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Top running back target Justice Haynes spurns Georgia football for Alabama



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    DallasDawgDallasDawg Posts: 1,274 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I'm with you, @UGADad20 , the current trend of missing on offensive recruits is definitely "concerning." I don't get some of these Dawg fans. While we're recruiting a kid, it's "Commit to the G," or "we really need you." Or whatever. And then, when a kid decides to go elsewhere, we see all of the negativity ranging from "he's not that big of a deal" to "we don't need him" to (most recently) "someone paid him more NIL." Remember, the theme around Kirby when he initially came to Georgia was he was going to put a wall around the state and all of the top players would come here. It is BY NO MEANS time to panic, but losing out on the #3 player in the state -- and a legacy player at that -- is a big deal that has to sting. I guarantee that no UGA coaches are sitting their thinking, "Oh, so a kid we really tried to recruit decided to go to Alabama; no worries." Again, I'm not panicking nor do I think Kirby & Co. are necessarily doing anything wrong. But it is undeniable that what we've seen with offensive recruiting thus far -- with the notable exception of tight end -- is cause for concern. There is something, or maybe some THINGS, that these kids are not hearing and seeing at UGA that they apparently are seeing elsewhere. And you can best believe that Kirby and his staff are concerned about it right now, whether we ever hear about it or not. Go Dawgs!

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    UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2022

    So in 1 post you have implied that Haynes has: bad hands, character and discipline issues, associated him with Zach Evans as a bad attitude recruit, not a "winner", and as the 22nd rated recruit in the cycle (Rivals) he is not a prized recruit.

    That's pretty harsh on a kid and unfair. And most of all unfounded. Can a poster be sued for slander? I believe Mr. Haynes would like to have a word with you.

    By all accounts Justice is a solid kid from a solid family. He IS prized by any program in the country. Say what you want but AL won over UGA here. For such a desperate program, by your admission, they certainly are stacking chips. LOL

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I believe the NIL deals absolutely play a role in these players decisions. Regardless of what side of the ball they play on. It’s the ole Instant Gratification thing. Doesn’t mean the player is a bad person, or has anything personal against UGA, just $$ in hand right from the start. Now I think it’s entirely possible that the early gratification could cost these kids heavily in the long run in terms of being better prepared at their position for the NFL. Also you might see some of these same kids hit the transfer portal later on when the luster of the NIL fades some and the reality of needing to be in top shape and preparation to make the NFL sets in. As fans we hope for and want guys that Really, Really WANT to be Dawgs. Loyalty is very important to most of us as fans. BUT the recruiting landscape has now forever changed with NIL deals. It is what it is. So Now all we can hope for is that UGA develops a greater and greater attraction for Businesses to want to offer NIL deals as the school can’t legally do it. Lastly there’s still Allot of time before Early Signing Day, NEVER count Kirby Smart out !! Need to win at the highest levels this team can produce this year, preferably another Natty, winning will bring Both Players and Businesses into the fold. Go Dawgs !!

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,443 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    MY speculation is no different than yours. All, completely unfounded...including the implication that Haynes was a "prized recruit". It's fodder for consideration.

    In fact, nobody knows why UGA didn't recruit him harder or why he elected to go to BAMA.

    Same thing happened with Will Anderson. Anderson wanted to go to UGA, but, Smart didn't have room for him on the roster and didn't offer him....so, he went to BAMA. Now, you might call that a loss for UGA recruiting. But, your arguments would fall on deaf ears after UGA had 8 defenders go in the last NFL Draft....5 of them 1st rounders. Could have been 7, if not for the Adam Anderson legal issue and the Nakobe Dean injury speculation.

    To call it a loss, to lose Haynes to BAMA, is putting the cart before the horse and a complete exaggeration. Nobody has a clue at this point, what Smart and Monkin have planned and prioritized, with regard to recruiting or offensive direction. You recruit the players to operate your offense, if you can. If you can't, you design your offense around the players you can get, which is basically what Monkin had to do in his first 2 years.

    It's obvious the Dawgs want speed and athleticism at RB. I.E., James Cook, Kenny McIntosh, and even Kendall Milton has shown signs of being targeted out of the backfield more. That's been their general direction since Monkin took over the offense.

    My speculation uses more logic than your emotional speculation. It's not personal. LOL

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,443 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    BTW, in case you missed what UGA is trying to do offensively...They're creating 1-on-1 mismatches by targeting TE's, RB's and WR's. Lining RB's out wide or putting them in motion, using multiple TE sets and using speed at the WR position (Arian Smith). At least, that's where they wanted to go, but, until this year, Monkin hasn't had the personnel to do everything he wants to do.

    In other words, I look for UGA's use of the RB, to drastically change this year and next. That's why I don't think Haynes fits in the mold and they only offered him because of his Dad. Which is fine, but, I don't think he wanted to accept that fate.

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    ColumbusDawgColumbusDawg Posts: 535 ✭✭✭✭ Senior
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    ColumbusDawgColumbusDawg Posts: 535 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    Kenny Chesney & David Lee Murphy singing- "Everythings gonna be alright". Media hypes up players for various reasons that the coaches aren't necessarily as hyped about. They sometimes are much more hyped about a 3-star under the radar player that the media brushes over, than a 4 or 5-star that is getting all the headlines. Thankful for that because they have proven they know what ALL they are looking for, will go hunting for it any and everywhere and they know when they see it and know when they don't. Don't EVER need to worry about RB at UGA either. OL more priority. Especially with transfer portal, if ever needed for RB at UGA other than injury or other attrition. Many of the best RB's in country would jump at chance to start for UGA. JUCO and FBS.

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    ftworthdawgftworthdawg Posts: 798 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    ****! Offensively, this has been a horrible recruiting cycle to date. The two recruits we went hardest for both rejected us.

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    UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2022

    Nothing "emotional" at all about my post. I just summarized what you said about a kid that you know nothing about. You implied all those things. You sound emotional and not objective about him rejecting UGA for AL. As usual not objective.

    As a top 25 rated recruit with 45 offers that sounds pretty "prized" to me. He certainly was prized by AL, proven to be the #1 recruiting team over the last 10 years.

    As for Will Anderson, everybody knows (well almost everybody LOL) that UGA recruited Nolan Smith, then the #1 overall recruit in the country, in '19 at the same position as Anderson in '20. UGA also recruited only 1 LB (Sherman) and 0 DE's in '20. So the position was stocked already by highly rated recruits. WAnderson saw that.

    Using Will Anderson as an example doesn't support your argument. It supports that 1) AL knows a prized recruit when it sees it and 2) AL can recognize a prized recruit apparently better than UGA can.

    "trying to do offensively"? Wrong again. '22 class RB's Paul and Robinson are both Milton/Chubb style bruisers with questionable receiving skills. Not exactly Cook types. If anything Haynes is a Cook type compared to the recent RB recruits UGA has secured. UGA has multiple RB's to fill multiple roles. Saying Haynes can't catch is so ridiculous considering his father's biggest play while at UGA was a reception!

    What you wrote tries to rationalize the rejection of UGA by a recruit with negativity and displays very little knowledge about football and what UGA is trying to do. Again, when you reach high school in a couple years, try to take some Logic classes (Physics is a good one. Follow the units) . They teach logical thinking and building facts to reach an accurate conclusion. Also try Statistics. It teaches probability. Probability is very useful in determining success based on facts and not emotion. LOL

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,443 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I know you think you've cornered the market on football IQ. What??? You coached a little league team or something? LOL. You have no idea who you're talking to or what my experience encompasses. I see where you've been down-voted 8 times on one post alone and multiple times on the rest. Get a clue. Nobody's pickin up what you're putting down and you don't know how to have a civilized debate.

    I didn't imply anything, I suggested them as possibilities. You inferred it. There are other possibilities I didn't mention, but, I'm not going to waste them on you.

    Watch the tape and review the kid's rating history. It speaks for itself. My only assertion was that he was NOT a "priority" or "prized" target.

    The season starts in just over a month...we'll see which one of knows what the hell they're talking about. Personally, I think you're just a BAMA or Gator troll that shows up from time-to-time to throw shade on UGA's program, in your not so subtle way with your half-baked ideas about how to run a football program better than the guys running it now. You're not as clever as you think you are. LOL

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    UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2022

    THIS is your "answer" to me refuting everything you said with facts and examples? Not a single thing to say other than a personal attack. Take your medicine and learn something son.

    "How to run a program better"? Never said anything of the sort. See that's what you do. When you get schooled you make up fantasy and then attribute it to someone else. Don't worry you'll grow out of it when you get to HS.

    I am not a fan of any CFB team except UGA. I just report objectively with facts and examples. Realistically. Some fans do not welcome a differing opinion supported so well. So be it.

    I have never stated I've "cornered the market on football IQ". It just seems that way to you because I have pointed out how little you know and corrected you so many times.

    My favorite is still when freshman CB Washington skipped his SR yr of HS and reclassified. I said UGA would be better this year if he stayed in HS (still at 87 scholarships needing 2 more players to transfer). You said he might be the next Kobe or LaBron (both played 4 yrs of HS ball BTW) or lastly another Derek Stingley (also 4 yrs of HS). Sure he COULD be. But that's not where the smart money is wagered. The probability (again a concept you lack any knowledge of) of Washington coming to UGA this season and being Kobe, LaBron or Stingley this year is extremely low. The probability is low that he does anything this year but RS.

    Although I may have a new favorite. Scout BigDawg61 says Haynes is not a prized recruit (with 45 offers and going to AL). Son of a man who was good enough to play 7 yrs in the NFL at the same position as the son who is considered better at the same age. You are clueless chief.

    But that's how you roll. With outlandish takes that display little knowledge, logic and probability for success.

    We will see this year. LOL

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    UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2022

    Oh BTW chief if you are still struggling with reading comprehension, everything I said in my post below yesterday (that was thumb downed 9 times) was the entire subject of the 7/18 Dawgnation Daily podcast today (you're welcome BA) and at least one other article by CR yesterday and MG today (recruiting losing momentum).

    Glad I can bring some knowledgeable football insight to you and this forum.

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,443 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Okay, let's do this..

    What is YOUR opinion? List the reasons that support it. Facts, as you say...not speculation or opinion...facts. Let's look at your opinion. I haven't seen it yet. Just a bunch of jibber jabber about my opinion that completely mischaracterizes everything I said. And you introducing your speculation and opinion as fact. That's what I see. But, go ahead, I may be wrong.

    You think changing context of my words is an opinion? Let's see what ya got Vern. I'm open to change my mind.

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,443 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    LMAO...Okay Captain Delusional. That means absolutely nothing to me. I don't always agree with those guys, either. They're good fans, but, not always on top of everything. You might want to visit some other sites around the SEC. You'll pick up information and perspective that Dawg Nation doesn't always provide.

    Anyway, let's see what ya got. Facts now.

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,443 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Honestly, I just read that post, and there was 8 down-votes when I posted, not 9. That being said, I'm sure you believe what you posted. And, I've heard similar opinions...I just don't agree with em. I guess you and I can just agree to disagree.

    Right now I'm busy cooking a 3" sirloin and 3" Ribeye on the grill, with bbq shrimp skewers. And, that takes priority. I think we can probably both agree on that. LOL

    We can discuss the fortunes of the Dawgs later. I'll let you know how it turns out. FACT: I'm using Oak and Mesquite. FACT: I seasoned it with butter, minced fresh garlic, coarse ground salt and pepper, and a dash of soy sauce. PROJECTION: This is gonna be good......LOL

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    UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2022

    Facts? What facts do you want? My post to you on Haynes was full of facts that refuted what you said.

    Haynes is prized. 45 offers. Check. Haynes is good and has the tools to be very good. 2nd gen RB w/NFL pedigree and elite HS stat's. Check. Haynes can catch. He is a very good all round player or he wouldn't get 45 offers. He may not need to catch but is as good a receiver/O fit as latest RB recruits Robinson and Paul. Check. Robinson and Paul running styles/size vs Haynes vs your "new" offensive philosophy fit observations. Check. AL recognizing "prized" recruits. Class rankings, players drafted, championships won. Check. Will Anderson example of AL recognizing prized recruits possibly better than UGA. Check.

    I called you out for implying some very questionable and negative things about a young man who, by all accounts, is a good kid and prized recruit. Your speculation and implications were unsupported. Nothing personal. I don't enjoy debating you when obviously we don't agree on much. A lot of fans bash recruits when they choose another team. The probability is that this kid will be a good CFB player and team representative. So, to me, this loss "stings". Again, "stings" is a word BA will use frequently in the 7/18 Dawgnation podcast when it posts.

    As for BA, CR and MG, they report on topics surrounding UGA football. They read (as do I) many articles, reports and opinions on the state of CFB and how UGA is being perceived. These things are being observed and questions asked nationally. Fans wearing rose colored glasses see what they want to see.

    I do think UGA will recruit well this year. They already are. I don't think UGA will have a top 5 class unless they pick up recruiting quickly, especially offensively, OR they finish with some big time closes and flips. All possible but still concerning now with the NIL wildcard changing the recruiting landscape.

    Enjoy your dinner. Sounds good. Sounds like you are a good chef, chief. We'll get you there in football too. Or continue to agree to disagree.

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,443 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Saying "he was prized", is not a"fact", oldboy...it's an opinion. It's subjective and not quantifiable. That's the kind of so-called "fact" I'm referring to.

    Fact....Will Anderson was not recruited or offered by UGA. Therefore, he wasn't prized by UGA.

    Fact...Haynes is only 5'10"/185-195lbs and not a speedster. That is NOT "having all the tools".

    Fact...he doesn't have film showing him catching the ball out of the backfield, making eye-catching blocks...or ANY blocks...and doesn't run over anybody, break tackles or any of the things you would expect to see from a "prized RB recruit".

    Fact...he has good vision, but, doesn't have the speed to take full advantage.

    Fact...he's a good back, but there are more than 3 dozen backs in HS Football...throughout the Country... that could've accomplished the same thing he did in the backfield he ran out of, behind the line that blocked for him, against the competition they played against.

    Again...now READ CAREFULLY...I didn't "imply" anything specificically. I suggested possible reasons. You chose to infer that I was making those accusations. There are more reasons to consider, but, we'll probably never know one way or the other.

    Water under the bridge. Who cares? LOL. UGA has 5 backs now that are as good or better.

    Go ahead and take time to get a dictionary and look up the meaning of the words regarding implication, inference and speculation. Oh yeah, and don't leave out the word..."fact". You seem to have a loose grip on those words. LOL

    Yes, UGA will do fine. Especially at RB. Wish Haynes was going to be a Dawg, but, I smell a reason here that isn't obvious. My instincts are usually right. Just sayin'. That's why I threw out several possibilities. One I didn't mention, cause it's a long shot, is that Mcgee suggested he attend BAMA till Saban retires...this year or next...get some experience, which he won't get, at UGA. They're too top heavy in the RB room. THEN....Transfer back to UGA in a couple of years to finish out his College career.

    BTW...The steak is killer. LOL

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    zonadawg61zonadawg61 Posts: 425 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    Grown men (supposedly) arguing about a high school recruit looks about as ridiculous as it sounds. That said, BigDawg61 at least is civil about it and is a true Dawg. UGADad is, and always has been, an abrasive stir the pot kind of guy. The definition of a troll.

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