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COVID-19 Check-in 2.0



  • christopheruleschristopherules Posts: 15,788 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Dawg gone it, a freaking DV is not a discussion y'all!!! @texdawg has a really well thought out, insightful, and most sincere post IMO, and someone here DV'ed it???? WHY?????? Come on, and let's all try to talk to each other please.

  • GeorgiaGirlGeorgiaGirl Posts: 1,854 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    My guess if it's not the serial downvoter is it's still considering how Euro countries fully shut down for months outside of basic needs (going even farther than the US did) and at least for now have eradicated the virus to almost nothing, so why can't the US be selfless and do a full on shut down until the curve is crushed.

    I'd hold on on taking my victory lap here though. Areas that have been praised for their speed and strictness in making moves have begun to get hit (hasn't just been California, it's also apparently been Israel).

    The cat has long left the bag, but your real answer for a country as big as ours might have just been 3 things, building more infrastructure during the spring while you stay in what was a soft lockdown until it's completed, washing your hands and wearing a mask where it's needed, and protecting the weaker.

  • BankwalkerBankwalker Posts: 5,348 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    It could go away without a vaccine. We don’t see Sars. H1N1 is still around but not very prevalent.

    If 10% have already been infected, and 34% have helper t cell response, and 25% (<17) aren’t affected then in theory....this could go the way of previous coronaviruses.

  • CondorFactsCondorFacts Posts: 162 ✭✭✭ Junior

    To clarify, you believe the virus (severity/spread) is worse than you expected, the results are worse than you expected because of our poor response, or both?

  • texdawgtexdawg Posts: 11,581 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    All good points.... but the US isn't Europe. Italy can shut down and self contain it's tiny little country......the US is massive.

    And what makes this country so great is what makes it vulnerable to a virus like this.

    Like it or not ......a certain portion of our citizens won't quarantine.

    How does anyone realistically believe that this country can be shut down?

  • dawgnmsdawgnms Posts: 5,270 mod

    OK ya all one last time this thread is not about down votes or whom or who gives them or gets them. Just move on and stick to the discussion, if not then I will give you 3 guesses as to what is going to happen next and the first 2 don't count.

    This is the last warning...……...

  • texdawgtexdawg Posts: 11,581 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    What % of the population is most likely to never catch Covid......regardless of exposure?

    I'm not suggesting I could never catch it.

    I'm not suggesting I could never catch the flu.

    Certainly not suggesting that.

    But I have never in my entire life had the flu.

    Hard to believe but my wife has never had the flu.

    And my kids have never had the flu. Ever.

    My son is now a sophomore and he has never missed school due to illness.

    (Of course we'll all get the flu this year)

    My family does get the flu shot.....I never have.

  • BankwalkerBankwalker Posts: 5,348 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Worse is disingenuous.

    2,000,000 were going to die.

    If Faucci had told the country back in Feb:

    1). Hardly anyone under the age of 30 will be affected at all

    2) A large segment of the population may already have an immune response from previous coronaviruses

    3). most people who get it won’t experience any symptoms, those under age 50 will likely experience moderate flu like symptoms

    4) only 6% of fatalities from the virus will be in healthy people

    5). Those over 65 and with comorbidities will be hardest hit with a possible death toll of 300,000 over a year’s time.

    If that had been the narrative, then I guarantee the public would have REVOLTED before they allowed the Govt to bring financial ruin to the economy and millions of people. Most elderly people I know do NOT agree with shutting down the country.

    We never closed for H1N1 and they were certain more than 300k were going to die.

  • YaleDawgYaleDawg Posts: 7,171 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @texdawg it's a mixture. Mostly our poor response. I never thought we'd have this many deaths with all the resources at our disposal. As far as the virus I didn't know it was going to cause so many debilitating chronic issues. Brain, heart, lung, and kidney damage are all things that are being seen in survivors. It's not all about the deaths but even that is high.

  • Denmen185Denmen185 Posts: 7,456 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2020

    A few things

    1. They were late in shutting down as a region ( it was a 75%, 50%, 25%, 0% progression if you recall) so the virus had grown too far before the shut-down occurred. This was in part due being blind-sided by having the testing protocol focused on China rather than Europe.
    2. Because they were early as the gateway to/from Europe the level of testing wasn't available at the outset making it difficult to get a handle on the growth. By mid April NY, NJ and Mass had %Pos 41, 49 and 23% indicating that the speed of the spread due to population density in that area had gotten away from them.
    3. Because they were the first to have major spread and have now brought it way down they are basically at the end of the first wave, As I said earlier, it should be expected that those regions/countries that have completed the cycle will have higher deaths than those that are on the up slope. The NE is more akin to Europe in that regard than areas in the south that just recently saw their surge.
    4. Being the first to hit the spike(s) the treatment was not as good as it is today because nobody knew what to do and learned as they were going along.

    Bit repetitive but hopefully you get the drift. We were basically unprepared and as with any surprise attack the forward troops take the heaviest casualties.

    EDIT Sorry should have added that the population density is also more akin to Europe. For example the UK has a population of 68 million but is only half the size of Texas.

  • texdawgtexdawg Posts: 11,581 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Thank you for the response @YaleDawg but this is the question I am most interested in.

    I'm genuinely interested in what you and @Denmen185 say about this.

    I am obviously not an expert.

  • BankwalkerBankwalker Posts: 5,348 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I agree with your points. I just don’t think they ever contained it. That’s not on their leadership. I just never believed they could contain it. Cuomo himself said 60% percent of their infections came while in quarantine.

    We’ll know soon enough. I’m hopeful it spread so quickly that there won’t be a second wave. The idea that they have somehow “eradicated” the virus is foolhardy.

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