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COVID-19 Check-in



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    pocoyopocoyo Posts: 2,573 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Have a good trip. On the plane, practice ending every sentence with "eh?".

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    MarkBoknechtMarkBoknecht Posts: 1,571 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited March 2020

    Originating from Chicago-NW Indiana, I've spent a lot of time in neighboring Wisconsin. Many great memories fishing in Land O' Lakes Vilas County. My brother actually moved there from Duluth, Ga in 2013. I thought he was crazy. First winter they had easily, 30 mornings of atleast -20.

    The only problem is all that water. Minnesota too. This is the time of the year when the mosquitoes come out in force. I'm talking swarms. Make sure to wear long-sleeves and have plent of bug repellant.

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    Canedawg2140Canedawg2140 Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    You do you, Kasey! Hope you find a peaceful landing spot with no virus.

    Calm, beautiful morning again in the Upstate of SC. Our bible fellowship class met together this morning on Zoom, and one of our members works in a doctor's office. Interesting to hear from someone on the "front lines" of this thing. Lots of impatience. Lots of people with symptoms who are sent home to ride it out. Very few sent on to the hospital. Not life threatening for most, but really s.ucks for a lot of them - just a bad ride for several days. Not overwhelming here yet, but definitely a change in the "normal." For an industry built on regulations, normalcy for the most part, and following procedures based on percentages - this wave of unpredictable, completely new situations is hard on everyone, exhausting and frustrating.

    Still not a lot of confirmed cases around here. Just a different world from what I am seeing on TV in other parts of our country. Our wave will come - hopefully it will be a smaller wave than in other locations. Praying for everyone. Hoping for the best! Stay safe!

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    DirtDawgDirtDawg Posts: 532 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
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    DirtDawgDirtDawg Posts: 532 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    There's a Clemson flag by a mailbox near my house. Up until about a month ago, I would think unkind thoughts when driving by it. Now I just hope they're doing alright. I hope your mom is ok, too. Have a safe trip.

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    ghostofuga1ghostofuga1 Posts: 9,051 mod

    @Kasey did you make it to Minisoda OK?

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    KaseyKasey Posts: 28,984 mod

    Yep. Driving on the interstate with snow on the ground. Gonna be staying in a town of like 2.5k. Like a smaller Winder

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    ghostofuga1ghostofuga1 Posts: 9,051 mod

    Smile Brother, Smile. I bet you feel like a a lot has been lifted off your shoulders. Enjoy the fresh air 😉

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    KaseyKasey Posts: 28,984 mod

    Oh eyes I’m gonna try to enjoy it. We can still walk around town which will be nice

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    pocoyopocoyo Posts: 2,573 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
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    ghostofuga1ghostofuga1 Posts: 9,051 mod

    Must watch Kasey...once you get settled in...or maybe before...

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    CaliforniaDawgCaliforniaDawg Posts: 674 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Here's my predictions about Covid-19. Usually I have posted info and graphs and data. This is pure specuation. This is for discussion only, post what you agree or disagree with, but please don't flame me.

    • By the end of 2020, the US will have 500% more cases than whatever country is #2 for the most number of cases. We became #1 I think Thursday and we are already have 150% of the numbers for the #2 country. This is not a good prediction. It will take a massive toll on our health care system and our economy that we have so many other cases than other countries in the world.
    • Three African/South Asian /South Americancountries not on the current list of the top ten countries with the most caes will join the list and as Covid19 rips through developing nations it is going to be deadly and create unrest and chaos. This will be the next wave of Covid-19's impact.
    • In 2021 (if not 2020), China will surpass the United States as the largest economy in the world. Not because of trade issues, but because they have successfully contained Covid-19 and are moving on and restoring their economy
    • We humans are in an arms race with a virus. Mammals have double stranded DNA, whcich mutates slowly, but we have incredible intelligence and technology. Covid-19 is single stranded RNA that can mutate very quickly and evolve rapidly. This is why we have to get a flu shot each year because Flu strains evolve so much from one season to the next that last year's vaccine is no longer effective against this year's flu strains. But with Covid-19 being more deadly, it only needs a small amount of evolution in its RO (spread of transmission) or incubation latency or deadliness for its impact to be 10 to 100 times greater in a future year than in 2020.
    • There will be a college football season in 2020, but it might get cut short if a new strain of Covid-19 starts spreading as the weather gets cold.
    • The number of unemployment claims will be higher next month than the massive record we just had and we will experience the worst economic year in 2020 than any year since the Great Depression in the 1930s. Unemployment will reach 10% by the end of 2020.
    • But it's not all bad. Part of the downturn isn't just going down, but a major realignment and a period of rapid change, which is hard in the short-term but not all bad in the long-term. Some companies and industries, like Amazon, Walmar, grocery store chains, online video conferencing, gun manufacturers, solar and battery storage companies and 3M are going to post huge revenue/profit numbers and others like the airlines, restaurant groups, theaters, amusement parks and others will post massive losses and/or see consolidation and/or reduction of companies/revenue for the sector. Can Americans looking for employment find jobs in other sectors quickly enough?
    • Public schools, sadly, will be slow to adapt to changing times. Right now, they are assigning work for students while private schools are doing online classes. My kids are in public school and this frustrates me. Fortunately, I used to teach in a public high school and so I am able to create lessons for my kids, but most kids don't have these opportunities. My prediction is that public school never adapts to the realities of Covid-19 and that is scary.
    • There are going to be some centers of significant violence, starvation and unrest around the world, but I doubt it will be in the US - at least not now.
    • Many Americans, myself included, have grown soft and are not self-sufficient. I am dependent on the grocery store and I haven't been doing things I can and should be doing myself around the house. I hate to admit these things, but it's true. I'm not a general contractor, but in the past three weeks I have completed some pretty significant electrical and carpentry projects around the house and sewn some articles of clothing, but man my stitching is horrible. I also used to be a good enough hunter that I used to upset my friends about an hour southeast of Macon who couldn't understand how a city boy from Atlanta could get through the woods so fast, be such a good shot and track deer without dogs. But, it has been over a decade since I have used these skills at all and they are very rusty. Very. That too I'm addressing. Adversity creates strength and while I don't wish adversity upon us, I also am glad about the strength and self-sufficiency it will foster in many of us and this is a positive. I think we will focus as a nation more on self-reliance than indulgence and this is good.
    • I also am glad to be spending more time with my family and valuing them. Too often in our world, we (and by we I mean I) have paid lipservice to family. But for the past three weeks, we have spent a lot more time together, talking together, reading together, discussing together, played a lot more family games, etc. I think going forward, America will remember the value of family and not having work come first and this will be good for our country.

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    razorachillesrazorachilles Posts: 1,273 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Thanks for posting these thoughts, @CaliforniaDawg and not looking to flame: on your first bullet re: total # of US cases being 500% more than other countries...do you mean total cases or total confirmed (tested) cases?

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    CaliforniaDawgCaliforniaDawg Posts: 674 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @Kasey actually, most of China's economy is now service based, much like ours. Their exposure to exports is smaller than we realize but their economy wasnt much affected by the tariffs

    @razorachilles i was using Hopkins data, I think its confirmed cases

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    razorachillesrazorachilles Posts: 1,273 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @CaliforniaDawg - thanks for clarifying...the data on the Johns Hopkins site is confirmed (tested) cases, but CDC and WHO confirm that actual cases are likely significantly higher.

    I don't have enough info to attempt to make a guess on which country will finish with the most cases that were confirmed via test, but I'm skeptical that the US will be the highest.

    I found this U.K. article very interesting in terms of how conclusions on data early on in the outbreak - which then become the basis for future predictions - and how calculating mortality rates based only on reported cases may not necessarily be the best approach:

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