread. This was mishandled by every state and local government. All of them. Dem. GOP. All of them. I was screaming that from Day 1. Now folks want to again “selectively close”. That’s an effort that will still leave the kool-aid you’re drinking tainted..

    I’ll bet NY gets another surge, too That maroon still has people with the disease in his state He can trumpet his low positive rate all he wants It was once much less prevalent in his State and look what happened It grew big from few infections. If we really don’t have partial immunity from previous coronaviruses then it will accelerate in NY again too.

    Too late. We blew our chance. At least we learned something about how to treat.

  • dawgnmsdawgnms Posts: 5,264 mod

    Limited to 50% capicity down here. Every big box store has a person keeping track of who enters and leaves so nothing is packed out. Still we are having way more cases then early on.

  • Denmen185Denmen185 Posts: 7,453 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate


    We obviously will not see eye to eye on this and only be able to look back and evaluate what the problem is and how hopefully it was solved. FWIW Fauci said today that the difference is that Europe shut down 95% of the economy and got ahead of the virus but US even in "lock-down" only shut down at most 50% and are now paying for it. Let's resume this in 12 months as we look forward to 2021. In the meantime I will stick to the numbers and TRY to avoid comment (maybe 🤣)

    Go Dawgs!

  • BankwalkerBankwalker Posts: 5,348 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    For once, I agree with Fauci. We don’t live in a society that would allow a complete shutdown. A President should not have those kinds of powers, because who is to say when it wouldn’t be abused. The decisions were properly and legally left up the States, but we’ll never get all 50 states to agree. It’s the price of or freedoms. If we ever have a President try to order the entire country on lockdown for an extended period then they will need a much larger force than the secret service to protect the WH.

  • Denmen185Denmen185 Posts: 7,453 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    We lost that too remember 🤣. To the victor the spoils. Have (safe) fun.

  • Canedawg2140Canedawg2140 Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Again, just looking for an answer, which you did not provide again.

    So I will kindly ask again, and ask everyone - would love to hear from several of you.

    When do we move on? Are you convinced that Europe doesn't flair back up as soon as they start living again? I am not - AT ALL.

    if there is no vaccine, are masks the new reality - forever? Do we social distance forever? No concerts? No 93K in Sanford? No crowds, ever?

    Seriously, when are you willing to move on?

    Or, are there those who say that life in America pre March 2020 is gone forever? Because it sounds like there are those on this board who think that is the logical route sans vaccine...

    And if the government tells us our former way of life is gone, the tiny little protests we have seen recently will look like kindergarten hissy fit in comparison...

  • JayDogJayDog Posts: 5,560 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    People keep talking about others, “living in fear” when the death rate is low. The problem is the numbers/ statistics are all suspect. We’ve been gathering data for about four months and we’ve had distortions and false information mixed with science. Most of us non-medical types don’t know who to believe. We have to be cautious or We play Russian roulette—doesn’t seem to be an in between.

  • JayDogJayDog Posts: 5,560 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    There is nothing wrong with wearing masks. I hate them—after an hour I’m ready to rip them off. But I know they protect others, so I will wear them as long as necessary to get past the reality and risk of this virus—and the hysteria. Just no more lockdowns, please.

  • Mia_Dade06Mia_Dade06 Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2020

    Well it’s happening here in Miami. A second shut down is upon us. Just announced tonight there will be a 10 pm indefinite curfew and openings have been rolled back. Casinos, gentlemens clubs, movie theaters , arcades and more are now closed. Restaurants and gyms will most likely be next. Entire service industry is taking a huge hit as servers , Bartenders and others in hospitality only go in to work for 3-4 hours for their night shift and walk with $30-$50 MAYBE due to the curfew. Something has to change no one can live off this especially in Miami.

    Miami-Dade and Broward being the democratic prominence of the state and the hardest hit areas will be the first to go against the grain of DeSantis and Trumps continuance to keep opening up. It’s a mess.

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