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COVID-19 Check-in



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    Canedawg2140Canedawg2140 Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited May 2020

    And there is the great debate, the great divide, the point we could all discuss forever:

    Some of us believe that most of the responsibility falls on the individual or private industry, with as little govn. interaction as possible. Some of us believe that it is government first, with private industry and the individual to do their part in the puzzle. Some believe in fed government first, then the state, then the county. Some believe the order is the exact opposite.

    Of course, the answer is in the middle. Where in the middle? Well, that has been debated for 250 years. When that debate is less "us" and more "we," America tends to thrive.

    And it's the media's job to remain neutral. Media is actually supposed to be a job of SERVICE, not self-serving. And they SUC.K at that. They FAIL at that. And we all suffer.

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    RedDawgRedDawg Posts: 952 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I just want a beer on draft with a game on TV and a hot meal handed to me that I didnt prepare nor have to clean up.... Some day soon I hope.

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    CaliforniaDawgCaliforniaDawg Posts: 674 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I am right there with you. I so miss some of what we took for granted just a few months ago.

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    CondorFactsCondorFacts Posts: 162 ✭✭✭ Junior

    We have continued to enjoy meals at most of our favorite places. Just, to go.

    Also, curbside pickup at places like Dick's has been really great. Would love to see this practice become the norm. Hit the button to let down the tailgate, open the back glass to say thanks and you're off.

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    Canedawg2140Canedawg2140 Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Picked up something from Academy this way not long ago. Hit the link on my phone, and 3 minutes later they brought me my stuff... I almost felt bad...

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    CaliforniaDawgCaliforniaDawg Posts: 674 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I am posting a link to a left-leaning source that I think every conservative on here will want to read.

    I have said a few things on here that I want to live by:

    • leaders of both parties have done and have not done a good job responding to Covid10
    • use the data not what one says on TV to judge their leadership
    • we should hold all leaders accountable and not engage in tribalism defending "our side" and calling the "other side" traitors.

    I have for a long time wondered why New York had a higher number of cases than any other state and especially a place like California. Both states have big populations with big metropolitan areas with lots of international flights. I haven't said anything about Cuomo because I didn't have enough information. But now I do. I think it is quite clear that Cuomo did not take Covid19 seriously at first, minimized it's impact, said it would go away and said it woudn't affect most people. Cuomo, like Trump, changed his tune and took Covid19 seriously, but in the critical early days, Cuomo delayed our response and caused New Yorkers to lose their lives unnecessarily.

    I believe it is super important to use data to form our opinions about how leaders serve or don't serve us. Guys like DeWine in Ohio or Wolf in Pennsylvania aren't loudmouths and don't get the attention other politicans do. But they, like many of our quieter forefathers, just go about their business analytically and effectively.

    I think Covid19 exposes real from fake leadership and those who are fake are getting exposed - on both sides fo the aisle. Cuomo pretends to be a great Covid19 leader, but the data says otherwise. The data says Cuomo failed New Yorkers.

    I also want to say something. I think most folks on this forum are conservative and it will be easy for you to agree with this post because I am criticizing a democratic politician. If I posted this exact same post about a conservative politician, I would get DV'd and argued with about how unfair and biased I was. We need to be able to see that liberal and conservative leaders have failed us with Covid19 and we need to be able to point this out using evidence without it being politically motivated. My hope, probably naive, is that we can leave any left or right leaning aside when we come to this thread and just be Americans.

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    GrayDawgGrayDawg Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Good post. I'll say this, Cuomo shouldn't be hung out to dry just yet. The study claims 17,000 live could've been saved with faster reaction from Cuomo, but how did they get that number? From what I've been hearing, the countries that shut down saw similar results to the countries that didn't. Who really knows if lives would've been saved if Cuomo shut it down sooner? What assumptions are being made?

    If I'm a politician, I have no issues using this study to sacrifice a rook (Cuomo) if it later gave me a legit shot to take out the queen (Trump is kind of a diva). Feels dirty.

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    Canedawg2140Canedawg2140 Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited May 2020

    Erbody made mistakes. Let's not make them twice. The guy in California (D) and the guy in Ohio (R) made early calls. We're they the right ones? Well, I don't believe this "study" any more than I do the 38 others that have turned out to be bogus. So I can't make a call on right or wrong yet. Probably can't make a responsible one for years.

    These reports today that say tens of thousands of people WOULD have been saved are another example of people claiming to KNOW stuff that's a guess at best. I feel like I can say that because - again - they have been wrong all the time.

    And Cali, you aren't giving most of us enough credit when it comes to your DV assumptions...

    Personally, I think I would qualify as conservative to a lot of people. I dang sure wouldn't describe myself as a republican. There's a gap there that's getting bigger by the day...

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    Denmen185Denmen185 Posts: 7,425 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Greece has 168 deaths as of today with a population of 10.4 million. That's 16 deaths per million compared with 291 per million for the US and 560+ for the UK

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    YaleDawgYaleDawg Posts: 7,130 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Sweden had a soft lockdown and they are projected to have just as severe economic downturn as the rest of Europe. Meaning their 4 to 8 times higher death rate compared to neighboring countries was for nothing.

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    GrayDawgGrayDawg Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Can that be attributed to the lockdown/lack of lockdown? Or is that just the convenient answer? Serious questions.

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    YaleDawgYaleDawg Posts: 7,130 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited May 2020

    Sweden has a much higher per capita death rate compared to neighboring countries as well as most of Europe with the biggest difference being the lockdown methods, so it's the most logical answer. I haven't found any underlying differences between Sweden and it's neighbors that would account for such a huge difference. Add in that they aren't going to see any economic benefit in exchange for more deaths as well as still being well below the herd immunity threshold in Stockholm, you'd have to say their approach has failed.

    Edit: this isn't an argument against reopening, but I think it justifies measures that were implemented in March. We can reopen as long it's done safely. Infections on the decline, sufficient testing surveillance, contact tracing programs in place, wear masks and continue physical distancing and much as possible.

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    YaleDawgYaleDawg Posts: 7,130 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited May 2020

    Latest on vaccine development.

    Tldr; it's possible for vaccines to produce neutralizing antibodies in humans, but we don't know if the levels produced are high enough to grant protection.

    @razorachilles any updates on this?

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    YaleDawgYaleDawg Posts: 7,130 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
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    CaliforniaDawgCaliforniaDawg Posts: 674 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate


    I talk to folks in Sweden almost every day for my work. I have a boat sitting in Sweden that I am trying to get over here to the US.

    What they are telling me is that at first they only tested those sick enough to go to the hospital. Then the virus spread without people realizing how far it had spread until it was everywhere in the country and harder to deal with . They say the challenge is that most people have elderly relatives living with them and that when anyone who goes out gets it, they bring it back to elderly family members.

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    BobcatGradBobcatGrad Posts: 1,593 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Now that it is warm and humid, the Virginia Gov stated at his press conference today he will announce a new policy next Tuesday requiring everyone to wear a mask in all public areas for the entire Commonwealth of Virginia.

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